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Last active September 16, 2015 10:57
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# gem search, by hayden jones
# License: whatever
# usage: ./searchgems eventmachine
# prints all gems that contain eventmachine in the name
# if a lot of people use this, maybe somebody will fix rubygems so that gem search
# searches from cache instead of over the wire
puts `gem search ""`.split("\n").select { |line| line.include?(ARGV[0]) }.sort
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`gem search ""`
  .select { |line| line.include?(ARGV[0]) }
  .map { |line| line.split.first }

or faster:

`gem search ""`.split("\n").reduce([]) { |a, line| line.include?(ARGV[0]) ? a.concat(line.split.first) : a }.sort

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