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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Save logsol/448c42942700efd6645e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
midi hack
Midi Hack
Leap Motion / Node / JavaScript
function AudioFileRequest(url, async) {
this.url = url;
if (typeof async == 'undefined' || async == null) {
async = true;
this.async = async;
var splitURL = url.split('.');
this.extension = splitURL[splitURL.length - 1].toLowerCase();
AudioFileRequest.prototype.onSuccess = function(decoded) {
AudioFileRequest.prototype.onFailure = function(decoded) {
AudioFileRequest.prototype.send = function() {
if (this.extension != 'wav' &&
this.extension != 'aiff' &&
this.extension != 'aif') {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', this.url, this.async);
request.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
request.onreadystatechange = function(event) {
if (request.readyState == 4) {
if (request.status == 200 || request.status == 0) {
else {
AudioFileRequest.prototype.handleResponse = function(data) {
var decoder, decoded;
if (this.extension == 'wav') {
decoder = new WAVDecoder();
decoded = decoder.decode(data);
else if (this.extension == 'aiff' || this.extension == 'aif') {
decoder = new AIFFDecoder();
decoded = decoder.decode(data);
function Decoder() {
Decoder.prototype.readString = function(data, offset, length) {
return data.slice(offset, offset + length);
Decoder.prototype.readIntL = function(data, offset, length) {
var value = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
value = value + ((data.charCodeAt(offset + i) & 0xFF) *
Math.pow(2, 8 * i));
return value;
Decoder.prototype.readChunkHeaderL = function(data, offset) {
var chunk = {}; = this.readString(data, offset, 4);
chunk.length = this.readIntL(data, offset + 4, 4);
return chunk;
Decoder.prototype.readIntB = function(data, offset, length) {
var value = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
value = value + ((data.charCodeAt(offset + i) & 0xFF) *
Math.pow(2, 8 * (length - i - 1)));
return value;
Decoder.prototype.readChunkHeaderB = function(data, offset) {
var chunk = {}; = this.readString(data, offset, 4);
chunk.length = this.readIntB(data, offset + 4, 4);
return chunk;
Decoder.prototype.readFloatB = function(data, offset) {
var expon = this.readIntB(data, offset, 2);
var range = 1 << 16 - 1;
if (expon >= range) {
expon |= ~(range - 1);
var sign = 1;
if (expon < 0) {
sign = -1;
expon += range;
var himant = this.readIntB(data, offset + 2, 4);
var lomant = this.readIntB(data, offset + 6, 4);
var value;
if (expon == himant == lomant == 0) {
value = 0;
else if (expon == 0x7FFF) {
value = Number.MAX_VALUE;
else {
expon -= 16383;
value = (himant * 0x100000000 + lomant) * Math.pow(2, expon - 63);
return sign * value;
function WAVDecoder(data) {
WAVDecoder.prototype.__proto__ = Decoder.prototype;
WAVDecoder.prototype.decode = function(data) {
var decoded = {};
var offset = 0;
// Header
var chunk = this.readChunkHeaderL(data, offset);
offset += 8;
if ( != 'RIFF') {
console.error('File is not a WAV');
return null;
var fileLength = chunk.length;
fileLength += 8;
var wave = this.readString(data, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
if (wave != 'WAVE') {
console.error('File is not a WAV');
return null;
while (offset < fileLength) {
var chunk = this.readChunkHeaderL(data, offset);
offset += 8;
if ( == 'fmt ') {
// File encoding
var encoding = this.readIntL(data, offset, 2);
offset += 2;
if (encoding != 0x0001) {
// Only support PCM
console.error('Cannot decode non-PCM encoded WAV file');
return null;
// Number of channels
var numberOfChannels = this.readIntL(data, offset, 2);
offset += 2;
// Sample rate
var sampleRate = this.readIntL(data, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
// Ignore bytes/sec - 4 bytes
offset += 4;
// Ignore block align - 2 bytes
offset += 2;
// Bit depth
var bitDepth = this.readIntL(data, offset, 2);
var bytesPerSample = bitDepth / 8;
offset += 2;
else if ( == 'data') {
// Data must come after fmt, so we are okay to use it's variables
// here
var length = chunk.length / (bytesPerSample * numberOfChannels);
var channels = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
channels.push(new Float32Array(length));
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
var channel = channels[i];
for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) {
var index = offset;
index += (j * numberOfChannels + i) * bytesPerSample;
// Sample
var value = this.readIntL(data, index, bytesPerSample);
// Scale range from 0 to 2**bitDepth -> -2**(bitDepth-1) to
// 2**(bitDepth-1)
var range = 1 << bitDepth - 1;
if (value >= range) {
value |= ~(range - 1);
// Scale range to -1 to 1
channel[j] = value / range;
offset += chunk.length;
else {
offset += chunk.length;
decoded.sampleRate = sampleRate;
decoded.bitDepth = bitDepth;
decoded.channels = channels;
decoded.length = length;
return decoded;
function AIFFDecoder() {
AIFFDecoder.prototype.__proto__ = Decoder.prototype;
AIFFDecoder.prototype.decode = function(data) {
var decoded = {};
var offset = 0;
// Header
var chunk = this.readChunkHeaderB(data, offset);
offset += 8;
if ( != 'FORM') {
console.error('File is not an AIFF');
return null;
var fileLength = chunk.length;
fileLength += 8;
var aiff = this.readString(data, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
if (aiff != 'AIFF') {
console.error('File is not an AIFF');
return null;
while (offset < fileLength) {
var chunk = this.readChunkHeaderB(data, offset);
offset += 8;
if ( == 'COMM') {
// Number of channels
var numberOfChannels = this.readIntB(data, offset, 2);
offset += 2;
// Number of samples
var length = this.readIntB(data, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
var channels = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
channels.push(new Float32Array(length));
// Bit depth
var bitDepth = this.readIntB(data, offset, 2);
var bytesPerSample = bitDepth / 8;
offset += 2;
// Sample rate
var sampleRate = this.readFloatB(data, offset);
offset += 10;
else if ( == 'SSND') {
// Data offset
var dataOffset = this.readIntB(data, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
// Ignore block size
offset += 4;
// Skip over data offset
offset += dataOffset;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
var channel = channels[i];
for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) {
var index = offset;
index += (j * numberOfChannels + i) * bytesPerSample;
// Sample
var value = this.readIntB(data, index, bytesPerSample);
// Scale range from 0 to 2**bitDepth -> -2**(bitDepth-1) to
// 2**(bitDepth-1)
var range = 1 << bitDepth - 1;
if (value >= range) {
value |= ~(range - 1);
// Scale range to -1 to 1
channel[j] = value / range;
offset += chunk.length - dataOffset - 8;
else {
offset += chunk.length;
decoded.sampleRate = sampleRate;
decoded.bitDepth = bitDepth;
decoded.channels = channels;
decoded.length = length;
return decoded;
* @depends ../audiofile/audiofile.js
* A variable size multi-channel audio buffer.
* @constructor
* @param {Number} numberOfChannels The initial number of channels.
* @param {Number} length The length in samples of each channel.
var AudioletBuffer = function(numberOfChannels, length) {
this.numberOfChannels = numberOfChannels;
this.length = length;
this.channels = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.numberOfChannels; i++) {
this.channels.push(new Float32Array(length));
this.unslicedChannels = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.numberOfChannels; i++) {
this.isEmpty = false;
this.channelOffset = 0;
* Get a single channel of data
* @param {Number} channel The index of the channel.
* @return {Float32Array} The requested channel.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.getChannelData = function(channel) {
return (this.channels[channel]);
* Set the data in the buffer by copying data from a second buffer
* @param {AudioletBuffer} buffer The buffer to copy data from.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.set = function(buffer) {
var numberOfChannels = buffer.numberOfChannels;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
* Set the data in a section of the buffer by copying data from a second buffer
* @param {AudioletBuffer} buffer The buffer to copy data from.
* @param {Number} length The number of samples to copy.
* @param {Number} [inputOffset=0] An offset to read data from.
* @param {Number} [outputOffset=0] An offset to write data to.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.setSection = function(buffer, length, inputOffset,
outputOffset) {
inputOffset = inputOffset || 0;
outputOffset = outputOffset || 0;
var numberOfChannels = buffer.numberOfChannels;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
// Begin subarray-of-subarray fix
inputOffset += buffer.channelOffset;
outputOffset += this.channelOffset;
var channel1 = this.unslicedChannels[i].subarray(outputOffset,
outputOffset +
var channel2 = buffer.unslicedChannels[i].subarray(inputOffset,
inputOffset +
// End subarray-of-subarray fix
// Uncomment the following lines when subarray-of-subarray is fixed
var channel1 = this.getChannelData(i).subarray(outputOffset,
outputOffset +
var channel2 = buffer.getChannelData(i).subarray(inputOffset,
inputOffset +
* Add the data from a second buffer to the data in this buffer
* @param {AudioletBuffer} buffer The buffer to add data from.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.add = function(buffer) {
var length = this.length;
var numberOfChannels = buffer.numberOfChannels;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
var channel1 = this.getChannelData(i);
var channel2 = buffer.getChannelData(i);
for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) {
channel1[j] += channel2[j];
* Add the data from a section of a second buffer to the data in this buffer
* @param {AudioletBuffer} buffer The buffer to add data from.
* @param {Number} length The number of samples to add.
* @param {Number} [inputOffset=0] An offset to read data from.
* @param {Number} [outputOffset=0] An offset to write data to.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.addSection = function(buffer, length, inputOffset,
outputOffset) {
inputOffset = inputOffset || 0;
outputOffset = outputOffset || 0;
var numberOfChannels = buffer.numberOfChannels;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
var channel1 = this.getChannelData(i);
var channel2 = buffer.getChannelData(i);
for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) {
channel1[j + outputOffset] += channel2[j + inputOffset];
* Resize the buffer. This operation can optionally be lazy, which is
* generally faster but doesn't necessarily result in an empty buffer.
* @param {Number} numberOfChannel The new number of channels.
* @param {Number} length The new length of each channel.
* @param {Boolean} [lazy=false] If true a resized buffer may not be empty.
* @param {Number} [offset=0] An offset to resize from.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.resize = function(numberOfChannels, length, lazy,
offset) {
offset = offset || 0;
// Local variables
var channels = this.channels;
var unslicedChannels = this.unslicedChannels;
var oldLength = this.length;
var channelOffset = this.channelOffset + offset;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
// Get the current channels
var channel = channels[i];
var unslicedChannel = unslicedChannels[i];
if (length > oldLength) {
// We are increasing the size of the buffer
var oldChannel = channel;
if (!lazy ||
!unslicedChannel ||
unslicedChannel.length < length) {
// Unsliced channel is not empty when it needs to be,
// does not exist, or is not large enough, so needs to be
// (re)created
unslicedChannel = new Float32Array(length);
channel = unslicedChannel.subarray(0, length);
if (!lazy && oldChannel) {
channel.set(oldChannel, offset);
channelOffset = 0;
else {
// We are decreasing the size of the buffer
if (!unslicedChannel) {
// Unsliced channel does not exist
// We can assume that we always have at least one unsliced
// channel, so we can copy its length
var unslicedLength = unslicedChannels[0].length;
unslicedChannel = new Float32Array(unslicedLength);
// Begin subarray-of-subarray fix
offset = channelOffset;
channel = unslicedChannel.subarray(offset, offset + length);
// End subarray-of-subarray fix
// Uncomment the following lines when subarray-of-subarray is
// fixed.
// TODO: Write version where subarray-of-subarray is used
channels[i] = channel;
unslicedChannels[i] = unslicedChannel;
this.channels = channels.slice(0, numberOfChannels);
this.unslicedChannels = unslicedChannels.slice(0, numberOfChannels);
this.length = length;
this.numberOfChannels = numberOfChannels;
this.channelOffset = channelOffset;
* Append the data from a second buffer to the end of the buffer
* @param {AudioletBuffer} buffer The buffer to append to this buffer.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.push = function(buffer) {
var bufferLength = buffer.length;
this.resize(this.numberOfChannels, this.length + bufferLength);
this.setSection(buffer, bufferLength, 0, this.length - bufferLength);
* Remove data from the end of the buffer, placing it in a second buffer.
