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Last active May 18, 2021 19:40
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Implementation of the Saviztky-Golay filter in julia version 1.0 or later. Adapted from:
Polynomial smoothing with the Savitzky Golay filters. Adapted for julia >= 1.0.
Requires LinearAlgebra and DSP modules loaded.
function savitzkyGolay(x::Vector, windowSize::Int, polyOrder::Int; deriv::Int=0)
isodd(windowSize) || throw("Window size must be an odd integer.")
polyOrder < windowSize || throw("Polynomial order must me less than window size.")
halfWindow = Int( ceil((windowSize-1)/2) )
# Setup the S matrix of basis vectors
S = zeros.(windowSize, polyOrder+1)
for ct = 0:polyOrder
S[:,ct+1] = (-halfWindow:halfWindow).^(ct)
## Compute the filter coefficients for all orders
# From the scipy code it seems pinv(S) and taking rows should be enough
G = S * pinv(S' * S)
# Slice out the derivative order we want
filterCoeffs = G[:, deriv+1] * factorial(deriv)
# Pad the signal with the endpoints and convolve with filter
paddedX = [x[1]*ones(halfWindow); x; x[end]*ones(halfWindow)]
y = conv(filterCoeffs[end:-1:1], paddedX)
# Return the valid midsection
return y[2*halfWindow+1:end-2*halfWindow]
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The result from this function is not entirely correct. As someone else posted on StackOverflow, e.g


The expected values are exactly x, but the Julia results are not.

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Can you provide the SO link please. Also, could you submit an issue here. Thanks for reporting.

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You could also check this implementation to check.

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Note that the values at the edges are actually not handled correctly.

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Note that the values at the edges are actually not handled correctly.

Yes, exactly. I will submit an issue.

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There is a standalone package for the Savitzky-Golay filter: check SavitzkyGolay.jl

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Thank you for making this small package!

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