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Last active August 9, 2017 08:05
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Client / server communication

Server API requirements

Security considerations

HTTP requests

The following table summarizes standard HTTP REST requests (as per RFC7231):

HTTP VerbClient intentionHTTP StatusHTTP Status
POSTcreate a new resource201 & redirect400 / 403 / 404
PUTupdate an existing resource200 / 204400 / 403 / 404 / 409
GETread an existing resource200400 / 403 / 404
DELETEdelete an existing resource200 / 204400 / 403 / 404 / 409

Server routes

POST /users/login

emailYUser’s registered email address
passYUser password

Requires authentication: NO

Description: Attempts to authenticate user based on given credentials.


{"status": "ok"}
{"status": "error"}

Clientside SPA routes

Route: /login

  • Displays login dialog
  • HTTP POST credentials to server /login route
  • Redirects to SPA main page

Route: /media/:media_id

media_idUUIDMedia asset ID
  • Retrieves media asset from server
  • Displays media asset
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Author{{{author}}} ({{{email}}})
Date{{{time(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)}}}
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