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Created October 12, 2015 04:15
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module TicTacToe where
import Graphics.Element exposing (Element, centered)
import Graphics.Collage exposing (Form, toForm, collage, moveY, move, outlined, filled, dashed, square, circle, solid)
import Color exposing (yellow, gray, blue, green, orange, red)
import Text exposing (fromString)
import Window
import Signal exposing ((<~))
import Array exposing (initialize, repeat, toList)
gutter = 10
rows = 3
cols = 3
type alias Viewport =
{ width : Int
, height : Int
, halfWidth : Int
, halfHeight : Int
, minX : Float
, maxX : Float
, minY : Float
, maxY : Float
, squareWidth : Float
, halfSquareWidth : Float
, boardWidth : Float
, halfBoardWidth : Float
main : Signal Element
main =
drawBoard <~ Window.dimensions
makeViewport : (Int,Int) -> Viewport
makeViewport (width,height) =
halfWidth = width // 2
halfHeight = height // 2
minX = negate halfWidth |> toFloat
maxX = halfWidth |> toFloat
minY = negate halfHeight |> toFloat
maxY = halfHeight |> toFloat
squareWidth = (height // rows) - ((rows - 1) * gutter) |> toFloat
halfSquareWidth = squareWidth / 2
boardWidth = (squareWidth * rows) + (gutter * (rows - 1))
halfBoardWidth = boardWidth / 2
Viewport width height halfWidth halfHeight minX maxX minY maxY squareWidth halfSquareWidth boardWidth halfBoardWidth
drawBoard : (Int,Int) -> Element
drawBoard dimensions =
viewport = makeViewport dimensions
title = "Tic-Tac-Toe" |> fromString |> centered |> toForm |> moveY (negate (viewport.minY + 30))
boardSquare = outlined (solid gray) (square viewport.boardWidth)
centerCircle = filled yellow (circle 10)
gameRows = makeRows rows cols viewport
collage viewport.width viewport.height <| title :: centerCircle :: boardSquare :: gameRows
makeRows : Int -> Int -> Viewport -> List Form
makeRows rows cols viewport =
[ makeSquare 0 0 viewport green
, makeSquare 0 1 viewport green
, makeSquare 0 2 viewport green
, makeSquare 1 0 viewport blue
, makeSquare 1 1 viewport blue
, makeSquare 1 2 viewport blue
, makeSquare 2 0 viewport red
, makeSquare 2 1 viewport red
, makeSquare 2 2 viewport red
offset : Int -> Viewport -> Float
offset pos viewport =
leftRight = case pos of
0 -> 1
1 -> 0
2 -> -1
otherwise -> 0
[ (viewport.halfBoardWidth * -1)
, ((toFloat pos) * viewport.halfBoardWidth)
, (viewport.halfSquareWidth * leftRight)
] |> List.foldr (+) 0
squarePosition : Int -> Int -> Viewport -> (Float,Float)
squarePosition row col viewport =
x = offset col viewport
y = offset row viewport
(,) x y
makeSquare : Int -> Int -> Viewport -> Color.Color -> Form
makeSquare row col viewport color =
coordinates = squarePosition row col viewport
outlined (dashed color) (square viewport.squareWidth)
|> move coordinates
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