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Created February 11, 2019 00:23
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Simple tool that calculates the max flow in an undirected graph
class Graph(object):
def __init__(self, nodes):
self.nodes = list(nodes)
self.edges = dict((n, dict()) for n in nodes)
def add_edge(self, a, b, w):
if a in self.nodes:
self.edges[a][b] = w
self.edges[a] = {b: w}
def update_edge(self, a, b, d):
if a not in self.nodes:
self.edges[a] = dict()
if b in self.edges[a]:
self.edges[a][b] += d
self.edges[a][b] = d
def graphviz(self):
print('digraph G {')
for i in self.edges:
for j in self.edges[i]:
print('"%s" -> "%s" [label="%d"];' % (i, j, self.edges[i][j]))
def bfs(self, s, t):
parent = dict()
visited = set([s])
queue = [s]
while queue:
a = queue.pop()
for b in self.edges[a]:
if b not in visited and self.edges[a][b] > 0:
parent[b] = a
return (t in visited), parent
def max_flow(self, s, t):
residual = Graph(self.nodes)
for a in self.nodes:
for b in self.edges[a]:
residual.add_edge(a, b, self.edges[a][b])
flow = 0
path, parent = residual.bfs(s, t)
while path:
path_flow = float("Inf")
a = t
while a != s:
path_flow = min(path_flow, residual.edges[parent[a]][a])
a = parent[a]
flow += path_flow
b = t
while b != s:
a = parent[b]
residual.update_edge(a, b, -path_flow)
residual.update_edge(b, a, path_flow)
b = a
path, parent = residual.bfs(s, t)
return flow
tn = int(input())
for t in range(1, tn+1):
n, m = [int(k) for k in input().split()]
source, sink = str(1), str(n)
g = Graph(range(1, n+1))
for i in range(m):
a, b, w = [k for k in input().split()]
w = int(w)
c = '%s+%s' % (a, b)
g.update_edge(a, c, w)
g.update_edge(c, b, w)
g.update_edge(b, a, w)
max_flow = g.max_flow(source, sink)
if max_flow == 0:
print('Case %d: impossible' % t)
print('Case %d: %d' % (t, max_flow))
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