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Created November 23, 2023 21:16
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Dockerfile for FIRST Robotics with PyTorch, robotpy and Jupyter Server
#FROM bitnami/pytorch:latest
# Use Ubuntu as base image because Debian doesn't have g++-11, required by robotpy
FROM anibali/pytorch:2.0.1-cuda11.8
USER root
# Update the system and install basic dev packages
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y binutils gcc g++ make git wget libicu-dev gradle && \
apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk vim software-properties-common gnupg
# Install additional Python packages
RUN pip install --upgrade pip && pip install jupyter jupyterlab jupytext matplotlib numpy pandas scipy scikit-learn seaborn sympy
RUN apt update && apt install -y build-essential g++-11
RUN pip install robotpy
# Disable auth and allow root in Jupyter (DANGEROUS! Only do this for local development!)
RUN mkdir //.jupyter && cd //.jupyter && jupyter lab --generate-config && \
echo "c.PasswordIdentityProvider.hashed_password = " >> && \
echo "c.NotebookApp.allow_root = True" >> && \
echo "c.NotebookApp.token = '' " >> && \
echo "c.PasswordIdentityProvider.password_required= False" >>
# Run Jupyter at 8888. Start image with, e.g., -p 8888:8888
#ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash" ]
# Set listen IP to so that outside Web browsers can connect
ENTRYPOINT ["jupyter", "lab", "--allow-root", "--ip=", "--port=8888", "--no-browser", "--NotebookApp.token=''"]
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