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Last active January 29, 2019 19:35
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  • Save lmorchard/399c8220141ec98c35ed64b06b634ecd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lmorchard/399c8220141ec98c35ed64b06b634ecd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Use AutoHotKey to move an OBS display capture source around to track the current window
SetBatchLines, -1
#Include ./WebSocket.ahk
sceneName := "Show desktop follow"
sourceName := "Desktop"
scale := 0.75
sourceWidth := 1455
sourceHeight := 1080
; TODO: This number mostly works to fix a bug with switching scale calculation
; for tall vs wide windows - but I don't know why. Figure out why.
winHeightFudge := 350
obs := new WebSocket("ws://")
SetTimer, CheckMouseRegion, 250
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
SysGet mon, Monitor
WinGetPos, xpos, ypos, winWidth, winHeight, A
; Skip if window is off the main monitor
if (xpos >= monRight or ypos >= monBottom)
; Skip if none of the window parameters changed
if ((xpos = wasXpos)
and (ypos = wasYpos)
and (winWidth = wasWinWidth)
and (winHeight = wasWinHeight)) {
if (winWidth <= winHeight + winHeightFudge) {
scale := (sourceHeight / winHeight)
} else {
scale := (sourceWidth / winWidth)
sourceX := (sourceWidth / 2) - ((xpos + ((winWidth) / 2)) * scale)
sourceY := (sourceHeight / 2) - ((ypos + ((winHeight) / 2)) * scale)
; FIXME: Maybe the message-id here should be unique and not always "foo"?
message =
"message-id": "foo",
"request-type": "SetSceneItemProperties",
"scene-name": "%sceneName%",
"item": "%sourceName%",
"position": { "x": %sourceX%, "y": %sourceY% },
"scale": { "x": %scale%, "y": %scale% }
wasXpos := xpos
wasYpos := ypos
wasWinWidth := winWidth
wasWinHeight := winHeight
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