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\([^[:ascii:]]+\) \([[:ascii:]]+\)\1 | \2| - Finding non english words and english words
logie17 /
Created March 17, 2017 14:12
Random Emac Notes

C-x ( to start recording; C-x ) to end; then M-x call-last-kbd-macro to call it. I have that last one bound to M-' and you may find something similarly bound for the RN emacs config.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
#git rev-list --no-merges "${1:-HEAD}" | \
# while read rev; do
# if [ $(git show -s --format='%b' $rev | wc -w) -gt 300 ]; then
# echo "$(git show -s --format='%b' $rev | wc -w) words: $rev"
# fi


JWT and key signing with RSA


Today I learned about a vim plugin called "ctrlp". This plugin can be found here..o The interesting thing about this plugin is that it adds fuzzy searching to vim.

Installed it the following ways:

cd ~/.vim
git clone bundle/ctrlp.vim
var logLines []string
type logMock struct{}
func (l *logMock) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
logLines = append(logLines, string(p))
return 0, nil
//CaptureLogOutput A utility to capture the log output of a function and pass it along
package main
import (
func main() {
str := "\u0928" + "\u093F"
(ns markov-elear.core)
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAwdwbChV5rzyvarkmQEynFj/YNWrC/S0e5M8gM20ZM49ZTv9ysIDf7feF3I+/B2F626hPQykHHYaa7MTtA3RiVq4EfkGRc5vV/hjjePzaETZy09ZOdJj2ZUUyhPkfdf1LrLkeGaytkT5OaRxS92fWj09riFQwCtlX/ksbQiW5sy+cJNP81z3PZqO2yhUs22gHs+Ck7jJpb0V6VLwekFs/GnbXWm6Y/Oq4aEgXo8mNeMxKw2LzBATiz3owUmMFiMAUNVBDKAcfQctSYSX3y/QLeIYJ0Vsz7YyY+Jmmg3CDQYaP/CgbySkVc1n7avEwIJ0grZB/gv7i6/nsqoaQlQdt/Q== loganbell@creativehostname.local
logie17 / 520 Spec
Created July 18, 2014 12:24
520 Spec
%filter_from_provides /.*/d
%filter_from_requires /^perl.*/d
%global runtime perl520
%global perl520_rootdir /opt/rock/runtime/%{runtime}
%global privlib %{perl520_rootdir}%{_prefix}/share/perl5
%global archlib %{perl520_rootdir}%{_prefix}/lib/perl5