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Last active April 7, 2023 15:33
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'[clojure.edn :as edn]
'[ :as io]
'[clojure.string :as str])
(defn read-workspace
([] (read-workspace "."))
(-> ws-dir
(io/file "workspace.edn")
(defn require-components
[& args]
(let [flags (filter keyword? args)
opts (interleave flags (repeat true))
args (remove keyword? args)
{:keys [top-namespace interface-ns]} (read-workspace)]
(assert (and top-namespace interface-ns))
(doseq [arg args
:when arg
:let [[alias & options] (if (vector? arg) arg [arg])
[component & libtail] (str/split (name alias) #"\.")
libparts (into [top-namespace component interface-ns] libtail)
lib (symbol (str/join "." libparts))
libspec (cond-> [lib]
(seq options) (into options)
(not-any? #{:as} options) (conj :as alias)
(seq opts) (into opts))]]
(printf "(require '%s)\n" libspec) (flush)
(require libspec))))
(defmacro reqcom [& args] `(apply require-components (quote ~args)))
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unresolved-symbol]}
;; basic
(reqcom user) ;; (require '[example.user.interface :as user])
(reqcom account invoice) ;; (require '[example.acount.interface :as account]),
;; (require '[example.invoice.interface :as invoice])
;; support flags & options
(reqcom [user :as u]) ;; (require '[example.user.interface :as u])
(reqcom user :reload) ;; (require '[example.user.interface :as user :reload true])
(reqcom sweet :refer-all) ;; (require '[example.sweet.interface :as sweet :refer-all true])
;; interface sub-namespaces
(reqcom util.time) ;; (require '[example.util.interface.time :as util.time])
(reqcom ;; (require '[ :as])
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