* @param {AudioletBuffer} buffer The buffer to move data into.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.pop = function(buffer) {
var bufferLength = buffer.length;
var offset = this.length - bufferLength;
buffer.setSection(this, bufferLength, offset, 0);
this.resize(this.numberOfChannels, offset);
* Prepend data from a second buffer to the beginning of the buffer.
* @param {AudioletBuffer} buffer The buffer to prepend to this buffer.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.unshift = function(buffer) {
var bufferLength = buffer.length;
this.resize(this.numberOfChannels, this.length + bufferLength, false,
this.setSection(buffer, bufferLength, 0, 0);
* Remove data from the beginning of the buffer, placing it in a second buffer.
* @param {AudioletBuffer} buffer The buffer to move data into.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.shift = function(buffer) {
var bufferLength = buffer.length;
buffer.setSection(this, bufferLength, 0, 0);
this.resize(this.numberOfChannels, this.length - bufferLength,
false, bufferLength);
* Make all values in the buffer 0
*/ = function() {
var numberOfChannels = this.numberOfChannels;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
var channel = this.getChannelData(i);
var length = this.length;
for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) {
channel[j] = 0;
* Copy the buffer into a single Float32Array, with each channel appended to
* the end of the previous one.
* @return {Float32Array} The combined array of data.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.combined = function() {
var channels = this.channels;
var numberOfChannels = this.numberOfChannels;
var length = this.length;
var combined = new Float32Array(numberOfChannels * length);
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
combined.set(channels[i], i * length);
return combined;
* Copy the buffer into a single Float32Array, with the channels interleaved.
* @return {Float32Array} The interleaved array of data.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.interleaved = function() {
var channels = this.channels;
var numberOfChannels = this.numberOfChannels;
var length = this.length;
var interleaved = new Float32Array(numberOfChannels * length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < numberOfChannels; j++) {
interleaved[numberOfChannels * i + j] = channels[j][i];
return interleaved;
* Return a new copy of the buffer.
* @return {AudioletBuffer} The copy of the buffer.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.copy = function() {
var buffer = new AudioletBuffer(this.numberOfChannels, this.length);
return buffer;
* Load a .wav or .aiff file into the buffer using audiofile.js
* @param {String} path The path to the file.
* @param {Boolean} [async=true] Whether to load the file asynchronously.
* @param {Function} [callback] Function called if the file loaded sucessfully.
AudioletBuffer.prototype.load = function(path, async, callback) {
var request = new AudioFileRequest(path, async);
request.onSuccess = function(decoded) {
this.length = decoded.length;
this.numberOfChannels = decoded.channels.length;
this.unslicedChannels = decoded.channels;
this.channels = decoded.channels;
this.channelOffset = 0;
if (callback) {
request.onFailure = function() {
console.error('Could not load', path);
* A container for collections of connected AudioletNodes. Groups make it
* possible to create multiple copies of predefined networks of nodes,
* without having to manually create and connect up each individual node.
* From the outside groups look and behave exactly the same as nodes.
* Internally you can connect nodes directly to the group's inputs and
* outputs, allowing connection to nodes outside of the group.
* @constructor
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} numberOfInputs The number of inputs.
* @param {Number} numberOfOutputs The number of outputs.
var AudioletGroup = function(audiolet, numberOfInputs, numberOfOutputs) {
this.audiolet = audiolet;
this.inputs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfInputs; i++) {
this.inputs.push(new PassThroughNode(this.audiolet, 1, 1));
this.outputs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfOutputs; i++) {
this.outputs.push(new PassThroughNode(this.audiolet, 1, 1));
* Connect the group to another node or group
* @param {AudioletNode|AudioletGroup} node The node to connect to.
* @param {Number} [output=0] The index of the output to connect from.
* @param {Number} [input=0] The index of the input to connect to.
AudioletGroup.prototype.connect = function(node, output, input) {
this.outputs[output || 0].connect(node, 0, input);
* Disconnect the group from another node or group
* @param {AudioletNode|AudioletGroup} node The node to disconnect from.
* @param {Number} [output=0] The index of the output to disconnect.
* @param {Number} [input=0] The index of the input to disconnect.
AudioletGroup.prototype.disconnect = function(node, output, input) {
this.outputs[output || 0].disconnect(node, 0, input);
* Remove the group completely from the processing graph, disconnecting all
* of its inputs and outputs
AudioletGroup.prototype.remove = function() {
var numberOfInputs = this.inputs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfInputs; i++) {
var numberOfOutputs = this.outputs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfOutputs; i++) {
* @depends AudioletGroup.js
* Group containing all of the components for the Audiolet output chain. The
* chain consists of:
* Input => Scheduler => UpMixer => Output
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletGroup
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [sampleRate=44100] The sample rate to run at.
* @param {Number} [numberOfChannels=2] The number of output channels.
* @param {Number} [bufferSize=8192] A fixed buffer size to use.
var AudioletDestination = function(audiolet, sampleRate, numberOfChannels,
bufferSize) {, audiolet, 1, 0);
this.device = new AudioletDevice(audiolet, sampleRate,
numberOfChannels, bufferSize);
audiolet.device = this.device; // Shortcut
this.scheduler = new Scheduler(audiolet);
audiolet.scheduler = this.scheduler; // Shortcut
this.upMixer = new UpMixer(audiolet, this.device.numberOfChannels);
extend(AudioletDestination, AudioletGroup);
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
AudioletDestination.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Destination';
* The basic building block of Audiolet applications. Nodes are connected
* together to create a processing graph which governs the flow of audio data.
* AudioletNodes can contain any number of inputs and outputs which send and
* receive one or more channels of audio data. Audio data is created and
* processed using the generate function, which is called whenever new data is
* needed.
* @constructor
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} numberOfInputs The number of inputs.
* @param {Number} numberOfOutputs The number of outputs.
* @param {Function} [generate] A replacement for the generate function.
var AudioletNode = function(audiolet, numberOfInputs, numberOfOutputs,
generate) {
this.audiolet = audiolet;
this.inputs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfInputs; i++) {
this.inputs.push(new AudioletInput(this, i));
this.outputs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfOutputs; i++) {
this.outputs.push(new AudioletOutput(this, i));
if (generate) {
this.generate = generate;
* Connect the node to another node or group.
* @param {AudioletNode|AudioletGroup} node The node to connect to.
* @param {Number} [output=0] The index of the output to connect from.
* @param {Number} [input=0] The index of the input to connect to.
AudioletNode.prototype.connect = function(node, output, input) {
if (node instanceof AudioletGroup) {
// Connect to the pass-through node rather than the group
node = node.inputs[input || 0];
input = 0;
var outputPin = this.outputs[output || 0];
var inputPin = node.inputs[input || 0];
this.audiolet.device.needTraverse = true;
* Disconnect the node from another node or group
* @param {AudioletNode|AudioletGroup} node The node to disconnect from.
* @param {Number} [output=0] The index of the output to disconnect.
* @param {Number} [input=0] The index of the input to disconnect.
AudioletNode.prototype.disconnect = function(node, output, input) {
if (node instanceof AudioletGroup) {
node = node.inputs[input || 0];
input = 0;
var outputPin = this.outputs[output || 0];
var inputPin = node.inputs[input || 0];
this.audiolet.device.needTraverse = true;
* Force an output to contain a fixed number of channels.
* @param {Number} output The index of the output.
* @param {Number} numberOfChannels The number of channels.
AudioletNode.prototype.setNumberOfOutputChannels = function(output,
numberOfChannels) {
this.outputs[output].numberOfChannels = numberOfChannels;
* Link an output to an input, forcing the output to always contain the
* same number of channels as the input.
* @param {Number} output The index of the output.
* @param {Number} input The index of the input.
AudioletNode.prototype.linkNumberOfOutputChannels = function(output, input) {
* Process samples a from each channel. This function should not be called
* manually by users, who should instead rely on automatic ticking from
* connections to the AudioletDevice.
AudioletNode.prototype.tick = function() {
* Traverse the audio graph, adding this and any parent nodes to the nodes
* array.
* @param {AudioletNode[]} nodes Array to add nodes to.
AudioletNode.prototype.traverse = function(nodes) {
if (nodes.indexOf(this) == -1) {
nodes = this.traverseParents(nodes);
return nodes;
* Call the traverse function on nodes which are connected to the inputs.
AudioletNode.prototype.traverseParents = function(nodes) {
var numberOfInputs = this.inputs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfInputs; i++) {
var input = this.inputs[i];
var numberOfStreams = input.connectedFrom.length;
for (var j = 0; j < numberOfStreams; j++) {
nodes = input.connectedFrom[j].node.traverse(nodes);
return nodes;
* Process a sample for each channel, reading from the inputs and putting new
* values into the outputs. Override me!
AudioletNode.prototype.generate = function() {
* Create the input samples by grabbing data from the outputs of connected
* nodes and summing it. If no nodes are connected to an input, then
* give an empty array
AudioletNode.prototype.createInputSamples = function() {
var numberOfInputs = this.inputs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfInputs; i++) {
var input = this.inputs[i];
var numberOfInputChannels = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < input.connectedFrom.length; j++) {
var output = input.connectedFrom[j];
for (var k = 0; k < output.samples.length; k++) {
var sample = output.samples[k];
if (k < numberOfInputChannels) {
input.samples[k] += sample;
else {
input.samples[k] = sample;
numberOfInputChannels += 1;
if (input.samples.length > numberOfInputChannels) {
input.samples = input.samples.slice(0, numberOfInputChannels);
* Create output samples for each channel.
AudioletNode.prototype.createOutputSamples = function() {
var numberOfOutputs = this.outputs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfOutputs; i++) {
var output = this.outputs[i];
var numberOfChannels = output.getNumberOfChannels();
if (output.samples.length == numberOfChannels) {
else if (output.samples.length > numberOfChannels) {
output.samples = output.samples.slice(0, numberOfChannels);
for (var j = output.samples.length; j < numberOfChannels; j++) {
output.samples[j] = 0;
* Remove the node completely from the processing graph, disconnecting all
* of its inputs and outputs.
AudioletNode.prototype.remove = function() {
// Disconnect inputs
var numberOfInputs = this.inputs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfInputs; i++) {
var input = this.inputs[i];
var numberOfStreams = input.connectedFrom.length;
for (var j = 0; j < numberOfStreams; j++) {
var outputPin = input.connectedFrom[j];
var output = outputPin.node;
output.disconnect(this, outputPin.index, i);
// Disconnect outputs
var numberOfOutputs = this.outputs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfOutputs; i++) {
var output = this.outputs[i];
var numberOfStreams = output.connectedTo.length;
for (var j = 0; j < numberOfStreams; j++) {
var inputPin = output.connectedTo[j];
var input = inputPin.node;
this.disconnect(input, i, inputPin.index);
* @depends AudioletNode.js
* Audio output device. Uses sink.js to output to a range of APIs.
* @constructor
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [sampleRate=44100] The sample rate to run at.
* @param {Number} [numberOfChannels=2] The number of output channels.
* @param {Number} [bufferSize=8192] A fixed buffer size to use.
function AudioletDevice(audiolet, sampleRate, numberOfChannels, bufferSize) {, audiolet, 1, 0);
this.sink = Sink(this.tick.bind(this), numberOfChannels, bufferSize,
// Re-read the actual values from the sink. Sample rate especially is
// liable to change depending on what the soundcard allows.
this.sampleRate = this.sink.sampleRate;
this.numberOfChannels = this.sink.channelCount;
this.bufferSize = this.sink.preBufferSize;
this.writePosition = 0;
this.buffer = null;
this.paused = false;
this.needTraverse = true;
this.nodes = [];
extend(AudioletDevice, AudioletNode);
* Overridden tick function. Pulls data from the input and writes it to the
* device.
* @param {Float32Array} buffer Buffer to write data to.
