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Last active December 3, 2022 10:25
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Clojure C4 Model #hack
(ns c4.alpha
"A library for [C4 model](")
(declare rel)
(defrecord Shape [label description sprite tags link])
(def ^:dynamic *boundaries* (list))
(def ^:private hierarchy
(-> (make-hierarchy)
(derive :c4/container :c4/shape)
(derive :c4/component :c4/shape)
(derive :c4/system :c4/shape)
(derive :c4/person :c4/shape)
(derive :c4/queue :c4/shape)
(derive :c4/db :c4/shape)
(derive :c4/containerDb :c4/db)
(derive :c4/containerQueue :c4/queue)
(derive :c4/containerDb :c4/db)
(derive :c4/containerQueue :c4/queue)))
(defn boundary? [{:keys [tags]}]
(some #(isa? hierarchy % :c4/boundary) tags))
(defmacro with-boundary [v & body]
`(let [v# ~v]
(when-not (boundary? v#)
(throw (ex-info "Invalid boundary" {:value v#})))
(binding [*boundaries* (conj *boundaries* v#)]
(defn boundaries [shape]
(:c4/boundaries (meta shape)))
(defn create-shape
[tag parents]
(doseq [parent parents]
(alter-var-root #'hierarchy derive tag parent))
(fn [label & desc+opts]
(let [[desc opts] (if (string? (first desc+opts))
[(first desc+opts) (next desc+opts)]
[nil desc+opts])]
(-> (apply hash-map
:label label
:description desc
(update :tags #(into #{tag} %))
(with-meta {:c4/boundaries *boundaries*})))))
(def enterprise-boundary (create-shape ::EnterpriseBoundary #{:c4/boundary}))
(def system-boundary (create-shape ::SystemBoundary #{:c4/boundary}))
(def container-boundary (create-shape ::ContainerBoundary #{:c4/boundary}))
(def person (create-shape ::Person #{:c4/person}))
(def person-ext (create-shape ::PersonExt #{:c4/person}))
(def system (create-shape ::System #{:c4/system}))
(def system-db (create-shape ::SystemDb #{:c4/db}))
(def system-queue (create-shape ::SystemQueue #{:c4/queue}))
(def system-ext (create-shape ::SystemExt #{:c4/system}))
(def system-ext-db (create-shape ::SystemExtDb #{:c4/db}))
(def system-ext-queue (create-shape ::SystemExtQueue #{:c4/queue}))
(def container (create-shape ::Container #{:c4/container}))
(def container-db (create-shape ::ContainerDb #{:c4/db}))
(def container-queue (create-shape ::ContainerQueue #{:c4/queue}))
(def container-ext (create-shape ::ContainerExt #{:c4/container}))
(def container-ext-db (create-shape ::ContainerExtDb #{:c4/db}))
(def container-ext-queue (create-shape ::ContainerExtQueue #{:c4/queue}))
(def component (create-shape ::Component #{:c4/component}))
(def component-db (create-shape ::ComponentDb #{:c4/db}))
(def component-queue (create-shape ::ComponentQueue #{:c4/queue}))
(def component-ext (create-shape ::ComponentExt #{:c4/component}))
(def component-ext-db (create-shape ::ComponentExtDb #{:c4/db}))
(def component-ext-queue (create-shape ::ComponentExtQueue #{:c4/queue}))
(def deployment-node (create-shape ::DeploymentNode #{:c4/node}))
(def node (create-shape ::Node #{:c4/node}))
(def node-l (create-shape ::NodeL #{:c4/node}))
(def node-r (create-shape ::NodeR #{:c4/node}))
(def rel (create-shape ::Rel #{:c4/rel}))
(def rel-l (create-shape ::RelL #{:c4/rel}))
(def rel-d (create-shape ::RelD #{:c4/rel}))
(def rel-u (create-shape ::RelU #{:c4/rel}))
(def rel-r (create-shape ::RelR #{:c4/rel}))
(def birel (create-shape ::BiRel #{:c4/rel}))
;; (comment
;; (with-boundary (system-boundary "BankBoundary0")
;; (def customer-a (person "Banking Customer A" "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts."))
;; (def customer-b (person "Banking CUstomer B"))
;; (def system-aa (system "Internet Banking System" "..."))
;; (def system-a (system "Banking System A"))
;; (def sys-b (system "Banking System B"))
;; (def sdb (system-db-ext "Mainframe Banking System"))
;; (def system-c (system-ext "E-mail System"))
;; (def system-d (system-db "Banking System D Database"))
;; (def b2 (with-boundary "BankBoundary"
;; (def system-f (system-queue "Banking System F Queue"))
;; (def system-g (system-queue-ext "Banking System G Queue")))))
;; )
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