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Last active June 4, 2024 13:03
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Hiding Api Keys in Anroid

Hiding API keys in

  1. Make sure your build directory is gitignored. It should be, by default, in a new Android Studio project -- you can double check by making sure that your .gitignore file contains the line:
  1. In your project root directory, add the API key to file like this:

Where hgjfkhg5764317698315768549027nfdsngadf would be your API key.

  1. Add the following lines at the root level of your app-level build.gradle file:
def localPropertiesFile = rootProject.file("")
def localProperties = new Properties()
localProperties.load(new FileInputStream(localPropertiesFile))
  1. Pull the API into your project as a build config value by adding the following line to your app level build.gradle file in the android { defaultConfig { } } block:

def localPropertiesFile = rootProject.file("")
def localProperties = new Properties()
localProperties.load(new FileInputStream(localPropertiesFile))

android {
    // ...
    defaultConfig {
        // ...
        buildConfigField "String", "API_KEY", localProperties['apiKey']

    // ...
  1. Sync Gradle and build the project. You can now access the key in your Java code with BuildConfig.API_KEY, for example:
String myApiKey = BuildConfig.API_KEY;
  1. You can add as many secret values as you'd like to your by following these steps. Give each one a unique reference, i.e. myApiKey2, BuildConfig.API_KEY_2
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Thank you! Finally found a simple guide that didn't waste 10 minutes of my life. Looked on Google and Youtube and followed their instructions, but couldn't my API_KEY to work.

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Sure! I'm glad it helped :)

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Danc-0 commented Aug 1, 2021

Short precise and direct. Thanks alot

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Thank you! Finally found a simple guide that didn't waste 10 minutes of my life. Looked on Google and Youtube and followed their instructions, but couldn't my API_KEY to work.

this is not working also for me

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2OWT2 commented Aug 13, 2022

Thank you! Finally found a simple guide that didn't waste 10 minutes of my life. Looked on Google and Youtube and followed their instructions, but couldn't my API_KEY to work.

this is not working also for me

Did you figure it out, or found another way?


how can i do this it on if my gradle will kotlin not groovy

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how can i do this it on if my gradle will kotlin not groovy

did you found a solution ?

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This is not a solution. If you build your application & decompile it you will find api key in BuildConfig file.

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