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Last active May 19, 2024 09:17
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from typing import Any, ClassVar, Generator, Generic, List, Optional, TypeVar, overload
from unittest.mock import sentinel
EntityType = TypeVar("EntityType", bound="ChainObject[Any]")
class ChainObject(Generic[EntityType]):
__chain_root__: ClassVar[bool] = False
__entity: EntityType = UNSET_ENTITY
__sub_name: ClassVar[str]
name: str
head: Optional[EntityType]
tail: List[EntityType]
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
if cls.__entity is UNSET_ENTITY:
cls.__entity = cls
cls.__sub_name = kwargs.pop("sub_name", cls.__name__.lower())
def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: = hex(id(self)) if name is None else name
self.head = None
self.tail = []
def __repr__(self) -> str:
fields = [f"name={!r}"]
if self.tail:
fields_sting = ", ".join(fields)
return f"{type(self).__name__}({fields_sting})"
def __str__(self) -> str:
fields = [f"name={!r}"]
if self.head:
fields_sting = ", ".join(fields)
return f"{type(self).__name__}({fields_sting})"
def chain_head(self: EntityType) -> Generator[EntityType, None, None]:
entity: Optional[EntityType] = self
while entity:
yield entity
entity = entity.head
def chain_tail(self: EntityType) -> Generator[EntityType, None, None]:
yield self
for entity in self.tail:
yield from entity.chain_tail
def include(self: EntityType, entity: EntityType, /) -> EntityType: ... # type: ignore[overload-overlap]
def include(self: EntityType, *entities: EntityType) -> None: ...
def include(self: EntityType, *entities: EntityType) -> Optional[EntityType]:
if not entities:
raise ValueError(
f"At least one {self.__sub_name} must be provided to include.",
for entity in entities:
if not isinstance(entity, self.__entity):
raise TypeError(
f"The {self.__sub_name} must be an instance of "
f"{self.__entity.__name__}, not a {type(entity).__name__}.",
entity._chain_bind(entity=self) # noqa: SLF001
return entities[-1] if len(entities) == 1 else None
def _chain_bind(self: EntityType, entity: EntityType) -> None:
if self.__chain_root__:
raise RuntimeError(
f"{type(self).__name__} cannot be attached to another {self.__sub_name}.",
if not isinstance(entity, self.__entity):
raise TypeError(
f"The {self.__sub_name} must be an instance of "
f"{self.__entity.__name__}, not a {type(entity).__name__}.",
if self.head:
raise RuntimeError(
f"The {self.__sub_name} name={!r} is already attached to "
f"{self.__sub_name} name={!r}.",
if self == entity:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot include the {self.__sub_name} on itself.",
if self in entity.chain_head:
raise RuntimeError(
"Circular referencing detected.",
self.head = entity
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