* @param {Number} numberOfChannels Number of channels in the buffer.
AudioletDevice.prototype.tick = function(buffer, numberOfChannels) {
if (!this.paused) {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var samplesNeeded = buffer.length / numberOfChannels;
for (var i = 0; i < samplesNeeded; i++) {
if (this.needTraverse) {
this.nodes = this.traverse([]);
this.needTraverse = false;
// Tick in reverse order up to, but not including this node
for (var j = this.nodes.length - 1; j > 0; j--) {
// Cut down tick to just sum the input samples
for (var j = 0; j < numberOfChannels; j++) {
buffer[i * numberOfChannels + j] = input.samples[j];
this.writePosition += 1;
* Get the current output position
* @return {Number} Output position in samples.
AudioletDevice.prototype.getPlaybackTime = function() {
return this.sink.getPlaybackTime();
* Get the current write position
* @return {Number} Write position in samples.
AudioletDevice.prototype.getWriteTime = function() {
return this.writePosition;
* Pause the output stream, and stop everything from ticking. The playback
* time will continue to increase, but the write time will be paused.
AudioletDevice.prototype.pause = function() {
this.paused = true;
* Restart the output stream.
*/ = function() {
this.paused = false;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
AudioletDevice.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Audio Output Device';
* Class representing a single input of an AudioletNode
* @constructor
* @param {AudioletNode} node The node which the input belongs to.
* @param {Number} index The index of the input.
var AudioletInput = function(node, index) {
this.node = node;
this.index = index;
this.connectedFrom = [];
// Minimum sized buffer, which we can resize from accordingly
this.samples = [];
* Connect the input to an output
* @param {AudioletOutput} output The output to connect to.
AudioletInput.prototype.connect = function(output) {
* Disconnect the input from an output
* @param {AudioletOutput} output The output to disconnect from.
AudioletInput.prototype.disconnect = function(output) {
var numberOfStreams = this.connectedFrom.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfStreams; i++) {
if (output == this.connectedFrom[i]) {
this.connectedFrom.splice(i, 1);
if (this.connectedFrom.length == 0) {
this.samples = [];
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
AudioletInput.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.node.toString() + 'Input #' + this.index;
* The base audiolet object. Contains an output node which pulls data from
* connected nodes.
* @constructor
* @param {Number} [sampleRate=44100] The sample rate to run at.
* @param {Number} [numberOfChannels=2] The number of output channels.
* @param {Number} [bufferSize] Block size. If undefined uses a sane default.
var Audiolet = function(sampleRate, numberOfChannels, bufferSize) {
this.output = new AudioletDestination(this, sampleRate,
numberOfChannels, bufferSize);
* Class representing a single output of an AudioletNode
* @constructor
* @param {AudioletNode} node The node which the input belongs to.
* @param {Number} index The index of the input.
var AudioletOutput = function(node, index) {
this.node = node;
this.index = index;
this.connectedTo = [];
this.samples = [];
this.linkedInput = null;
this.numberOfChannels = 1;
* Connect the output to an input
* @param {AudioletInput} input The input to connect to.
AudioletOutput.prototype.connect = function(input) {
* Disconnect the output from an input
* @param {AudioletInput} input The input to disconnect from.
AudioletOutput.prototype.disconnect = function(input) {
var numberOfStreams = this.connectedTo.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfStreams; i++) {
if (input == this.connectedTo[i]) {
this.connectedTo.splice(i, 1);
* Link the output to an input, forcing the output to always contain the
* same number of channels as the input.
* @param {AudioletInput} input The input to link to.
AudioletOutput.prototype.linkNumberOfChannels = function(input) {
this.linkedInput = input;
* Unlink the output from its linked input
AudioletOutput.prototype.unlinkNumberOfChannels = function() {
this.linkedInput = null;
* Get the number of output channels, taking the value from the input if the
* output is linked.
* @return {Number} The number of output channels.
AudioletOutput.prototype.getNumberOfChannels = function() {
if (this.linkedInput && this.linkedInput.connectedFrom.length) {
return (this.linkedInput.samples.length);
return (this.numberOfChannels);
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
AudioletOutput.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.node.toString() + 'Output #' + this.index + ' - ';
* AudioletParameters are used to provide either constant or varying values to
* be used inside AudioletNodes. AudioletParameters hold a static value, and
* can also be linked to an AudioletInput. If a node or group is connected to
* the linked input, then the dynamic value taken from the node should be
* prioritised over the stored static value. If no node is connected then the
* static value should be used.
* @constructor
* @param {AudioletNode} node The node which the parameter is associated with.
* @param {Number} [inputIndex] The index of the AudioletInput to link to.
* @param {Number} [value=0] The initial static value to store.
var AudioletParameter = function(node, inputIndex, value) {
this.node = node;
if (typeof inputIndex != 'undefined' && inputIndex != null) {
this.input = node.inputs[inputIndex];
else {
this.input = null;
this.value = value || 0;
* Check whether the static value should be used.
* @return {Boolean} True if the static value should be used.
AudioletParameter.prototype.isStatic = function() {
return (this.input.samples.length == 0);
* Check whether the dynamic values should be used.
* @return {Boolean} True if the dynamic values should be used.
AudioletParameter.prototype.isDynamic = function() {
return (this.input.samples.length > 0);
* Set the stored static value
* @param {Number} value The value to store.
AudioletParameter.prototype.setValue = function(value) {
this.value = value;
* Get the stored static value
* @return {Number} The stored static value.
AudioletParameter.prototype.getValue = function() {
if (this.input != null && this.input.samples.length > 0) {
return this.input.samples[0];
else {
return this.value;
* A method for extending a javascript pseudo-class
* Taken from
* @param {Object} subclass The class to extend.
* @param {Object} superclass The class to be extended.
function extend(subclass, superclass) {
function Dummy() {}
Dummy.prototype = superclass.prototype;
subclass.prototype = new Dummy();
subclass.prototype.constructor = subclass;
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* A type of AudioletNode designed to allow AudioletGroups to exactly replicate
* the behaviour of AudioletParameters. By linking one of the group's inputs
* to the ParameterNode's input, and calling `this.parameterName =
* parameterNode` in the group's constructor, `this.parameterName` will behave
* as if it were an AudioletParameter contained within an AudioletNode.
* **Inputs**
* - Parameter input
* **Outputs**
* - Parameter value
* **Parameters**
* - parameter The contained parameter. Linked to input 0.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} value The initial static value of the parameter.
var ParameterNode = function(audiolet, value) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.parameter = new AudioletParameter(this, 0, value);
extend(ParameterNode, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
ParameterNode.prototype.generate = function() {
this.outputs[0].samples[0] = this.parameter.getValue();
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
ParameterNode.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Parameter Node';
* @depends AudioletNode.js
* A specialized type of AudioletNode where values from the inputs are passed
* straight to the corresponding outputs in the most efficient way possible.
* PassThroughNodes are used in AudioletGroups to provide the inputs and
* outputs, and can also be used in analysis nodes where no modifications to
* the incoming audio are made.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} numberOfInputs The number of inputs.
* @param {Number} numberOfOutputs The number of outputs.
var PassThroughNode = function(audiolet, numberOfInputs, numberOfOutputs) {, audiolet, numberOfInputs, numberOfOutputs);
extend(PassThroughNode, AudioletNode);
* Create output samples for each channel, copying any input samples to
* the corresponding outputs.
PassThroughNode.prototype.createOutputSamples = function() {
var numberOfOutputs = this.outputs.length;
// Copy the inputs buffers straight to the output buffers
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfOutputs; i++) {
var input = this.inputs[i];
var output = this.outputs[i];
if (input && input.samples.length != 0) {
// Copy the input buffer straight to the output buffers
output.samples = input.samples;
else {
// Create the correct number of output samples
var numberOfChannels = output.getNumberOfChannels();
if (output.samples.length == numberOfChannels) {
else if (output.samples.length > numberOfChannels) {
output.samples = output.samples.slice(0, numberOfChannels);
for (var j = output.samples.length; j < numberOfChannels; j++) {
output.samples[j] = 0;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
PassThroughNode.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Pass Through Node';
* Priority Queue based on python heapq module
* @constructor
* @param {Object[]} [array] Initial array of values to store.
* @param {Function} [compare] Compare function.
var PriorityQueue = function(array, compare) {
if (compare) { = compare;
if (array) {
this.heap = array;
for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor(this.heap.length / 2); i++) {
else {
this.heap = [];
* Add an item to the queue
* @param {Object} item The item to add.
PriorityQueue.prototype.push = function(item) {
this.siftDown(0, this.heap.length - 1);
* Remove and return the top item from the queue.
* @return {Object} The top item.
PriorityQueue.prototype.pop = function() {
var lastElement, returnItem;
lastElement = this.heap.pop();
if (this.heap.length) {
var returnItem = this.heap[0];
this.heap[0] = lastElement;
else {
returnItem = lastElement;
return (returnItem);
* Return the top item from the queue, without removing it.
* @return {Object} The top item.
PriorityQueue.prototype.peek = function() {
return (this.heap[0]);
* Check whether the queue is empty.
* @return {Boolean} True if the queue is empty.
PriorityQueue.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return (this.heap.length == 0);
* Sift item down the queue.
* @param {Number} startPosition Queue start position.
* @param {Number} position Item position.
PriorityQueue.prototype.siftDown = function(startPosition, position) {
var newItem = this.heap[position];
while (position > startPosition) {
var parentPosition = (position - 1) >> 1;
var parent = this.heap[parentPosition];
if (, parent)) {
this.heap[position] = parent;
position = parentPosition;
this.heap[position] = newItem;
* Sift item up the queue.
* @param {Number} position Item position.
PriorityQueue.prototype.siftUp = function(position) {
var endPosition = this.heap.length;
var startPosition = position;
var newItem = this.heap[position];
var childPosition = 2 * position + 1;
while (childPosition < endPosition) {
var rightPosition = childPosition + 1;
if (rightPosition < endPosition &&
this.heap[rightPosition])) {
childPosition = rightPosition;
this.heap[position] = this.heap[childPosition];
position = childPosition;
childPosition = 2 * position + 1;
this.heap[position] = newItem;
this.siftDown(startPosition, position);
* Default compare function.
* @param {Number} a First item.
* @param {Number} b Second item.
* @return {Boolean} True if a < b.
*/ = function(a, b) {
return (a < b);
* @depends PassThroughNode.js
* A sample-accurate scheduler built as an AudioletNode. The scheduler works
* by storing a queue of events, and running callback functions when the
* correct sample is being processed. All timing and events are handled in
* beats, which are converted to sample positions using a master tempo.
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* **Outputs**
* - Audio
* @constructor
* @extends PassThroughNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [bpm=120] Initial tempo.
var Scheduler = function(audiolet, bpm) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.bpm = bpm || 120;
this.queue = new PriorityQueue(null, function(a, b) {
return (a.time < b.time);
this.time = 0;
this.beat = 0;
this.beatInBar = 0; = 0;
this.seconds = 0;
this.beatsPerBar = 0;
this.lastBeatTime = 0;
this.beatLength = 60 / this.bpm * this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
extend(Scheduler, PassThroughNode);
* Set the tempo of the scheduler.
* @param {Number} bpm The tempo in beats per minute.
Scheduler.prototype.setTempo = function(bpm) {
this.bpm = bpm;
this.beatLength = 60 / this.bpm * this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
* Add an event relative to the current write position
* @param {Number} beats How many beats in the future to schedule the event.
* @param {Function} callback A function called when it is time for the event.
* @return {Object} The event object.
Scheduler.prototype.addRelative = function(beats, callback) {
var event = {};
event.callback = callback;
event.time = this.time + beats * this.beatLength;
return event;
* Add an event at an absolute beat position
* @param {Number} beat The beat at which the event should take place.
* @param {Function} callback A function called when it is time for the event.
* @return {Object} The event object.
Scheduler.prototype.addAbsolute = function(beat, callback) {
if (beat < this.beat ||
beat == this.beat && this.time > this.lastBeatTime) {
// Nah
return null;
var event = {};
event.callback = callback;
event.time = this.lastBeatTime + (beat - this.beat) * this.beatLength;
return event;
* Schedule patterns to play, and provide the values generated to a callback.
