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Bruno Queiros lnxslck

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lnxslck / chatgpt_finances
Created April 13, 2023 22:10
ChatGPT prompts for Finances
# Get stocks that pay dividends in a way to receive dividends every month
give me a list of companies that pay quarterly dividends, structured in a way that would allow me to receive dividends at least once a month
lnxslck /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11 — forked from ruario/

Disclaimer: I wrote this script for my own personal usage. It is not officially supported by Opera Software.

Whilst Opera currently only provide .deb packages, it is possible to install Opera on different distros. This install script automates the process.

If you don't already have the script, fetch it like so:

git clone

To install the latest stable release, issue: