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Created January 22, 2024 04:05
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WebSocket API Gateway Cognito Authorizer
import jwkToPem from 'jwk-to-pem';
// Simple in-memory cache, optional. In this Lambda it will always have a single promise stored because Region and User
// Pool ID are taken from the environment variables and remain unchanged within the life cycle of the Lambda, but I
// still kept this flexible in case someone will copy the code. Subject for improvement.
const getPemEncodedPublicKeysPromisesCache = new Map();
const getPemEncodedPublicKeysImplementation = async (jwksUrl) => {
console.log('jwksUrl', jwksUrl);
const response = await fetch(jwksUrl);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Unable to fetch JWKS using URL ${jwksUrl}!`);
const json = await response.json();
const pemEncodedPublicKeys = new Map();
json.keys.forEach(({ kid, kty, n, e }) => {
pemEncodedPublicKeys.set(kid, jwkToPem({ kty, e, n }));
return pemEncodedPublicKeys;
const getPemEncodedPublicKeys = (region, userPoolId) => {
const jwksUrl = `https://cognito-idp.${region}${userPoolId}/.well-known/jwks.json`;
if (!getPemEncodedPublicKeysPromisesCache.has(jwksUrl)) {
// The implementation is executed and set as the map element immediately to decrease the chances of the race
// conditions' impact (the same function triggered in parallel, but not yet resolved). Subject for improvement.
getPemEncodedPublicKeysPromisesCache.set(jwksUrl, getPemEncodedPublicKeysImplementation(jwksUrl));
return getPemEncodedPublicKeysPromisesCache.get(jwksUrl);
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