* The durationPattern argument can be either a number, giving a constant time
* between each event, or a pattern, allowing varying time difference.
* @param {Pattern[]} patterns An array of patterns to play.
* @param {Pattern|Number} durationPattern The number of beats between events.
* @param {Function} callback Function called with the generated pattern values.
* @return {Object} The event object.
*/ = function(patterns, durationPattern, callback) {
var event = {};
event.patterns = patterns;
event.durationPattern = durationPattern;
event.callback = callback;
// TODO: Quantizing start time
event.time = this.audiolet.device.getWriteTime();
return event;
* Schedule patterns to play starting at an absolute beat position,
* and provide the values generated to a callback.
* The durationPattern argument can be either a number, giving a constant time
* between each event, or a pattern, allowing varying time difference.
* @param {Number} beat The beat at which the event should take place.
* @param {Pattern[]} patterns An array of patterns to play.
* @param {Pattern|Number} durationPattern The number of beats between events.
* @param {Function} callback Function called with the generated pattern values.
* @return {Object} The event object.
Scheduler.prototype.playAbsolute = function(beat, patterns, durationPattern,
callback) {
if (beat < this.beat ||
beat == this.beat && this.time > this.lastBeatTime) {
// Nah
return null;
var event = {};
event.patterns = patterns;
event.durationPattern = durationPattern;
event.callback = callback;
event.time = this.lastBeatTime + (beat - this.beat) * this.beatLength;
return event;
* Remove a scheduled event from the scheduler
* @param {Object} event The event to remove.
Scheduler.prototype.remove = function(event) {
var idx = this.queue.heap.indexOf(event);
if (idx != -1) {
this.queue.heap.splice(idx, 1);
// Recreate queue with event removed
this.queue = new PriorityQueue(this.queue.heap, function(a, b) {
return (a.time < b.time);
* Alias for remove, so for simple events we have add/remove, and for patterns
* we have play/stop.
* @param {Object} event The event to remove.
Scheduler.prototype.stop = function(event) {
* Overridden tick method. Process any events which are due to take place
* either now or previously.
Scheduler.prototype.tick = function() {;
while (!this.queue.isEmpty() &&
this.queue.peek().time <= this.time) {
var event = this.queue.pop();
* Update the various representations of time within the scheduler.
Scheduler.prototype.tickClock = function() {
this.time += 1;
this.seconds = this.time / this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
if (this.time >= this.lastBeatTime + this.beatLength) {
this.beat += 1;
this.beatInBar += 1;
if (this.beatInBar == this.beatsPerBar) { += 1;
this.beatInBar = 0;
this.lastBeatTime += this.beatLength;
* Process a single event, grabbing any necessary values, calling the event's
* callback, and rescheduling it if necessary.
* @param {Object} event The event to process.
Scheduler.prototype.processEvent = function(event) {
var durationPattern = event.durationPattern;
if (durationPattern) {
// Pattern event
var args = [];
var patterns = event.patterns;
var numberOfPatterns = patterns.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfPatterns; i++) {
var pattern = patterns[i];
var value =;
if (value != null) {
else {
// Null value for an argument, so don't process the
// callback or add any further events
event.callback.apply(null, args);
var duration;
if (durationPattern instanceof Pattern) {
duration =;
else {
duration = durationPattern;
if (duration) {
// Beats -> time
event.time += duration * this.beatLength;
else {
// Regular event
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Scheduler.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Scheduler';
* Bidirectional shim for the renaming of slice to subarray. Provides
* backwards compatibility with old browser releases
var Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array;
var Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array;
var types = [Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array,
Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array];
var original, shim;
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
if (types[i]) {
if (types[i].prototype.slice === undefined) {
original = 'subarray';
shim = 'slice';
else if (types[i].prototype.subarray === undefined) {
original = 'slice';
shim = 'subarray';
Object.defineProperty(types[i].prototype, shim, {
value: types[i].prototype[original],
enumerable: false
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* A generic envelope consisting of linear transitions of varying duration
* between a series of values.
* **Inputs**
* - Gate
* **Outputs**
* - Envelope
* **Parameters**
* - gate Gate controlling the envelope. Values should be 0 (off) or 1 (on).
* Linked to input 0.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [gate=1] Initial gate value.
* @param {Number[]} levels An array (of length n) of values to move between.
* @param {Number[]} times An array of n-1 durations - one for each transition.
* @param {Number} [releaseStage] Sustain at this stage until the the gate is 0.
* @param {Function} [onComplete] Function called as the envelope finishes.
var Envelope = function(audiolet, gate, levels, times, releaseStage,
onComplete) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.gate = new AudioletParameter(this, 0, gate || 1);
this.levels = [];
for (var i=0; i<levels.length; i++) {
this.levels.push(new AudioletParameter(this, null, levels[i]));
this.times = [];
for (var i=0; i<times.length; i++) {
this.times.push(new AudioletParameter(this, null, times[i]));
this.releaseStage = releaseStage;
this.onComplete = onComplete;
this.stage = null;
this.time = null;
this.changeTime = null;
this.level = this.levels[0].getValue(); = 0;
this.gateOn = false;
extend(Envelope, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Envelope.prototype.generate = function() {
var gate = this.gate.getValue();
var stageChanged = false;
if (gate && !this.gateOn) {
// Key pressed
this.gateOn = true;
this.stage = 0;
this.time = 0; = 0;
this.level = this.levels[0].getValue();
if (this.stage != this.releaseStage) {
stageChanged = true;
if (this.gateOn && !gate) {
// Key released
this.gateOn = false;
if (this.releaseStage != null) {
// Jump to the release stage
this.stage = this.releaseStage;
stageChanged = true;
if (this.changeTime) {
// We are not sustaining, and we are playing, so increase the
// time
this.time += 1;
if (this.time >= this.changeTime) {
// Need to go to the next stage
this.stage += 1;
if (this.stage != this.releaseStage) {
stageChanged = true;
else {
// If we reach the release stage then sustain the value
// until the gate is released rather than moving on
// to the next level.
this.changeTime = null; = 0;
if (stageChanged) {
// level = this.levels[stage];
if (this.stage != this.times.length) {
// Actually update the variables = this.calculateDelta(this.stage, this.level);
this.changeTime = this.calculateChangeTime(this.stage, this.time);
else {
// Made it to the end, so finish up
if (this.onComplete) {
this.stage = null;
this.time = null;
this.changeTime = null; = 0;
this.level +=;
this.outputs[0].samples[0] = this.level;
* Calculate the change in level needed each sample for a section
* @param {Number} stage The index of the current stage.
* @param {Number} level The current level.
* @return {Number} The change in level.
Envelope.prototype.calculateDelta = function(stage, level) {
var delta = this.levels[stage + 1].getValue() - level;
var stageTime = this.times[stage].getValue() *
return (delta / stageTime);
* Calculate the time in samples at which the next stage starts
* @param {Number} stage The index of the current stage.
* @param {Number} time The current time.
* @return {Number} The change time.
Envelope.prototype.calculateChangeTime = function(stage, time) {
var stageTime = this.times[stage].getValue() *
return (time + stageTime);
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Envelope.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Envelope';
* @depends Envelope.js
* Linear attack-decay-sustain-release envelope
* **Inputs**
* - Gate
* **Outputs**
* - Envelope
* **Parameters**
* - gate The gate turning the envelope on and off. Value changes from 0 -> 1
* trigger the envelope. Value changes from 1 -> 0 make the envelope move to
* its release stage. Linked to input 0.
* @constructor
* @extends Envelope
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} gate The initial gate value.
* @param {Number} attack The attack time in seconds.
* @param {Number} decay The decay time in seconds.
* @param {Number} sustain The sustain level (between 0 and 1).
* @param {Number} release The release time in seconds.
* @param {Function} onComplete A function called after the release stage.
var ADSREnvelope = function(audiolet, gate, attack, decay, sustain, release,
onComplete) {
var levels = [0, 1, sustain, 0];
var times = [attack, decay, release];, audiolet, gate, levels, times, 2, onComplete);
this.attack = this.times[0];
this.decay = this.times[1];
this.sustain = this.levels[2];
this.release = this.levels[2];
extend(ADSREnvelope, Envelope);
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
ADSREnvelope.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'ADSR Envelope';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Generic biquad filter. The coefficients (a0, a1, a2, b0, b1 and b2) are set
* using the calculateCoefficients function, which should be overridden and
* will be called automatically when new values are needed.
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Filter frequency
* **Outputs**
* - Filtered audio
* **Parameters**
* - frequency The filter frequency. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} frequency The initial frequency.
var BiquadFilter = function(audiolet, frequency) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
// Same number of output channels as input channels
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.frequency = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, frequency || 22100);
this.lastFrequency = null; // See if we need to recalculate coefficients
// Delayed values
this.xValues = [];
this.yValues = [];
// Coefficients
this.b0 = 0;
this.b1 = 0;
this.b2 = 0;
this.a0 = 0;
this.a1 = 0;
this.a2 = 0;
extend(BiquadFilter, AudioletNode);
* Calculate the biquad filter coefficients. This should be overridden.
* @param {Number} frequency The filter frequency.
BiquadFilter.prototype.calculateCoefficients = function(frequency) {
* Process samples
BiquadFilter.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0]
var xValueArray = this.xValues;
var yValueArray = this.yValues;
var frequency = this.frequency.getValue();
if (frequency != this.lastFrequency) {
// Recalculate the coefficients
this.lastFrequency = frequency;
var a0 = this.a0;
var a1 = this.a1;
var a2 = this.a2;
var b0 = this.b0;
var b1 = this.b1;
var b2 = this.b2;
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
if (i >= xValueArray.length) {
xValueArray.push([0, 0]);
yValueArray.push([0, 0]);
var xValues = xValueArray[i];
var x1 = xValues[0];
var x2 = xValues[1];
var yValues = yValueArray[i];
var y1 = yValues[0];
var y2 = yValues[1];
var x0 = input.samples[i];
var y0 = (b0 / a0) * x0 +
(b1 / a0) * x1 +
(b2 / a0) * x2 -
(a1 / a0) * y1 -
(a2 / a0) * y2;
output.samples[i] = y0;
xValues[0] = x0;
xValues[1] = x1;
yValues[0] = y0;
yValues[1] = y1;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
BiquadFilter.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Biquad Filter';
* @depends BiquadFilter.js
* All-pass filter
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Filter frequency
* **Outputs**
* - Filtered audio
* **Parameters**
* - frequency The filter frequency. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends BiquadFilter
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} frequency The initial frequency.
var AllPassFilter = function(audiolet, frequency) {, audiolet, frequency);
extend(AllPassFilter, BiquadFilter);
* Calculate the biquad filter coefficients using maths from
* @param {Number} frequency The filter frequency.
AllPassFilter.prototype.calculateCoefficients = function(frequency) {
var w0 = 2 * Math.PI * frequency /
var cosw0 = Math.cos(w0);
var sinw0 = Math.sin(w0);
var alpha = sinw0 / (2 / Math.sqrt(2));
this.b0 = 1 - alpha;
this.b1 = -2 * cosw0;
this.b2 = 1 + alpha;
this.a0 = 1 + alpha;
this.a1 = -2 * cosw0;
this.a2 = 1 - alpha;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
AllPassFilter.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'All Pass Filter';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Amplitude envelope follower
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Attack time
* - Release time
* **Outputs**
* - Amplitude envelope
* **Parameters**
* - attack The attack time of the envelope follower. Linked to input 1.
* - release The release time of the envelope follower. Linked to input 2.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [attack=0.01] The initial attack time in seconds.
