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Created August 20, 2014 12:19
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Calculate irish net income
Tax Income
20% up to 32,800€
41% above 32,800€
Universal Social Charge (USC)
2% first 10,036€
4% next 5,980€
7% on balance
Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI)
4% Class A1
require "csv"
require "awesome_print"
def calculate_income_tax(income)
tax_break_point = 32800
lower_rate = tax_break_point*0.2
high_rate = (income - tax_break_point) * 0.41
tax_credits = 3300
net_tax = lower_rate + high_rate - tax_credits
def calculate_prsi(income)
income * 0.04
def calculate_usc(income)
breaking_point_1 = 10036
breaking_point_2 = 5980
first = breaking_point_1 * 0.02
second = breaking_point_2 * 0.04
third = first + second + (income - breaking_point_1 - breaking_point_2) * 0.07
def calculate_net_income(income)
income_tax = calculate_income_tax(income)
prsi = calculate_prsi(income)
usc = calculate_usc(income)
net_income = income - (income_tax + prsi + usc)
tax = {
:income_tax => income_tax,
:prsi => prsi,
:usc => usc,
:annual_net_income => net_income,
:monthly_net_income => (net_income / 12).round(2)
increase_vs_last = 0
total_increase_vs_first = 0
start_income = 40000
end_income = 55000
start_monthly_income = calculate_net_income(start_income)[:monthly_net_income]
last_monthly_income = start_monthly_income
results = []
(start_income..end_income).step(500).to_a.each do |value|
net = calculate_net_income(value)
pension = (0.05 * value / 12).round(2)
increase_vs_last = net[:monthly_net_income] - last_monthly_income
increase_vs_first = net[:monthly_net_income] - start_monthly_income
last_monthly_income = net[:monthly_net_income]
:gross_income => value,
:income_tax => net[:income_tax],
:prsi => net[:prsi],
:usc => net[:usc],
:monthly_net_income => net[:monthly_net_income],
:monthly_pension => pension,
:monthly_net_income_after_pension => net[:monthly_net_income] - pension,
:increase_vs_last => increase_vs_last,
:increase_vs_first => increase_vs_first
end"data.csv", "wb") do |csv|
csv << results[0].keys
results.each do |hash|
csv << hash.values
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