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Last active March 23, 2024 16:21
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Save lobstrio/fc98c162451541ad7692dd2cf7ceb324 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Collect 100 first tweets from any user at any time β€” and export to a .csv file 🐦
# =============================================================================
# Title: Twitter Users Tweets Scraper
# Language: Python
# Description: This script does scrape the first 100 tweets
# of any Twitter User.
# Author: Sasha Bouloudnine
# Date: 2023-08-08
# Usage:
# - Make sure you have the required libraries installed by running:
# `pip install requests`
# - Run the script using `python`.
# - Use the dynamic variables:
# - `--username` to specify the Twitter username from which to scrape tweets.
# - `--limit` to set the maximum number of tweets to scrape.
# Notes:
# - As of July 1st, 2023, Twitter removed public access to user tweets.
# - Starting from August 1st, 2023, the script is no longer constrained by the limit
# but can collect a maximum of 100 tweets per user.
# =============================================================================
import csv
import json
import requests
import argparse
import datetime
import time
import re
# All values stored here are constant, copy-pasted from the website
FEATURES_USER = '{"hidden_profile_likes_enabled":false,"hidden_profile_subscriptions_enabled":true,"responsive_web_graphql_exclude_directive_enabled":true,"verified_phone_label_enabled":false,"subscriptions_verification_info_is_identity_verified_enabled":false,"subscriptions_verification_info_verified_since_enabled":true,"highlights_tweets_tab_ui_enabled":true,"creator_subscriptions_tweet_preview_api_enabled":true,"responsive_web_graphql_skip_user_profile_image_extensions_enabled":false,"responsive_web_graphql_timeline_navigation_enabled":true}'
FEATURES_TWEETS = '{"rweb_lists_timeline_redesign_enabled":true,"responsive_web_graphql_exclude_directive_enabled":true,"verified_phone_label_enabled":false,"creator_subscriptions_tweet_preview_api_enabled":true,"responsive_web_graphql_timeline_navigation_enabled":true,"responsive_web_graphql_skip_user_profile_image_extensions_enabled":false,"tweetypie_unmention_optimization_enabled":true,"responsive_web_edit_tweet_api_enabled":true,"graphql_is_translatable_rweb_tweet_is_translatable_enabled":true,"view_counts_everywhere_api_enabled":true,"longform_notetweets_consumption_enabled":true,"responsive_web_twitter_article_tweet_consumption_enabled":false,"tweet_awards_web_tipping_enabled":false,"freedom_of_speech_not_reach_fetch_enabled":true,"standardized_nudges_misinfo":true,"tweet_with_visibility_results_prefer_gql_limited_actions_policy_enabled":true,"longform_notetweets_rich_text_read_enabled":true,"longform_notetweets_inline_media_enabled":true,"responsive_web_media_download_video_enabled":false,"responsive_web_enhance_cards_enabled":false}'
'authorization': 'Bearer %s' % AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN,
# The Bearer value is a fixed value that is copy-pasted from the website
# 'x-guest-token': None,
FIELDNAMES = ['id', 'tweet_url', 'name', 'user_id', 'username', 'published_at', 'content', 'views_count', 'retweet_count', 'likes', 'quote_count', 'reply_count', 'bookmarks_count', 'medias']
class TwitterScraper:
def __init__(self, username):
# We do initiate requests Session, and we get the `guest-token` from the HomePage
resp = requests.get("") = resp.cookies.get_dict().get("gt") or "".join(re.findall(r'(?<=\"gt\=)[^;]+', resp.text))
HEADERS['x-guest-token'] = getattr(self, 'gt')
# assert self.guest_token
assert username
self.username = username
def get_user(self):
# We recover the user_id required to go ahead
arg = {"screen_name": self.username, "withSafetyModeUserFields": True}
params = {
'variables': json.dumps(arg),
'features': FEATURES_USER,
response = requests.get(
json_response = response.json()
except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError:
result = json_response.get("data", {}).get("user", {}).get("result", {})
legacy = result.get("legacy", {})
return {
"id": result.get("rest_id"),
"username": self.username,
"full_name": legacy.get("name")
def tweet_parser(
# It's a static method to parse from a tweet
medias = legacy.get("entities").get("media")
medias = ", ".join(["%s (%s)" % (d.get("media_url_https"), d.get('type')) for d in legacy.get("entities").get("media")]) if medias else None
return {
"id": tweet_id,
"tweet_url": f"{self.username}/status/{tweet_id}",
"name": full_name,
"user_id": user_id,
"username": self.username,
"published_at": legacy.get("created_at"),
"content": legacy.get("full_text"),
