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Created September 8, 2019 21:45
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pyqt widget class for making a thumbnail selector. a user can select thumbnail images that are imported from a photo album folder.
## Widget for selecting an image in the directory to display
## Makes a vertical scrollable widget with selectable image thumbnails
class ImageFileSelector(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None, album_path='', display_image=None):
QWidget.__init__(self, parent=parent)
self.display_image = display_image
self.grid_layout = QGridLayout(self)
## Get all the image files in the directory
files = [f for f in listdir(album_path) if isfile(join(album_path, f))]
row_in_grid_layout = 0
first_img_file_path = ''
## Render a thumbnail in the widget for every image in the directory
for file_name in files:
if filename_has_image_extension(file_name) is False: continue
img_label = QLabel()
text_label = QLabel()
file_path = album_path + file_name
pixmap = QPixmap(file_path)
pixmap = pixmap.scaled(\
QSize(100, 100), \
Qt.KeepAspectRatio, \
img_label.mousePressEvent = \
lambda e, \
index=row_in_grid_layout, \
file_path=file_path: \
self.on_thumbnail_click(e, index, file_path)
text_label.mousePressEvent = img_label.mousePressEvent
thumbnail = QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout.TopToBottom)
self.grid_layout.addLayout( \
thumbnail, row_in_grid_layout, 0, Qt.AlignCenter)
if row_in_grid_layout == 0: first_img_file_path = file_path
row_in_grid_layout += 1
## Automatically select the first file in the list during init
self.on_thumbnail_click(None, 0, first_img_file_path)
def on_thumbnail_click(self, event, index, img_file_path):
## Deselect all thumbnails in the image selector
for text_label_index in range(len(self.grid_layout)):
text_label = self.grid_layout.itemAtPosition(text_label_index, 0)\
## Select the single clicked thumbnail
text_label_of_thumbnail = self.grid_layout.itemAtPosition(index, 0)\
## Update the display's image
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