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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Save localnerve/16a6154dccad6a0e631f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mac Yosemite WebDev Setup

Setup Steps

  1. Get Homebrew package manager. These instructions are reasonable to get homebrew setup.

  2. Github for mac (if you plan on using GH, BB, or other Git service without having to cmdline everything).

  3. Shell and Command Line Stuff

  • Update bash and zsh, if you plan on using zsh. Zsh info: oh-my-zsh, zsh points
  • iTerm2 (optional)
  • Understand about login shells and what .bash_profile and .bashrc are for.
  • Make your own .bash_profile and .bashrc in your home directory
    • cd ~ && touch .bash_profile && touch .bashrc
    • Make the zsh equivalents if you are going that route.
  • Make your command aliases and source them in .bash_profile (optional).
  1. Install NVM and use to manage Node/Iojs versions.
  • If for some reason the NVM install did not update your .bash_profile follow the manual setup instructions to source the nvm script from .bash_profile.
  1. Setup other tools.
  • Ruby is optional, used primarily for Compass. Install RVM or Chruby for managing different Ruby versions.
  • Ruby comes on the mac, and it's bound to be useful to manage multiple versions over time.


  1. Cmd + Shift + U opens the Utilities folder.
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Thanks @AllThingsSmitty. All good points. For me, here are my remaining hangups for not abandoning (in the general case). Let me know if you have pointers on these as well:

  1. Per env config for paths/hosts/cache-busting with adjustable import paths for project specific vendors. I'll need to find a comfortable substitute for this before totally releasing my dependence. I like having CSS free of this too much. Super easy to change stuff and switch envs. Maybe there already is a better substitute.
  2. SVG familiarity. I'm not there yet.
  3. CSS familiarity. Truth be told, I write CSS so infrequently that the Compass FWK is still helpful for me.

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RE the last three points:

  1. I agree it's a convenient feature. I haven't seen an alternative.
  2. Creating or manipulating, or just for sprites? SVG usually starts off in something like Illustrator and the <svg> ouput added to the markup. SVG manipulation can be handled directly in the CSS and/or JS the same as other DOM elements. I wouldn't think we'd do much or any of the creating part, but I could be wrong.
  3. You're using Compass more for the non-CSS-writing features? Would you agree that a prerequisite to using Sass (and Compass by extension) well for writing CSS is that it's important to know CSS well*, too, e.g., the "Inception Rule", avoiding bloat, etc.?

*For others: "writing CSS well" doesn't mean importing Bootstrap and washing your hand of it. 😱

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