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Codeigniter - Query builder #database
$sql = "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id IN ? AND status = ? AND author = ?";
$this->db->query($sql, array(array(3, 6), 'live', 'Rick'));
//The resulting query will be:
//SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id IN (3,6) AND status = 'live' AND author = 'Rick'
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT `id` FROM 'my_table' WHERE `id` = $id LIMIT 1');
$row = $query->row_array();
if ($row != NULL){
} else {
//not exist
//Establish connection to second database
$db['secondDB'] = array(
'dsn' => '',
'hostname' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'database' => 'database_name',
'dbdriver' => 'mysqli',
'dbprefix' => '',
'pconnect' => TRUE,
'db_debug' => TRUE,
'cache_on' => FALSE,
'cachedir' => '',
'char_set' => 'utf8',
'dbcollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'swap_pre' => '',
'encrypt' => FALSE,
'compress' => FALSE,
'stricton' => FALSE,
'failover' => array()
$db2 = $this->load->database($db['secondDB'], TRUE);
//if you put the second db configuration in config.php file, then use this
//$db2 = $this->load->database('secondDB', TRUE);
//Execute a query
$query = $db2->get_where($table_name, array('id' => $id)
, 1, 0); //limit, offset
$row = $query->row_array();
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$table."`");
$total_rows = $query->num_rows();
$total_records = $this->db->count_all_results($table);
$where = "name='Joe' AND status='boss' OR status='active'";
$this->db->where('MATCH (field) AGAINST ("value")', NULL, FALSE);
->where('a', 'a')
->where('b', 'b')
->where('c', 'c')
->where('d', 'd')
// Generates:
// SELECT * FROM (`my_table`) WHERE ( `a` = 'a' OR ( `b` = 'b' AND `c` = 'c' ) ) AND `d` = 'd'
if ( ! $this->db->simple_query('SELECT `example_field` FROM `example_table`'))
$error = $this->db->error(); // Has keys 'code' and 'message'
$data = array(
'title' => $title,
'name' => $name,
'date' => $date
$this->db->insert('mytable', $data);
//The insert ID number when performing database inserts.
//Displays the number of affected rows, when doing “write” type queries (insert, update, etc.).
//Returns the last query that was run (the query string, not the result). Example:
//Permits you to determine the number of rows in a particular table. Submit the table name in the first parameter. Example: echo $this->db->count_all('my_table');
//This function simplifies the process of writing database inserts. It returns a correctly formatted SQL insert string. Example:
//$data = array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'url' => $url);
//$str = $this->db->insert_string('table_name', $data);
//will produce INSERT INTO table_name (name, email, url) VALUES ('Rick', '', '')
//This function simplifies the process of writing database updates. It returns a correctly formatted SQL update string. Example:
//$data = array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'url' => $url);
//$where = "author_id = 1 AND status = 'active'";
//$str = $this->db->update_string('table_name', $data, $where);
//produce: UPDATE table_name SET name = 'Rick', email = '', url = '' WHERE author_id = 1 AND status = 'active'
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM my_table');
echo $query->num_rows();
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM my_table');
echo $query->num_fields();
//This method sets the internal pointer for the next result row to be fetched. It is only useful in combination with unbuffered_row().
//It accepts a positive integer value, which defaults to 0 and returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT `field_name` FROM `table_name`');
$query->data_seek(5); // Skip the first 5 rows
$row = $query->unbuffered_row();
//It frees the memory associated with the result and deletes the result resource ID. Normally PHP frees its memory automatically at the end of script execution. However, if you are running a lot of queries in a particular script you might want to free the result after each query result has been generated in order to cut down on memory consumption.
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT title FROM my_table');
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
echo $row->title;
$query->free_result(); // The $query result object will no longer be available
$query2 = $this->db->query('SELECT name FROM some_table');
$row = $query2->row();
echo $row->name;
$query2->free_result(); // The $query2 result object will no longer be available
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE `sync_status` = 'new' LIMIT 1";
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
$result = $query->row_array(); //return array
if ($result == NULL){
echo 'No data';
$table_name = '';
$query = $this->db->get_where($table_name, array('simple_sku' => $simple_sku)
, 1, 0); //limit, offset
$row = $query->row_array();
$column = '';
$table_name = '';
$limit = '';
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT DISTINCT($column) AS $column
FROM $table_name
WHERE `availability_instock` = 1
ORDER BY '$column' DESC
LIMIT $limit");
$return = $query->result_array();
$query = $this->db->get_where($table_name, array('simple_sku' => $simple_sku)
, 1, 0);
$row = $query->row_array();
//This method returns a single result row without prefetching the whole result in memory as row() does. If your query has more than one row, it returns the current row and moves the internal data pointer ahead.
$query = $this->db->query("YOUR QUERY");
while ($row = $query->unbuffered_row())
echo $row->title;
echo $row->name;
echo $row->body;
//$query->unbuffered_row(); // object
//$query->unbuffered_row('object'); // object
//$query->unbuffered_row('array'); // associative array
$data = array(
'title' => $title,
'name' => $name,
'date' => $date
$this->db->where('id', $id);
$this->db->update('mytable', $data);
// Produces:
// UPDATE mytable
// SET title = '{$title}', name = '{$name}', date = '{$date}'
// WHERE id = $id
$query = $this->db->query("SET NAMES 'utf8mb4'");
In addition, you can walk forward/backwards/first/last through your results using these variations:
$row = $query->first_row()
$row = $query->last_row()
$row = $query->next_row()
$row = $query->previous_row()
By default they return an object unless you put the word “array” in the parameter:
$row = $query->first_row(‘array’)
$row = $query->last_row(‘array’)
$row = $query->next_row(‘array’)
$row = $query->previous_row(‘array’)
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