* @param {Number} [release=0.01] The initial release time in seconds.
var Amplitude = function(audiolet, attack, release) {, audiolet, 3, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.followers = [];
this.attack = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, attack || 0.01);
this.release = new AudioletParameter(this, 2, release || 0.01);
extend(Amplitude, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Amplitude.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var followers = this.followers;
var numberOfFollowers = followers.length;
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
// Local processing variables
var attack = this.attack.getValue();
attack = Math.pow(0.01, 1 / (attack * sampleRate));
var release = this.release.getValue();
release = Math.pow(0.01, 1 / (release * sampleRate));
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
if (i >= numberOfFollowers) {
var follower = followers[i];
var value = Math.abs(input.samples[i]);
if (value > follower) {
follower = attack * (follower - value) + value;
else {
follower = release * (follower - value) + value;
output.samples[i] = follower;
followers[i] = follower;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Amplitude.prototype.toString = function() {
return ('Amplitude');
* @depends ../core/PassThroughNode.js
* Detect potentially hazardous values in the audio stream. Looks for
* undefineds, nulls, NaNs and Infinities.
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* **Outputs**
* - Audio
* @constructor
* @extends PassThroughNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Function} [callback] Function called if a bad value is detected.
var BadValueDetector = function(audiolet, callback) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
if (callback) {
this.callback = callback;
extend(BadValueDetector, PassThroughNode);
* Default callback. Logs the value and position of the bad value.
* @param {Number|Object|'undefined'} value The value detected.
* @param {Number} channel The index of the channel the value was found in.
* @param {Number} index The sample index the value was found at.
BadValueDetector.prototype.callback = function(value, channel) {
console.error(value + ' detected at channel ' + channel);
* Process samples
BadValueDetector.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
var value = input.samples[i];
if (typeof value == 'undefined' ||
value == null ||
isNaN(value) ||
value == Infinity ||
value == -Infinity) {
this.callback(value, i);
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
BadValueDetector.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Bad Value Detector';
* @depends BiquadFilter.js
* Band-pass filter
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Filter frequency
* **Outputs**
* - Filtered audio
* **Parameters**
* - frequency The filter frequency. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends BiquadFilter
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} frequency The initial frequency.
var BandPassFilter = function(audiolet, frequency) {, audiolet, frequency);
extend(BandPassFilter, BiquadFilter);
* Calculate the biquad filter coefficients using maths from
* @param {Number} frequency The filter frequency.
BandPassFilter.prototype.calculateCoefficients = function(frequency) {
var w0 = 2 * Math.PI * frequency / this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
var cosw0 = Math.cos(w0);
var sinw0 = Math.sin(w0);
var alpha = sinw0 / (2 / Math.sqrt(2));
this.b0 = alpha;
this.b1 = 0;
this.b2 = -alpha;
this.a0 = 1 + alpha;
this.a1 = -2 * cosw0;
this.a2 = 1 - alpha;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
BandPassFilter.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Band Pass Filter';
* @depends BiquadFilter.js
* Band-reject filter
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Filter frequency
* **Outputs**
* - Filtered audio
* **Parameters**
* - frequency The filter frequency. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends BiquadFilter
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} frequency The initial frequency.
var BandRejectFilter = function(audiolet, frequency) {, audiolet, frequency);
extend(BandRejectFilter, BiquadFilter);
* Calculate the biquad filter coefficients using maths from
* @param {Number} frequency The filter frequency.
BandRejectFilter.prototype.calculateCoefficients = function(frequency) {
var w0 = 2 * Math.PI * frequency /
var cosw0 = Math.cos(w0);
var sinw0 = Math.sin(w0);
var alpha = sinw0 / (2 / Math.sqrt(2));
this.b0 = 1;
this.b1 = -2 * cosw0;
this.b2 = 1;
this.a0 = 1 + alpha;
this.a1 = -2 * cosw0;
this.a2 = 1 - alpha;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
BandRejectFilter.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Band Reject Filter';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Reduce the bitrate of incoming audio
* **Inputs**
* - Audio 1
* - Number of bits
* **Outputs**
* - Bit Crushed Audio
* **Parameters**
* - bits The number of bit to reduce to. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} bits The initial number of bits.
var BitCrusher = function(audiolet, bits) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.bits = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, bits);
extend(BitCrusher, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
BitCrusher.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var maxValue = Math.pow(2, this.bits.getValue()) - 1;
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
this.outputs[0].samples[i] = Math.floor(input.samples[i] * maxValue) /
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
BitCrusher.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'BitCrusher';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Play the contents of an audio buffer
* **Inputs**
* - Playback rate
* - Restart trigger
* - Start position
* - Loop on/off
* **Outputs**
* - Audio
* **Parameters**
* - playbackRate The rate that the buffer should play at. Value of 1 plays at
* the regular rate. Values > 1 are pitched up. Values < 1 are pitched down.
* Linked to input 0.
* - restartTrigger Changes of value from 0 -> 1 restart the playback from the
* start position. Linked to input 1.
* - startPosition The position at which playback should begin. Values between
* 0 (the beginning of the buffer) and 1 (the end of the buffer). Linked to
* input 2.
* - loop Whether the buffer should loop when it reaches the end. Linked to
* input 3
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {AudioletBuffer} buffer The buffer to play.
* @param {Number} [playbackRate=1] The initial playback rate.
* @param {Number} [startPosition=0] The initial start position.
* @param {Number} [loop=0] Initial value for whether to loop.
* @param {Function} [onComplete] Called when the buffer has finished playing.
var BufferPlayer = function(audiolet, buffer, playbackRate, startPosition,
loop, onComplete) {, audiolet, 3, 1);
this.buffer = buffer;
this.setNumberOfOutputChannels(0, this.buffer.numberOfChannels);
this.position = startPosition || 0;
this.playbackRate = new AudioletParameter(this, 0, playbackRate || 1);
this.restartTrigger = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, 0);
this.startPosition = new AudioletParameter(this, 2, startPosition || 0);
this.loop = new AudioletParameter(this, 3, loop || 0);
this.onComplete = onComplete;
this.restartTriggerOn = false;
this.playing = true;
extend(BufferPlayer, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
BufferPlayer.prototype.generate = function() {
var output = this.outputs[0];
// Cache local variables
var numberOfChannels = output.samples.length;
if (this.buffer.length == 0 || !this.playing) {
// No buffer data, or not playing, so output zeros and return
for (var i=0; i<numberOfChannels; i++) {
output.samples[i] = 0;
// Crap load of parameters
var playbackRate = this.playbackRate.getValue();
var restartTrigger = this.restartTrigger.getValue();
var startPosition = this.startPosition.getValue();
var loop = this.loop.getValue();
if (restartTrigger > 0 && !this.restartTriggerOn) {
// Trigger moved from <=0 to >0, so we restart playback from
// startPosition
this.position = startPosition;
this.restartTriggerOn = true;
this.playing = true;
if (restartTrigger <= 0 && this.restartTriggerOn) {
// Trigger moved back to <= 0
this.restartTriggerOn = false;
var numberOfChannels = this.buffer.channels.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
var inputChannel = this.buffer.getChannelData(i);
output.samples[i] = inputChannel[Math.floor(this.position)];
this.position += playbackRate;
if (this.position >= this.buffer.length) {
if (loop) {
// Back to the start
this.position %= this.buffer.length;
else {
// Finish playing until a new restart trigger
this.playing = false;
if (this.onComplete) {
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
BufferPlayer.prototype.toString = function() {
return ('Buffer player');
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Undamped comb filter
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Delay Time
* - Decay Time
* **Outputs**
* - Filtered audio
* **Parameters**
* - delayTime The delay time in seconds. Linked to input 1.
* - decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60dB. Linked to input 0.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} maximumDelayTime The largest allowable delay time.
* @param {Number} delayTime The initial delay time.
* @param {Number} decayTime The initial decay time.
var CombFilter = function(audiolet, maximumDelayTime, delayTime, decayTime) {, audiolet, 3, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.maximumDelayTime = maximumDelayTime;
this.delayTime = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, delayTime || 1);
this.decayTime = new AudioletParameter(this, 2, decayTime);
this.buffers = [];
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
extend(CombFilter, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
CombFilter.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
var delayTime = this.delayTime.getValue() * sampleRate;
var decayTime = this.decayTime.getValue() * sampleRate;
var feedback = Math.exp(-3 * delayTime / decayTime);
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
if (i >= this.buffers.length) {
// Create buffer for channel if it doesn't already exist
var bufferSize = this.maximumDelayTime * sampleRate;
this.buffers.push(new Float32Array(bufferSize));
var buffer = this.buffers[i];
var outputValue = buffer[this.readWriteIndex];
output.samples[i] = outputValue;
buffer[this.readWriteIndex] = input.samples[i] + feedback * outputValue;
this.readWriteIndex += 1;
if (this.readWriteIndex >= delayTime) {
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
CombFilter.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Comb Filter';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Sine wave oscillator
* **Inputs**
* - Frequency
* **Outputs**
* - Sine wave
* **Parameters**
* - frequency The frequency of the oscillator. Linked to input 0.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [frequency=440] Initial frequency.
var Sine = function(audiolet, frequency) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.frequency = new AudioletParameter(this, 0, frequency || 440);
this.phase = 0;
extend(Sine, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Sine.prototype.generate = function() {
var output = this.outputs[0];
var frequency = this.frequency.getValue();
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
output.samples[0] = Math.sin(this.phase);
this.phase += 2 * Math.PI * frequency / sampleRate;
if (this.phase > 2 * Math.PI) {
this.phase %= 2 * Math.PI;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Sine.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Sine';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* @depends Sine.js
* Equal-power cross-fade between two signals
* **Inputs**
* - Audio 1
* - Audio 2
* - Fade Position
* **Outputs**
* - Mixed audio
* **Parameters**
* - position The fade position. Values between 0 (Audio 1 only) and 1 (Audio
* 2 only). Linked to input 2.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [position=0.5] The initial fade position.
var CrossFade = function(audiolet, position) {, audiolet, 3, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.position = new AudioletParameter(this, 2, position || 0.5);
extend(CrossFade, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
CrossFade.prototype.generate = function() {
var inputA = this.inputs[0];
var inputB = this.inputs[1];
var output = this.outputs[0];
// Local processing variables
var position = this.position.getValue();
var scaledPosition = position * Math.PI / 2;
var gainA = Math.cos(scaledPosition);
var gainB = Math.sin(scaledPosition);
var numberOfChannels = output.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
var valueA = inputA.samples[i] || 0;
var valueB = inputB.samples[i] || 0;
output.samples[i] = valueA * gainA + valueB * gainB;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
CrossFade.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Cross Fader';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Damped comb filter
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Delay Time
* - Decay Time
* - Damping
* **Outputs**
* - Filtered audio
* **Parameters**
* - delayTime The delay time in seconds. Linked to input 1.
* - decayTime Time for the echoes to decay by 60dB. Linked to input 2.
* - damping The amount of high-frequency damping of echoes. Linked to input 3.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} maximumDelayTime The largest allowable delay time.
* @param {Number} delayTime The initial delay time.
* @param {Number} decayTime The initial decay time.
