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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
import std.array;
import std.range;
import std.format;
//Compile with ldc2 -O5 -release -disable-boundscheck MagicForest.d
struct forest_t{
int goats;
int wolves;
int lions;
forest_t opBinary(string op)(forest_t rhs) pure nothrow if (op == "+") {
return forest_t(goats+rhs.goats, wolves+rhs.wolves, lions+rhs.lions);
void printForest(forest_t forest) {
writefln("Forest [goats= %d, wolves= %d, lions= %d]", forest.goats, forest.lions, forest.wolves);
bool forest_stable(in immutable forest_t forest) pure nothrow {
if (forest.goats == 0) return (forest.wolves == 0) || (forest.lions == 0);
return (forest.wolves == 0) && (forest.lions == 0);
bool forest_invalid(in immutable forest_t forest) pure nothrow{
return (forest.goats < 0 || forest.wolves < 0 || forest.lions < 0);
forest_t[] meal(forest_t[] forests) {
// auto tst = only("1", "2", "3");
return map!(a => [forest_t(-1, -1, +1)+a, forest_t(-1, +1, -1)+a, forest_t(+1, -1, -1)+a])(forests)
bool devouring_possible(in forest_t[] forests) pure nothrow {
return !forests.empty() && !any!forest_stable(forests);
forest_t[] stable_forests(forest_t[] forests) {
return filter!(a => forest_stable(a))(forests).array;
forest_t[] find_stable_forests(in forest_t forest){
forest_t[] forests = [forest];
forests = meal(forests);
return stable_forests(forests);
void main(string[] args){
if(args.length != 4){
writeln("Error: input must be three values; <goats> <wolves> <lions>");
immutable forest_t initialForest = {to!int(args[1]), to!int(args[2]), to!int(args[3])};
forest_t[] stableForests = find_stable_forests(initialForest);;
if (stableForests.empty()) {
"No stable forests found.".writeln;
else {
foreach(forest; stableForests){
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