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Created January 14, 2018 02:21
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BitcoinFees for Azure Functions and Slack Bot Integration
# Christopher Jackson
# Generate a range of Bitcoin Transaction fees based on speed
# 1/7/2018
$satoshi = 0.00000001
$size = 226
$btcprice = 16750
$json = $(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$fees = $json.fees
$length = $($fees | Where maxMinutes -lt 10000).Length
$very_slow = $fees | Where maxMinutes -lt 10000 | Select -First 3 | Sort-Object -Property maxMinutes -Unique -Descending
$slow = $fees | Where maxMinutes -lt 10000 | Select -Skip $($length * 0.2) -First 3 | Sort-Object -Property maxMinutes -Unique -Descending
$medium = $fees | Where maxMinutes -lt 10000 | Select -Skip $($length * 0.5) -First 3 | Sort-Object -Property maxMinutes -Unique -Descending
$fast = $fees | Where maxMinutes -lt 10000 | Select -Skip 6 -Last 3 | Sort-Object -Property maxMinutes -Unique -Descending
# Speed Network Fee (BTC) Network Fee (USD) Wait time (Hours)
$Result = ForEach ($speed in @($very_slow, $slow, $medium, $fast)) {
ForEach ($s in $speed) {
$s | Select @{N="Network Fee (BTC)";E={"{0:N7}" -f $($s.maxFee * $size * $satoshi)}},
@{N="Network Fee (USD)";E={"{0:C2}" -f $($s.maxFee * $size * $satoshi * $btcprice)}},
@{N="Wait Time (Hours)";E={"{0:N1}" -f ($s.maxMinutes / 60)}}
$request = Get-Content $req -Raw
$request -match "user_name=(\w+)"
$user = $Matches[0]
$user = $user.Split("=")[1]
$body = "{""response_type"": ""in_channel"",""text"":""``````$($Result | Out-String)```````nGood luck @$user""}"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri<your service key> -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" -Body $body -UseBasicParsing
#Out-File -Encoding Ascii -FilePath $res -inputObject "$($Result | Out-String)"
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