* @param {Number} damping The initial amount of damping.
var DampedCombFilter = function(audiolet, maximumDelayTime, delayTime,
decayTime, damping) {, audiolet, 4, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.maximumDelayTime = maximumDelayTime;
this.delayTime = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, delayTime || 1);
this.decayTime = new AudioletParameter(this, 2, decayTime);
this.damping = new AudioletParameter(this, 3, damping);
var bufferSize = maximumDelayTime * this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
this.buffers = [];
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
this.filterStores = [];
extend(DampedCombFilter, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
DampedCombFilter.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
var delayTime = this.delayTime.getValue() * sampleRate;
var decayTime = this.decayTime.getValue() * sampleRate;
var damping = this.damping.getValue();
var feedback = Math.exp(-3 * delayTime / decayTime);
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
if (i >= this.buffers.length) {
var bufferSize = this.maximumDelayTime * sampleRate;
this.buffers.push(new Float32Array(bufferSize));
if (i >= this.filterStores.length) {
var buffer = this.buffers[i];
var filterStore = this.filterStores[i];
var outputValue = buffer[this.readWriteIndex];
filterStore = (outputValue * (1 - damping)) +
(filterStore * damping);
output.samples[i] = outputValue;
buffer[this.readWriteIndex] = input.samples[i] +
feedback * filterStore;
this.filterStores[i] = filterStore;
this.readWriteIndex += 1;
if (this.readWriteIndex >= delayTime) {
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
DampedCombFilter.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Damped Comb Filter';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Filter for leaking DC offset. Maths is taken from
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Filter coefficient
* **Outputs**
* - Filtered audio
* **Parameters**
* - coefficient The filter coefficient. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [coefficient=0.995] The initial coefficient.
var DCFilter = function(audiolet, coefficient) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
// Same number of output channels as input channels
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.coefficient = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, coefficient || 0.995);
// Delayed values
this.xValues = [];
this.yValues = [];
extend(DCFilter, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
DCFilter.prototype.generate = function() {
var coefficient = this.coefficient.getValue();
var input = this.inputs[0];
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
if (i >= this.xValues.length) {
if (i >= this.yValues.length) {
var x0 = input.samples[i];
var y0 = x0 - this.xValues[i] + coefficient * this.yValues[i];
this.outputs[0].samples[i] = y0;
this.xValues[i] = x0;
this.yValues[i] = y0;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
DCFilter.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'DC Filter';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* A simple delay line.
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Delay Time
* **Outputs**
* - Delayed audio
* **Parameters**
* - delayTime The delay time in seconds. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} maximumDelayTime The largest allowable delay time.
* @param {Number} delayTime The initial delay time.
var Delay = function(audiolet, maximumDelayTime, delayTime) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.maximumDelayTime = maximumDelayTime;
this.delayTime = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, delayTime || 1);
var bufferSize = maximumDelayTime * this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
this.buffers = [];
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
extend(Delay, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Delay.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
var delayTime = this.delayTime.getValue() * sampleRate;
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
if (i >= this.buffers.length) {
var bufferSize = this.maximumDelayTime * sampleRate;
this.buffers.push(new Float32Array(bufferSize));
var buffer = this.buffers[i];
output.samples[i] = buffer[this.readWriteIndex];
buffer[this.readWriteIndex] = input.samples[i];
this.readWriteIndex += 1;
if (this.readWriteIndex >= delayTime) {
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Delay.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Delay';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Detect discontinuities in the input stream. Looks for consecutive samples
* with a difference larger than a threshold value.
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* **Outputs**
* - Audio
* @constructor
* @extends PassThroughNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [threshold=0.2] The threshold value.
* @param {Function} [callback] Function called if a discontinuity is detected.
var DiscontinuityDetector = function(audiolet, threshold, callback) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.threshold = threshold || 0.2;
if (callback) {
this.callback = callback;
this.lastValues = [];
extend(DiscontinuityDetector, AudioletNode);
* Default callback. Logs the size and position of the discontinuity.
* @param {Number} size The size of the discontinuity.
* @param {Number} channel The index of the channel the samples were found in.
* @param {Number} index The sample index the discontinuity was found at.
DiscontinuityDetector.prototype.callback = function(size, channel) {
console.error('Discontinuity of ' + size + ' detected on channel ' +
* Process samples
DiscontinuityDetector.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
if (i >= this.lastValues.length) {
var value = input.samples[i];
var diff = Math.abs(this.lastValues[i] - value);
if (diff > this.threshold) {
this.callback(diff, i);
this.lastValues[i] = value;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
DiscontinuityDetector.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Discontinuity Detector';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Delay line with feedback
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Delay Time
* - Feedback
* - Mix
* **Outputs**
* - Delayed audio
* **Parameters**
* - delayTime The delay time in seconds. Linked to input 1.
* - feedback The amount of feedback. Linked to input 2.
* - mix The amount of delay to mix into the dry signal. Linked to input 3.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} maximumDelayTime The largest allowable delay time.
* @param {Number} delayTime The initial delay time.
* @param {Number} feedabck The initial feedback amount.
* @param {Number} mix The initial mix amount.
var FeedbackDelay = function(audiolet, maximumDelayTime, delayTime, feedback,
mix) {, audiolet, 4, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.maximumDelayTime = maximumDelayTime;
this.delayTime = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, delayTime || 1); = new AudioletParameter(this, 2, feedback || 0.5);
this.mix = new AudioletParameter(this, 3, mix || 1);
var bufferSize = maximumDelayTime * this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
this.buffers = [];
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
extend(FeedbackDelay, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
FeedbackDelay.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.output.device.sampleRate;
var delayTime = this.delayTime.getValue() * sampleRate;
var feedback =;
var mix = this.mix.getValue();
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
var numberOfBuffers = this.buffers.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
if (i >= numberOfBuffers) {
// Create buffer for channel if it doesn't already exist
var bufferSize = this.maximumDelayTime * sampleRate;
this.buffers.push(new Float32Array(bufferSize));
var buffer = this.buffers[i];
var inputSample = input.samples[i];
var bufferSample = buffer[this.readWriteIndex];
output.samples[i] = mix * bufferSample + (1 - mix) * inputSample;
buffer[this.readWriteIndex] = inputSample + feedback * bufferSample;
this.readWriteIndex += 1;
if (this.readWriteIndex >= delayTime) {
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
FeedbackDelay.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Feedback Delay';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Fast Fourier Transform
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Delay Time
* **Outputs**
* - Fourier transformed audio
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} bufferSize The FFT buffer size.
var FFT = function(audiolet, bufferSize) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
this.buffer = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize);
this.realBuffer = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize);
this.imaginaryBuffer = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize);
this.reverseTable = new Uint32Array(this.bufferSize);
extend(FFT, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
FFT.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
if (input.samples.length == 0) {
this.buffer[this.readWriteIndex] = input.samples[0];
output.samples[0] = [this.realBuffer[this.readWriteIndex],
this.readWriteIndex += 1;
if (this.readWriteIndex >= this.bufferSize) {
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
* Precalculate the reverse table.
* TODO: Split the function out so it can be reused in FFT and IFFT
FFT.prototype.calculateReverseTable = function() {
var limit = 1;
var bit = this.bufferSize >> 1;
while (limit < this.bufferSize) {
for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
this.reverseTable[i + limit] = this.reverseTable[i] + bit;
limit = limit << 1;
bit = bit >> 1;
* Calculate the FFT for the saved buffer
FFT.prototype.transform = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.bufferSize; i++) {
this.realBuffer[i] = this.buffer[this.reverseTable[i]];
this.imaginaryBuffer[i] = 0;
var halfSize = 1;
while (halfSize < this.bufferSize) {
var phaseShiftStepReal = Math.cos(-Math.PI / halfSize);
var phaseShiftStepImag = Math.sin(-Math.PI / halfSize);
var currentPhaseShiftReal = 1;
var currentPhaseShiftImag = 0;
for (var fftStep = 0; fftStep < halfSize; fftStep++) {
var i = fftStep;
while (i < this.bufferSize) {
var off = i + halfSize;
var tr = (currentPhaseShiftReal * this.realBuffer[off]) -
(currentPhaseShiftImag * this.imaginaryBuffer[off]);
var ti = (currentPhaseShiftReal * this.imaginaryBuffer[off]) +
(currentPhaseShiftImag * this.realBuffer[off]);
this.realBuffer[off] = this.realBuffer[i] - tr;
this.imaginaryBuffer[off] = this.imaginaryBuffer[i] - ti;
this.realBuffer[i] += tr;
this.imaginaryBuffer[i] += ti;
i += halfSize << 1;
var tmpReal = currentPhaseShiftReal;
currentPhaseShiftReal = (tmpReal * phaseShiftStepReal) -
(currentPhaseShiftImag *
currentPhaseShiftImag = (tmpReal * phaseShiftStepImag) +
(currentPhaseShiftImag *
halfSize = halfSize << 1;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
FFT.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'FFT';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Multiply values
* **Inputs**
* - Audio 1
* - Audio 2
* **Outputs**
* - Multiplied audio
* **Parameters**
* - value The value to multiply by. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [value=1] The initial value to multiply by.
var Multiply = function(audiolet, value) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.value = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, value || 1);
extend(Multiply, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Multiply.prototype.generate = function() {
var value = this.value.getValue();
var input = this.inputs[0];
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
this.outputs[0].samples[i] = input.samples[i] * value;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Multiply.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Multiply';
* @depends ../operators/Multiply.js
* Simple gain control
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Gain
* **Outputs**
* - Audio
* **Parameters**
* - gain The amount of gain. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [gain=1] Initial gain.
var Gain = function(audiolet, gain) {
// Same DSP as operators/Multiply.js, but different parameter name, audiolet, gain);
this.gain = this.value;
extend(Gain, Multiply);
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Gain.prototype.toString = function() {
return ('Gain');
* @depends BiquadFilter.js
* High-pass filter
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Filter frequency
* **Outputs**
* - Filtered audio
* **Parameters**
* - frequency The filter frequency. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends BiquadFilter
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} frequency The initial frequency.
var HighPassFilter = function(audiolet, frequency) {, audiolet, frequency);
extend(HighPassFilter, BiquadFilter);
* Calculate the biquad filter coefficients using maths from
* @param {Number} frequency The filter frequency.
HighPassFilter.prototype.calculateCoefficients = function(frequency) {
var w0 = 2 * Math.PI * frequency /
var cosw0 = Math.cos(w0);
var sinw0 = Math.sin(w0);
var alpha = sinw0 / (2 / Math.sqrt(2));
this.b0 = (1 + cosw0) / 2;
this.b1 = - (1 + cosw0);
this.b2 = this.b0;
this.a0 = 1 + alpha;
this.a1 = -2 * cosw0;
this.a2 = 1 - alpha;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
HighPassFilter.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'High Pass Filter';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Inverse Fast Fourier Transform. Code liberally stolen with kind permission
* of Corben Brook from DSP.js (
* **Inputs**
* - Fourier transformed audio
* - Delay Time
* **Outputs**
* - Audio
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} bufferSize The FFT buffer size.
var IFFT = function(audiolet, bufferSize) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
this.buffer = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize);
this.realBuffer = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize);
this.imaginaryBuffer = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize);
this.reverseTable = new Uint32Array(this.bufferSize);
this.reverseReal = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize);
this.reverseImaginary = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize);
extend(IFFT, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
IFFT.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
if (!input.samples.length) {
var values = input.samples[0];
this.realBuffer[this.readWriteIndex] = values[0];
this.imaginaryBuffer[this.readWriteIndex] = values[1];
output.samples[0] = this.buffer[this.readWriteIndex];
this.readWriteIndex += 1;
if (this.readWriteIndex >= this.bufferSize) {
this.readWriteIndex = 0;
* Precalculate the reverse table.
* TODO: Split the function out so it can be reused in FFT and IFFT
IFFT.prototype.calculateReverseTable = function() {
var limit = 1;
var bit = this.bufferSize >> 1;
while (limit < this.bufferSize) {
for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
this.reverseTable[i + limit] = this.reverseTable[i] + bit;
limit = limit << 1;
bit = bit >> 1;
* Calculate the inverse FFT for the saved real and imaginary buffers
IFFT.prototype.transform = function() {
var halfSize = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.bufferSize; i++) {
this.imaginaryBuffer[i] *= -1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.bufferSize; i++) {
this.reverseReal[i] = this.realBuffer[this.reverseTable[i]];
this.reverseImaginary[i] = this.imaginaryBuffer[this.reverseTable[i]];
while (halfSize < this.bufferSize) {
var phaseShiftStepReal = Math.cos(-Math.PI / halfSize);
var phaseShiftStepImag = Math.sin(-Math.PI / halfSize);
var currentPhaseShiftReal = 1;
var currentPhaseShiftImag = 0;
for (var fftStep = 0; fftStep < halfSize; fftStep++) {
i = fftStep;
while (i < this.bufferSize) {
var off = i + halfSize;
var tr = (currentPhaseShiftReal * this.realBuffer[off]) -
(currentPhaseShiftImag * this.imaginaryBuffer[off]);
var ti = (currentPhaseShiftReal * this.imaginaryBuffer[off]) +
(currentPhaseShiftImag * this.realBuffer[off]);
this.realBuffer[off] = this.realBuffer[i] - tr;
this.imaginaryBuffer[off] = this.imaginaryBuffer[i] - ti;
this.realBuffer[i] += tr;
this.imaginaryBuffer[i] += ti;
i += halfSize << 1;
var tmpReal = currentPhaseShiftReal;
currentPhaseShiftReal = (tmpReal * phaseShiftStepReal) -
(currentPhaseShiftImag *
currentPhaseShiftImag = (tmpReal * phaseShiftStepImag) +
(currentPhaseShiftImag *
halfSize = halfSize << 1;
for (i = 0; i < this.bufferSize; i++) {
this.buffer[i] = this.realBuffer[i] / this.bufferSize;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
IFFT.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'IFFT';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Exponential lag for smoothing signals.
