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Created October 1, 2017 10:00
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A linear regression to find polynom coefficients via sgd (inspired by the book "Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Section 5.1.4 )
// Linear regression with SGD
// Run this file with ts-node ./traditional.ts
import * as fs from 'fs';
import {Matrix, Input} from '../../lib/tensors';
// Some helper functions
function printVector(vector: number[], description: string) {
console.log(`${description}: ${ => t.toString()).join(', ')}`);
// Creates a vector of uniform random numbers
function createUniformVector(size: number, max: number = 1.0, min: number = 0.0) {
return (Array.apply(null, Array(size)) as number[])
.map(v => min + Math.random()* (max - min));
// Points of a polynom a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d
const noise = 0.002;
// The goal of this example is to reproduce this coeficients
const coeficients = createUniformVector(COEFICIENTS_COUNT);
printVector(coeficients, 'Coeficients');
function polynom(coeficients: number[], x: number) {
return coeficients.reduce((prev, current, index) => prev + current*Math.pow(x, index),0.0);
// f = Sum c_i*x^i -> df_i = x^i
function dPolynom(theta: number[], x: number) {
return, index) => Math.pow(x, index));
function sq(value: number) {
return value*value;
const f = polynom.bind({}, coeficients);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 1 - Generate the input data
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
interface Point {
x: number;
y: number;
// Number of input points
const N = 100;
const data: Point[] = (Array.apply(null, Array(N)) as number[])
.map((v,i)=> ({
x: i/N,
y: f(i/N) + (Math.random()-0.5)*noise
// Save the points to file
const inputCsv = data.reduce((prev, current) => (prev + `${current.x}, ${current.y}\n`), '');
fs.writeFile('./example/regression/out/input.csv', inputCsv, error => {
return console.log(error);
console.log("Saved input values.");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 2 - Build the model
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The model: polynom(theta, x)
const model = polynom;//(theta: number, x: number) => number = polynom.bind({}, theta);
// cost: |y - model|^2
const cost = (theta: number[], p: Point) => sq(model(theta, p.x) - p.y);
// loss: cost + lambda*|theta|^2 (where lambda is a hyperparameter)
const lambda = 0.0;
const loss = (theta: number[], p: Point) => cost(theta, p) + lambda * theta.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + sq(curr), 0.0);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 3 - Build Gradients
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// End result should be of the form: dloss/dtheta
function vectorTimesScalar(vec: number[], scalar: number) {
return => v*scalar);
// dModel/dTheta
const dModel = dPolynom;
// dCost/dModel
const dCost = (theta: number[], p: Point) => 2*(model(theta, p.x) - p.y );
// dCost/dTheta = dModel/dTheta * dCost/dModel
const dCostDTheta = (theta: number[], p: Point) => vectorTimesScalar(dModel(theta, p.x), -dCost(theta, p));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 4 - Train the model
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function addToVector(a: number[], b: number[]) {
if(a.length !== b.length) {
console.error(`Vectors must have the same size. Not: ${a.length} and ${b.length}`);
return [];
for(let i = 0; i < a.length;++i)
a[i] += b[i];
function pad(value: number, width: number, z?: string) {
z = z || '0';
const n = value + '';
return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join(z) + n;
class Tracer {
private lines: string[];
this.lines = [];
Add(iteration: {theta: number[], gradient: number[]}) {
const sep = ', ';
this.lines.push( => n.toString()).join(sep)
+ sep
+ => n.toString()).join(sep));
Save(filename: string = './example/regression/out/params.csv') {
fs.writeFile(filename, this.lines.join('\n'), error => {
return console.log(error);
console.log(`Saved snapshot `);
const ITERATION_COUNT = 500;
const LEARNING_RATE = 0.10;
// Parameter: theta (init with random)
const theta = createUniformVector(COEFICIENTS_COUNT);
const tracer = new Tracer();
for(let i = 0; i < ITERATION_COUNT; ++i) {
// console.log(`Iteration: #${i+1}`);
const batch = data; // Maximal batch size
const from = 0;
const to = data.length;
const learningRate = LEARNING_RATE / batch.length;
let gradient = => 0.0);
for(let j = from; j < to; ++j) {
addToVector(gradient, dCostDTheta(theta, batch[j]));
gradient = vectorTimesScalar(gradient, learningRate);
addToVector(theta, gradient);
let batchCost = 0.0;
for(let j = from; j < to; ++j) {
batchCost += cost(theta, batch[j]);
console.log(`Cost: ${batchCost}`);
// console.log(`Loss: ${loss}`);
tracer.Add({theta, gradient});
printVector(theta, 'Found Parameter');
printVector(coeficients, 'Orig Parameter');
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