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Created September 10, 2019 17:52
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sshd tor authenticated hidden service setup script
#! /bin/sh
# sshd tor authenticated hidden service setup script
# <configuration>
SSH_PORT="" # new SSH port, leave empty for no change
# </configuration>
# workflow:
# - change SSH port if not empty
# - setup SSH brute force protection: fail2ban
# - setup tor: basic authenticated sshd hidden service
# - output of hidden service connection data
# more about authenticated hidden services:
function setup {
# change SSH port if set
if [ ! -z "$SSH_PORT" ]; then
sed -i "s|Port [0-9]+|Port ${SSH_PORT}|" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# install fail2ban
apt-get install -y fail2ban
# setup tor
apt-get install -y tor
# setup basic authenticated hidden service sshd
# NOTICE: sed -i '1i XXX' FILEPATH; adds value (XXX) on first line of file /etc/tor/torrc/
# "basic" authenticated hidden server, set service name: HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient
sed -i "1i HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient basic sshd" /etc/tor/torrc
# forward hidden service port to local ssh: HiddenServicePort
sed -i "1i HiddenServicePort ${SSH_PORT}${SSH_PORT}" /etc/tor/torrc
# hidden service directory contains services private key, address: HiddenServiceDir
sed -i "1i HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/sshd/" /etc/tor/torrc
# restart tor to load new settings
systemctl restart tor
sleep 1
# formated hidden service data output for user
# get hidden service url, login from file, remove comment
HIDDEN_SERVICE_COOKIE=$(cat /var/lib/tor/tcpproxy/hostname | sed -Ee "s| # client:||")
# get hidden service uri from cookie, get string until first whitespace
# user output
echo "##########"
echo "add next line to your local tor configuration at /etc/tor/torrc:"
echo "##########"
echo "connect to your hidden service sshd after local tor restart:"
echo "torsocks ssh ${HIDDEN_SERVICE_HOST} -p ${SSH_PORT}"
# message ssh will disconnect, wait for y key / restart
while [ "$RESTART_SSHD" != "y" ]; do
echo "restart of sshd required"
read -p "you need to reconnect ssh at port ${SSH_PORT} [y/STRG+C]: " RESTART_SSHD
systemctl restart sshd
# check root, ask for root, run setup as root
if [ "$WHOAMI" != "root" ]; then
su -c "$(declare -f setup); setup"
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