* **Inputs**
* - Value
* - Lag time
* **Outputs**
* - Lagged value
* **Parameters**
* - value The value to lag. Linked to input 0.
* - lag The 60dB lag time. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [value=0] The initial value.
* @param {Number} [lagTime=1] The initial lag time.
var Lag = function(audiolet, value, lagTime) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
this.value = new AudioletParameter(this, 0, value || 0);
this.lag = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, lagTime || 1);
this.lastValue = 0;
this.log001 = Math.log(0.001);
extend(Lag, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Lag.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
var value = this.value.getValue();
var lag = this.lag.getValue();
var coefficient = Math.exp(this.log001 / (lag * sampleRate));
var outputValue = ((1 - coefficient) * value) +
(coefficient * this.lastValue);
output.samples[0] = outputValue;
this.lastValue = outputValue;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Lag.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Lag';
* @depends ../core/AudioletGroup.js
* A simple (and frankly shoddy) zero-lookahead limiter.
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Threshold
* - Attack
* - Release
* **Outputs**
* - Limited audio
* **Parameters**
* - threshold The limiter threshold. Linked to input 1.
* - attack The attack time in seconds. Linked to input 2.
* - release The release time in seconds. Linked to input 3.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletGroup
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [threshold=0.95] The initial threshold.
* @param {Number} [attack=0.01] The initial attack time.
* @param {Number} [release=0.4] The initial release time.
var Limiter = function(audiolet, threshold, attack, release) {, audiolet, 4, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
// Parameters
this.threshold = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, threshold || 0.95);
this.attack = new AudioletParameter(this, 2, attack || 0.01);
this.release = new AudioletParameter(this, 2, release || 0.4);
this.followers = [];
extend(Limiter, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Limiter.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
// Local processing variables
var attack = Math.pow(0.01, 1 / (this.attack.getValue() *
var release = Math.pow(0.01, 1 / (this.release.getValue() *
var threshold = this.threshold.getValue();
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
if (i >= this.followers.length) {
var follower = this.followers[i];
var value = input.samples[i];
// Calculate amplitude envelope
var absValue = Math.abs(value);
if (absValue > follower) {
follower = attack * (follower - absValue) + absValue;
else {
follower = release * (follower - absValue) + absValue;
var diff = follower - threshold;
if (diff > 0) {
output.samples[i] = value / (1 + diff);
else {
output.samples[i] = value;
this.followers[i] = follower;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Limiter.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Limiter';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Linear cross-fade between two signals
* **Inputs**
* - Audio 1
* - Audio 2
* - Fade Position
* **Outputs**
* - Mixed audio
* **Parameters**
* - position The fade position. Values between 0 (Audio 1 only) and 1 (Audio
* 2 only). Linked to input 2.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [position=0.5] The initial fade position.
var LinearCrossFade = function(audiolet, position) {, audiolet, 3, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.position = new AudioletParameter(this, 2, position || 0.5);
extend(LinearCrossFade, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
LinearCrossFade.prototype.generate = function() {
var inputA = this.inputs[0];
var inputB = this.inputs[1];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var position = this.position.getValue();
var gainA = 1 - position;
var gainB = position;
var numberOfChannels = output.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
var valueA = inputA.samples[i] || 0;
var valueB = inputB.samples[i] || 0;
output.samples[i] = valueA * gainA + valueB * gainB;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
LinearCrossFade.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Linear Cross Fader';
* @depends BiquadFilter.js
* Low-pass filter
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Filter frequency
* **Outputs**
* - Filtered audio
* **Parameters**
* - frequency The filter frequency. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends BiquadFilter
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} frequency The initial frequency.
var LowPassFilter = function(audiolet, frequency) {, audiolet, frequency);
extend(LowPassFilter, BiquadFilter);
* Calculate the biquad filter coefficients using maths from
* @param {Number} frequency The filter frequency.
LowPassFilter.prototype.calculateCoefficients = function(frequency) {
var w0 = 2 * Math.PI * frequency /
var cosw0 = Math.cos(w0);
var sinw0 = Math.sin(w0);
var alpha = sinw0 / (2 / Math.sqrt(2));
this.b0 = (1 - cosw0) / 2;
this.b1 = 1 - cosw0;
this.b2 = this.b0;
this.a0 = 1 + alpha;
this.a1 = -2 * cosw0;
this.a2 = 1 - alpha;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
LowPassFilter.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Low Pass Filter';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Position a single-channel input in stereo space
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Pan Position
* **Outputs**
* - Panned audio
* **Parameters**
* - pan The pan position. Values between 0 (hard-left) and 1 (hard-right).
* Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [pan=0.5] The initial pan position.
var Pan = function(audiolet, pan) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
// Hardcode two output channels
this.setNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 2);
if (pan == null) {
var pan = 0.5;
this.pan = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, pan);
extend(Pan, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Pan.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var pan = this.pan.getValue();
var value = input.samples[0] || 0;
var scaledPan = pan * Math.PI / 2;
output.samples[0] = value * Math.cos(scaledPan);
output.samples[1] = value * Math.sin(scaledPan);
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Pan.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Stereo Panner';
* @depends Envelope.js
* Simple attack-release envelope
* **Inputs**
* - Gate
* **Outputs**
* - Envelope
* **Parameters**
* - gate The gate controlling the envelope. Value changes from 0 -> 1
* trigger the envelope. Linked to input 0.
* @constructor
* @extends Envelope
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} gate The initial gate value.
* @param {Number} attack The attack time in seconds.
* @param {Number} release The release time in seconds.
* @param {Function} [onComplete] A function called after the release stage.
var PercussiveEnvelope = function(audiolet, gate, attack, release,
onComplete) {
var levels = [0, 1, 0];
var times = [attack, release];, audiolet, gate, levels, times, null, onComplete);
this.attack = this.times[0];
this.release = this.times[1];
extend(PercussiveEnvelope, Envelope);
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
PercussiveEnvelope.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Percussive Envelope';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Pulse wave oscillator.
* **Inputs**
* - Frequency
* - Pulse width
* **Outputs**
* - Waveform
* **Parameters**
* - frequency The oscillator frequency. Linked to input 0.
* - pulseWidth The pulse width. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [frequency=440] The initial frequency.
* @param {Number} [pulseWidth=0.5] The initial pulse width.
var Pulse = function(audiolet, frequency, pulseWidth) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
this.frequency = new AudioletParameter(this, 0, frequency || 440);
this.pulseWidth = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, pulseWidth || 0.5);
this.phase = 0;
extend(Pulse, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Pulse.prototype.generate = function() {
var pulseWidth = this.pulseWidth.getValue();
this.outputs[0].samples[0] = (this.phase < pulseWidth) ? 1 : -1;
var frequency = this.frequency.getValue();
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
this.phase += frequency / sampleRate;
if (this.phase > 1) {
this.phase %= 1;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Pulse.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Pulse';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* @depends ../core/AudioletGroup.js
* Port of the Freeverb Schrodoer/Moorer reverb model. See
* for a description of how
* each part works.
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Mix
* - Room Size
* - Damping
* **Outputs**
* - Reverberated Audio
* **Parameters**
* - mix The wet/dry mix. Values between 0 and 1. Linked to input 1.
* - roomSize The reverb's room size. Values between 0 and 1. Linked to input
* 2.
* - damping The amount of high-frequency damping. Values between 0 and 1.
* Linked to input 3.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletGroup
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [mix=0.33] The initial wet/dry mix.
* @param {Number} [roomSize=0.5] The initial room size.
* @param {Number} [damping=0.5] The initial damping amount.
var Reverb = function(audiolet, mix, roomSize, damping) {, audiolet, 4, 1);
// Constants
this.initialMix = 0.33;
this.fixedGain = 0.015;
this.initialDamping = 0.5;
this.scaleDamping = 0.4;
this.initialRoomSize = 0.5;
this.scaleRoom = 0.28;
this.offsetRoom = 0.7;
// Parameters: for 44.1k or 48k
this.combTuning = [1116, 1188, 1277, 1356, 1422, 1491, 1557, 1617];
this.allPassTuning = [556, 441, 341, 225];
// Controls
// Mix control
var mix = mix || this.initialMix;
this.mix = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, mix);
// Room size control
var roomSize = roomSize || this.initialRoomSize;
this.roomSize = new AudioletParameter(this, 2, roomSize);
// Damping control
var damping = damping || this.initialDamping;
this.damping = new AudioletParameter(this, 3, damping);
// Damped comb filters
this.combBuffers = [];
this.combIndices = [];
this.filterStores = [];
var numberOfCombs = this.combTuning.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfCombs; i++) {
this.combBuffers.push(new Float32Array(this.combTuning[i]));
// All-pass filters
this.allPassBuffers = [];
this.allPassIndices = [];
var numberOfFilters = this.allPassTuning.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfFilters; i++) {
this.allPassBuffers.push(new Float32Array(this.allPassTuning[i]));
extend(Reverb, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Reverb.prototype.generate = function() {
var mix = this.mix.getValue();
var roomSize = this.roomSize.getValue();
var damping = this.damping.getValue();
var numberOfCombs = this.combTuning.length;
var numberOfFilters = this.allPassTuning.length;
var value = this.inputs[0].samples[0] || 0;
var dryValue = value;
value *= this.fixedGain;
var gainedValue = value;
var damping = damping * this.scaleDamping;
var feedback = roomSize * this.scaleRoom + this.offsetRoom;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfCombs; i++) {
var combIndex = this.combIndices[i];
var combBuffer = this.combBuffers[i];
var filterStore = this.filterStores[i];
var output = combBuffer[combIndex];
filterStore = (output * (1 - damping)) +
(filterStore * damping);
value += output;
combBuffer[combIndex] = gainedValue + feedback * filterStore;
combIndex += 1;
if (combIndex >= combBuffer.length) {
combIndex = 0;
this.combIndices[i] = combIndex;
this.filterStores[i] = filterStore;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfFilters; i++) {
var allPassBuffer = this.allPassBuffers[i];
var allPassIndex = this.allPassIndices[i];
var input = value;
var bufferValue = allPassBuffer[allPassIndex];
value = -value + bufferValue;
allPassBuffer[allPassIndex] = input + (bufferValue * 0.5);
allPassIndex += 1;
if (allPassIndex >= allPassBuffer.length) {
allPassIndex = 0;
this.allPassIndices[i] = allPassIndex;
this.outputs[0].samples[0] = mix * value + (1 - mix) * dryValue;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Reverb.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Reverb';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Saw wave oscillator using a lookup table
* **Inputs**
* - Frequency
* **Outputs**
* - Saw wave
* **Parameters**
* - frequency The frequency of the oscillator. Linked to input 0.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [frequency=440] Initial frequency.
var Saw = function(audiolet, frequency) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.frequency = new AudioletParameter(this, 0, frequency || 440);
this.phase = 0;
extend(Saw, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Saw.prototype.generate = function() {
var output = this.outputs[0];
var frequency = this.frequency.getValue();
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
output.samples[0] = ((this.phase / 2 + 0.25) % 0.5 - 0.25) * 4;
this.phase += frequency / sampleRate;
if (this.phase > 1) {
this.phase %= 1;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Saw.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Saw';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* A soft-clipper, which distorts at values over +-0.5.