"views_count": item_result.get("views", {}).get("count"),
"retweet_count": legacy.get("retweet_count"),
"likes": legacy.get("favorite_count"),
"quote_count": legacy.get("quote_count"),
"reply_count": legacy.get("reply_count"),
"bookmarks_count": legacy.get("bookmark_count"),
"medias": medias
def iter_tweets(self, limit=120):
# The main navigation method
print(f"[+] scraping: {self.username}")
_user = self.get_user()
full_name = _user.get("full_name")
user_id = _user.get("id")
if not user_id:
print("/!\\ error: no user id found")
raise NotImplementedError
cursor = None
_tweets = []
while True:
var = {
"userId": user_id,
"count": 100,
"cursor": cursor,
"includePromotedContent": True,
"withQuickPromoteEligibilityTweetFields": True,
"withVoice": True,
"withV2Timeline": True
params = {
'variables': json.dumps(var),
'features': FEATURES_TWEETS,
response = requests.get(
json_response = response.json()
result = json_response.get("data", {}).get("user", {}).get("result", {})
timeline = result.get("timeline_v2", {}).get("timeline", {}).get("instructions", {})
entries = [x.get("entries") for x in timeline if x.get("type") == "TimelineAddEntries"]
entries = entries[0] if entries else []
for entry in entries:
content = entry.get("content")
entry_type = content.get("entryType")
tweet_id = entry.get("sortIndex")
if entry_type == "TimelineTimelineItem":
item_result = content.get("itemContent", {}).get("tweet_results", {}).get("result", {})
legacy = item_result.get("legacy")
tweet_data = self.tweet_parser(user_id, full_name, tweet_id, item_result, legacy)
if entry_type == "TimelineTimelineCursor" and content.get("cursorType") == "Bottom":
# NB: after 07/01 lock and unlock β€” no more cursor available if no login provided i.e. max. 100 tweets per username no more
cursor = content.get("value")
if len(_tweets) >= limit:
# We do stop β€” once reached tweets limit provided by user
print(f"[#] tweets scraped: {len(_tweets)}")
if len(_tweets) >= limit or cursor is None or len(entries) == 2:
return _tweets
def generate_csv(self, tweets=[]):
import datetime
timestamp = int(
filename = '%s_%s.csv' % (self.username, timestamp)
print('[+] writing %s' % filename)
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=FIELDNAMES, delimiter='\t')
for tweet in tweets:
print(tweet['id'], tweet['published_at'])
def main():
s = time.perf_counter()
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument('--username', '-u', type=str, required=False, help='user to scrape tweets from', default='elonmusk')
argparser.add_argument('--limit', '-l', type=int, required=False, help='max tweets to scrape', default=100)
args = argparser.parse_args()
username = args.username
limit = args.limit
assert all([username, limit])
twitter_scraper = TwitterScraper(username)
tweets = twitter_scraper.iter_tweets(limit=limit)
assert tweets
print('elapsed %s' % (time.perf_counter()-s))
print('''~~ success
_ _ _
| | | | | |
| | ___ | |__ ___| |_ __ __
| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| __/| '__|
| | (_) | |_) \__ \ |_ | |
if __name__ == '__main__':
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hello, I'd like to know how to retrieve the most recent tweets instead. Is it necessary to modify the Header, GET_USER_URL or GET_TWEETS_URL? Thanks for your help.

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If you are using a guest token it returns the "ProfileHighlights". You have to log in via the flow token process to get chronologically ordered tweets.

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Hello, I tried this code today but it doesn't work. Is this code still valid ?

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ahenaor commented Nov 11, 2023

If you are using a guest token it returns the "ProfileHighlights". You have to log in via the flow token process to get chronologically ordered tweets.

Is there any code to use this code with login?

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I am not really code with python but could someone help me ?
I have : assert tweets

it seems that the list tweets is empty afer calling iter_tweets.

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I am not really code with python but could someone help me ? I have : assert tweets AssertionError

it seems that the list tweets is empty afer calling iter_tweets.

I can fix the code for you:

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I get the following error when trying to run it. Does anyone know if the code is still working?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 233, in <module>
  File "", line 217, in main
    twitter_scraper = TwitterScraper(username)
  File "", line 54, in __init__

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