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Created February 27, 2013 14:44
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Alfresco Mysql to Postgresql migration. This is a simple outline on how to migrate Alfresco from mysql to postgresql.
One instance of Alfresco on mysql, one postgresl of exactly the same version (schema version).
Step 1. Dump database
mysqldump --port 3306 -u alfresco --password=alfloftux -h --databases alfresco --skip-comments --skip-extended-insert --no-create-db --hex-blob --default-character-set=utf8 --skip-triggers --compact --no-create-info --skip-quote-names > mydump.sql
Step 2. Dump local Postgres schema
You can install a clean version of Alfresco to use as for schema dump
(need to insert command for dump here)
Step 3. Split into 2 scripts
Split the postgres schema dump in two parts, second part with constraints only (used in step 7).
Step 4. Fix hex-blob from initial dump
sed "s/0x00/false/g" mydump.sql| sed "s/0x01/true/g"|sed "s/0x([0-9A-F]*)/decode('\1','hex')/g" > mydumpimp.sql
--Also remove/alter any db connection parameters in the beginning of script
Step 5. Run schema script
psql postgres < pgschema.sql
Step 6. Run import of data
psql migrate < mydumpimp.sql
Step 7. Run schema script for constraints
psql migrate < pgschema2.sql
Step 8. Fix sequences
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "reset_sequence" (tablename text, columnname text, sequence_name text) RETURNS "pg_catalog"."void" AS
EXECUTE 'SELECT setval( ''' || sequence_name || ''', ' || '(SELECT MAX(' || columnname || ') FROM ' || tablename || ')' || '+1)';
exception when others then
raise notice 'Wrong column name, ignore';
$body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
--Run both of these, first one, then the other.
--select reset_sequence(replace(S.relname, '_seq', ''), 'id', S.relname) from pg_class S where S.relkind = 'S';
select reset_sequence(replace(S.relname, '_seq', ''), 'sequence_id', S.relname) from pg_class S where S.relkind = 'S';
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nettree commented Nov 16, 2017

sed "s/0x([0-9A-F]*)/decode('\1','hex')/g" needs to be
sed -r "s/0x([0-9A-F]*)/decode('\1','hex')/g" to allow the regex works for sed command.

use pg_dump -s to dump only schema with constraints, manually create two files, one to keep the schema part, one to keep only the constraints.

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