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Last active November 23, 2017 00:00
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Q: How to implement StandardScalar? Do we have to?

Dense features

Features       Feature Columns        Examples
Integer scalar numeric_column('age') 24
Float scaler   numeric_column('price') $3.14
Normalized float normalizer_fn=lambda e: tf.log(e + 1.0) norm' price

Sparse features

Features       Feature Columns        Examples
String linear categorical_column_with_hash_bucket(100) 'red'
String linear categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list 'red'
String deep embedding_column(categorical_column, dim) 'magenta'
String deep list embedding_column(categorical_column, dim) groceries
String deep 1 hot indicator_column(categorical_column) 0-1-0-0-0-0
Integerized/id categorical_column_with_identity(ubound) product_id
Buketized intgr bucketized_column(numeric_column) age_bands
Buketized float bucketized_column(numeric_column) price_bands

Crossing features

Features       Feature Columns        Examples
Bucket x category crossed_column(age_bands_col, color_col) senior_grey
Feature x magnitude weighted_categorical_column(sku, weight) a 9kg;z 5kg
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