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Created April 8, 2023 14:46
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Bitwarden CLI: Interactive Clipboard Selection with fzf

Interactive Bitwarden CLI Clipboard Selection

The Bitwarden CLI bw provides JSON Output. Because I don't like to select Strings from the stdout JSON output:

  • jq redirects the output into selectable snippets
  • fzf selects the entry I need
  • xclip copies the selected entry into your clipboard (e.g. password)

I adjusted the Bash script by Christian Drumm:

  • pbcopy -> xclip, because xclip is more common
  • sanity check for searchterm
  • increased log messages (because of slow bw calls)
  • Reuse of BW_SESSION
  • Output of entry ID for immediate acquisition in shell scripts

You may add this as ~/.local/bin/bwc:

set -ef
copy_data () {
  local id=$1
  local login=$2
  local sessionkey=$3
  local totp
  echo "Name: $(jq -r ".name" <<< $login), ID: $(jq -r ".id" <<< $login)"
  # Copy the username to the clipboard
  echo "> Copying Username"
  jq -r ".login.username" <<< $login | xclip -sel clip
  # Wait for user input before coping the password
  echo "> Press Enter to copy password..."
  # Copy the password to the clipboard
  echo "> Copying Password"
  jq -r ".login.password" <<< $login | xclip -sel clip
  # Copy a TOTP Token if available
  totp=$(jq -r ".login.totp" <<< $login)
  if [[ $totp != "null" ]]; then
    # Wait for user input before coping the totp token
    echo "> Press any key to copy TOTP Token..."
    echo "> Copying TOTP Token"
    bw get totp $id --session $sessionkey | xclip -sel clip
main() {
  local searchterm=$1
  local sessionkey logins login id
  # Use an existing BW_SESSION or obtain a new session key
  if [[ -z $BW_SESSION ]] ; then
    echo "Creating new sessionkey..."
    sessionkey=$(bw unlock --raw)
    echo "Using existing sessionkey..."
  # Search for passwords using the search term
  if [[ -z $searchterm ]] ; then
    echo "Searchterm can't be empty"
    exit 1
  echo "Searching for '$searchterm'..."
  logins=$(bw list items --search $searchterm --session $sessionkey)
  id=$(jq -r '.[] | "\(.name)\t\(.login.username)\t\(.id)"' <<< $logins \
    | fzf --reverse --with-nth=1,2 --delimiter="\t" --select-1 --exit-0 \
    | awk -F"\t" '{print $3}'
  if [[ -n $id ]]; then
    login="$(jq ".[] | select(.id == \"$id\")" <<< $logins)"
    copy_data $id $login $sessionkey
    echo "No entry found..."

main "$@"

Beware: The Bitwarden CLI is slow, so it may take some time until the output is redirected to the fzf selection

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