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This will update a selected Mail Rule based on values from the selected message(s)
# Title: Mail Rules Updater
# Iain Dunn
# Logic2Design
# Last update: 4 August 2022
# Version: 3 - Added create new Rule option
# Contributors and sources
# Configuration
set mailAccount to "Fastmail"
# Code
# Select Mail rule
tell application "Mail"
set theList to name of every rule as list
end tell
copy "** New Rule ***" to the end of the theList
set rName to choose from list theList with prompt "Select Mail Rule" without empty selection allowed
if rName is false then
set theRule to result as text
end if
--Create New Rule
if theRule = "** New Rule ***" then
set theResponse to display dialog "What's the name of the new Rule?" default answer "" with icon note buttons {"Continue"} default button "Continue"
set theRuleName to text returned of theResponse as string
set theResponse to display dialog "What's the name of the new Mail Folder? use / to create sub folders" default answer "" with icon note buttons {"Continue"} default button "Continue"
set theFolderName to text returned of theResponse as string
tell application "Mail"
tell account mailAccount
make new mailbox with properties {name:theFolderName}
end tell
set newRule to make new rule at beginning of rules with properties {name:theRuleName, enabled:true, should move message:true}
set the theRule to theRuleName
tell newRule
make new rule condition at end of rule conditions with properties {rule type:from header, expression:"zzzz", qualifier:does contain value}
set move message to (mailbox theFolderName of account mailAccount of application "Mail")
end tell
end tell
end if
# Select Rule type
set defaultTarget to "Sender"
(choose from list {"Domain", "Keyword", "Recipient", "Sender", "Subject"} default items defaultTarget OK button name "Select" with prompt "Select the Rule type" with title "Add to Mail Rule")
set theTarget to result as text
-- Update Rule
if theTarget = "Recipient" then
tell application "Mail"
# Start by getting the recipient's address and the message's account
set theMessages to selection
if theMessages is not {} then -- check for empty list
repeat with theSelectedMessage in theMessages
set acct to account of mailbox of theSelectedMessage
set emailAddr to address of first recipient of theSelectedMessage
get acct
# Add that address to a new condition of the rule
set updateRule to rule theRule
set ruleQualifier to expression of rule conditions of rule theRule # Check for existing rule for the email address
if ruleQualifier does not contain emailAddr then
tell updateRule
set newCondition to make new rule condition at beginning of rule conditions
tell newCondition
set rule type to to header
set qualifier to equal to value
set expression to emailAddr
end tell
end tell
end if
end repeat
on error errText
display dialog "Warning: " & return & return & errText
end try
end if
end tell
# Sender
else if theTarget = "Sender" then
tell application "Mail"
# Start by getting the sender's address and the message's account
set theMessages to selection
if theMessages is not {} then -- check for empty list
repeat with theSelectedMessage in theMessages
set acct to account of mailbox of theSelectedMessage
set emailAddr to extract address from sender of theSelectedMessage
get acct
# Add that address to a new condition of the rule
set updateRule to rule theRule
set ruleQualifier to expression of rule conditions of rule theRule # Check for existing rule for the email address
if ruleQualifier does not contain emailAddr then
tell updateRule
set newCondition to make new rule condition at beginning of rule conditions
tell newCondition
set rule type to from header
set qualifier to equal to value
set expression to emailAddr
end tell
end tell
end if
end repeat
on error errText
display dialog "Warning: " & return & return & errText
end try
end if
end tell
# Domain
else if theTarget = "Domain" then
tell application "Mail"
set theMessages to selection
if theMessages is not {} then # check empty list
repeat with theSelectedMessage in theMessages
-- Get the sender's domain and the message's account
set acct to account of mailbox of theSelectedMessage
set emailAddr to extract address from sender of theSelectedMessage
set normDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "@"
set theDomain to text item 2 of emailAddr
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to normDelims
get acct
# Add that domain to a new condition of the rule
set updateRule to rule theRule
# Check for exisitung rule for the email/domain
set ruleQualifier to expression of rule conditions of rule theRule
if ruleQualifier does not contain theDomain then -- Check for existing rule for the domain
tell updateRule
set newCondition to make new rule condition at beginning of rule conditions
tell newCondition
set rule type to from header
set qualifier to does contain value
set expression to theDomain
end tell
end tell
end if
end repeat
on error errText
display dialog "Warning: " & return & return & errText
end try
end if
end tell
# Subject
else if theTarget = "Subject" then
tell application "Mail"
-- Start by getting the message's subject
set theMessages to selection
if theMessages is not {} then -- check empty list
repeat with theSelectedMessage in theMessages
set emailSubject to subject of theSelectedMessage
-- Add that Subject to a new condition of the rule
set updateRule to rule theRule
set ruleQualifier to expression of rule conditions of rule theRule -- Check for existing rule for the Subject
if ruleQualifier does not contain emailSubject then
tell updateRule
set newCondition to make new rule condition at beginning of rule conditions
tell newCondition
set rule type to subject header
set qualifier to equal to value
set expression to emailSubject
end tell
end tell
end if
end repeat
on error errText
display dialog "Warning: " & return & return & errText
end try
end if
end tell
# Keyword
else if theTarget = "Keyword" then
display dialog "What is the word or phrase to search for" default answer ""
set theKeyword to text returned of result as text
tell application "Mail"
set theMessages to selection
if theMessages is not {} then -- check empty list
repeat with theSelectedMessage in theMessages
set acct to account of mailbox of theSelectedMessage
set emailContent to content of theSelectedMessage
get acct
set updateRule to rule theRule
set ruleQualifier to expression of rule conditions of rule theRule -- Check for existing rule for the content
if ruleQualifier does not contain theKeyword then
tell updateRule
set newCondition to make new rule condition at beginning of rule conditions
tell newCondition
set rule type to message content
set qualifier to does contain value
set expression to theKeyword
end tell
set newCondition1 to make new rule condition at beginning of rule conditions
tell newCondition1
set rule type to subject header
set qualifier to does contain value
set expression to theKeyword
end tell
end tell
end if
end repeat
on error errText
display dialog "Warning: " & return & return & errText
end try
end if
end tell
end if
# Process Messages with the new Rule
tell application "System Events"
tell application "Mail" to activate
keystroke "a" using {command down}
keystroke "l" using {command down, option down}
end tell
# Functions
on bubblesort(theList)
script o
property lst : theList
end script
repeat with i from (count theList) to 2 by -1
set a to beginning of o's lst
repeat with j from 2 to i
set b to item j of o's lst
if (a > b) then
set item (j - 1) of o's lst to b
set item j of o's lst to a
set a to b
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end bubblesort
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