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* **Outputs**
* - Clipped audio
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
var SoftClip = function(audiolet) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
extend(SoftClip, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
SoftClip.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
var value = input.samples[i];
if (value > 0.5 || value < -0.5) {
output.samples[i] = (Math.abs(value) - 0.25) / value;
else {
output.samples[i] = value;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
SoftClip.prototype.toString = function() {
return ('SoftClip');
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Square wave oscillator
* **Inputs**
* - Frequency
* **Outputs**
* - Square wave
* **Parameters**
* - frequency The frequency of the oscillator. Linked to input 0.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [frequency=440] Initial frequency.
var Square = function(audiolet, frequency) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.frequency = new AudioletParameter(this, 0, frequency || 440);
this.phase = 0;
extend(Square, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Square.prototype.generate = function() {
var output = this.outputs[0];
var frequency = this.frequency.getValue();
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
output.samples[0] = this.phase > 0.5 ? 1 : -1;
this.phase += frequency / sampleRate;
if (this.phase > 1) {
this.phase %= 1;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Square.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Square';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Triangle wave oscillator using a lookup table
* **Inputs**
* - Frequency
* **Outputs**
* - Triangle wave
* **Parameters**
* - frequency The frequency of the oscillator. Linked to input 0.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [frequency=440] Initial frequency.
var Triangle = function(audiolet, frequency) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.frequency = new AudioletParameter(this, 0, frequency || 440);
this.phase = 0;
extend(Triangle, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Triangle.prototype.generate = function() {
var output = this.outputs[0];
var frequency = this.frequency.getValue();
var sampleRate = this.audiolet.device.sampleRate;
output.samples[0] = 1 - 4 * Math.abs((this.phase + 0.25) % 1 - 0.5);
this.phase += frequency / sampleRate;
if (this.phase > 1) {
this.phase %= 1;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Triangle.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Triangle';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Simple trigger which allows you to set a single sample to be 1 and then
* resets itself.
* **Outputs**
* - Triggers
* **Parameters**
* - trigger Set to 1 to fire a trigger.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [trigger=0] The initial trigger state.
var TriggerControl = function(audiolet, trigger) {, audiolet, 0, 1);
this.trigger = new AudioletParameter(this, null, trigger || 0);
extend(TriggerControl, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
TriggerControl.prototype.generate = function() {
if (this.trigger.getValue() > 0) {
this.outputs[0].samples[0] = 1;
else {
this.outputs[0].samples[0] = 0;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
TriggerControl.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Trigger Control';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Upmix an input to a constant number of output channels
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* **Outputs**
* - Upmixed audio
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} outputChannels The number of output channels.
var UpMixer = function(audiolet, outputChannels) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.outputs[0].numberOfChannels = outputChannels;
extend(UpMixer, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
UpMixer.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var numberOfInputChannels = input.samples.length;
var numberOfOutputChannels = output.samples.length;
if (numberOfInputChannels == numberOfOutputChannels) {
output.samples = input.samples;
else {
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfOutputChannels; i++) {
output.samples[i] = input.samples[i % numberOfInputChannels];
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
UpMixer.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'UpMixer';
var WebKitBufferPlayer = function(audiolet, onComplete) {, audiolet, 0, 1);
this.onComplete = onComplete;
this.isWebKit = this.audiolet.device.sink instanceof Sink.sinks.webkit;
this.ready = false;
// Until we are loaded, output no channels.
this.setNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
if (!this.isWebKit) {
this.context = this.audiolet.device.sink._context;
this.jsNode = null;
this.source = null;
this.ready = false;
this.loaded = false;
this.buffers = [];
this.readPosition = 0;
this.endTime = null;
extend(WebKitBufferPlayer, AudioletNode);
WebKitBufferPlayer.prototype.load = function(url, onLoad, onError) {
if (!this.isWebKit) {
// Request the new file
this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
this.xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
this.xhr.onload = this.onLoad.bind(this, onLoad, onError);
this.xhr.onerror = onError;
WebKitBufferPlayer.prototype.stop = function() {
this.ready = false;
this.loaded = false;
this.buffers = [];
this.readPosition = 0;
this.endTime = null;
WebKitBufferPlayer.prototype.disconnectWebKitNodes = function() {
if (this.source && this.jsNode) {
this.source = null;
this.jsNode = null;
WebKitBufferPlayer.prototype.onLoad = function(onLoad, onError) {
// Load the buffer into memory for decoding
// this.fileBuffer = this.context.createBuffer(this.xhr.response, false);
this.context.decodeAudioData(this.xhr.response, function(buffer) {
}.bind(this), onError);
WebKitBufferPlayer.prototype.onDecode = function(buffer) {
this.fileBuffer = buffer;
// Create the WebKit buffer source for playback
this.source = this.context.createBufferSource();
this.source.buffer = this.fileBuffer;
// Make sure we are outputting the right number of channels on Audiolet's
// side
var numberOfChannels = this.fileBuffer.numberOfChannels;
this.setNumberOfOutputChannels(0, numberOfChannels);
// Create the JavaScript node for reading the data into Audiolet
this.jsNode = this.context.createJavaScriptNode(4096, numberOfChannels, 0);
this.jsNode.onaudioprocess = this.onData.bind(this);
// Connect it all up
this.endTime = this.context.currentTime + this.fileBuffer.duration;
this.loaded = true;
WebKitBufferPlayer.prototype.onData = function(event) {
if (this.loaded) {
this.ready = true;
var numberOfChannels = event.inputBuffer.numberOfChannels;
for (var i=0; i<numberOfChannels; i++) {
this.buffers[i] = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(i);
this.readPosition = 0;
WebKitBufferPlayer.prototype.generate = function() {
if (!this.ready) {
var output = this.outputs[0];
var numberOfChannels = output.samples.length;
for (var i=0; i<numberOfChannels; i++) {
output.samples[i] = this.buffers[i][this.readPosition];
this.readPosition += 1;
if (this.context.currentTime > this.endTime) {
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* A white noise source
* **Outputs**
* - White noise
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
var WhiteNoise = function(audiolet) {, audiolet, 0, 1);
extend(WhiteNoise, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
WhiteNoise.prototype.generate = function() {
this.outputs[0].samples[0] = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
WhiteNoise.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'White Noise';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Add values
* **Inputs**
* - Audio 1
* - Audio 2
* **Outputs**
* - Summed audio
* **Parameters**
* - value The value to add. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [value=0] The initial value to add.
var Add = function(audiolet, value) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.value = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, value || 0);
extend(Add, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Add.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var value = this.value.getValue();
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
output.samples[i] = input.samples[i] + value;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Add.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Add';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Divide values
* **Inputs**
* - Audio 1
* - Audio 2
* **Outputs**
* - Divided audio
* **Parameters**
* - value The value to divide by. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [value=1] The initial value to divide by.
var Divide = function(audiolet, value) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.value = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, value || 1);
extend(Divide, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Divide.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var value = this.value.getValue();
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
output.samples[i] = input.samples[i] / value;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Divide.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Divide';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Modulo values
* **Inputs**
* - Audio 1
* - Audio 2
* **Outputs**
* - Moduloed audio
* **Parameters**
* - value The value to modulo by. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [value=1] The initial value to modulo by.
var Modulo = function(audiolet, value) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.value = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, value || 1);
extend(Modulo, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Modulo.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var value = this.value.getValue();
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
output.samples[i] = input.samples[i] % value;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Modulo.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Modulo';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Multiply and add values
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* - Multiply audio
* - Add audio
* **Outputs**
* - MulAdded audio
* **Parameters**
* - mul The value to multiply by. Linked to input 1.
* - add The value to add. Linked to input 2.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [mul=1] The initial value to multiply by.
* @param {Number} [add=0] The initial value to add.
var MulAdd = function(audiolet, mul, add) {, audiolet, 3, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.mul = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, mul || 1);
this.add = new AudioletParameter(this, 2, add || 0);
extend(MulAdd, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
MulAdd.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var mul = this.mul.getValue();
var add = this.add.getValue();
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
output.samples[i] = input.samples[i] * mul + add;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
MulAdd.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Multiplier/Adder';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Reciprocal (1/x) of values
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* **Outputs**
* - Reciprocal audio
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
var Reciprocal = function(audiolet) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
extend(Reciprocal, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Reciprocal.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
output.samples[i] = 1 / input.samples[i];
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Reciprocal.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Reciprocal';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Subtract values
* **Inputs**
* - Audio 1
* - Audio 2
* **Outputs**
* - Subtracted audio
* **Parameters**
* - value The value to subtract. Linked to input 1.
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
* @param {Number} [value=0] The initial value to subtract.
var Subtract = function(audiolet, value) {, audiolet, 2, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
this.value = new AudioletParameter(this, 1, value || 0);
extend(Subtract, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Subtract.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var value = this.value.getValue();
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
output.samples[i] = input.samples[i] - value;
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Subtract.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'Subtract';
* @depends ../core/AudioletNode.js
* Hyperbolic tangent of values. Works nicely as a distortion function.
* **Inputs**
* - Audio
* **Outputs**
* - Tanh audio
* @constructor
* @extends AudioletNode
* @param {Audiolet} audiolet The audiolet object.
var Tanh = function(audiolet) {, audiolet, 1, 1);
this.linkNumberOfOutputChannels(0, 0);
extend(Tanh, AudioletNode);
* Process samples
Tanh.prototype.generate = function() {
var input = this.inputs[0];
var output = this.outputs[0];
var numberOfChannels = input.samples.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
var value = input.samples[i];
output.samples[i] = (Math.exp(value) - Math.exp(-value)) /
(Math.exp(value) + Math.exp(-value));
* toString
* @return {String} String representation.
Tanh.prototype.toString = function() {
return ('Tanh');
* A generic pattern. Patterns are simple classes which return the next value
* in a sequence when the next function is called. Patterns can be embedded
* inside other patterns to produce complex sequences of values. When a
* pattern is finished its next function returns null.
* @constructor
var Pattern = function() {
* Default next function.
* @return {null} Null.
*/ = function() {
return null;
* Return the current value of an item contained in a pattern.
* @param {Pattern|Object} The item.
* @return {Object} The value of the item.
Pattern.prototype.valueOf = function(item) {
if (item instanceof Pattern) {
return (;
else {
return (item);
* Default reset function.
Pattern.prototype.reset = function() {
* @depends Pattern.js
* Arithmetic sequence. Adds a value to a running total on each next call.
* @constructor
* @extends Pattern
* @param {Number} start Starting value.
* @param {Pattern|Number} step Value to add.
* @param {Number} repeats Number of values to generate.
var PArithmetic = function(start, step, repeats) {;
this.start = start;
this.value = start;
this.step = step;
this.repeats = repeats;
this.position = 0;
extend(PArithmetic, Pattern);
* Generate the next value in the pattern.
* @return {Number} The next value.
*/ = function() {
var returnValue;
if (this.position == 0) {
returnValue = this.value;
this.position += 1;
else if (this.position < this.repeats) {
var step = this.valueOf(this.step);
if (step != null) {
this.value += step;
returnValue = this.value;
this.position += 1;
else {
returnValue = null;
else {
returnValue = null;
return (returnValue);
* Reset the pattern
PArithmetic.prototype.reset = function() {
this.value = this.start;
this.position = 0;
if (this.step instanceof Pattern) {
* Supercollider alias
var Pseries = PArithmetic;
* @depends Pattern.js
* Choose a random value from an array.
* @constructor
* @extends Pattern
* @param {Object[]} list Array of items to choose from.
* @param {Number} [repeats=1] Number of values to generate.
var PChoose = function(list, repeats) {;
this.list = list;
this.repeats = repeats || 1;
this.position = 0;
extend(PChoose, Pattern);
* Generate the next value in the pattern.
* @return {Number} The next value.
*/ = function() {
var returnValue;
if (this.position < this.repeats) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.list.length);
var item = this.list[index];
var value = this.valueOf(item);
if (value != null) {
if (!(item instanceof Pattern)) {
this.position += 1;
returnValue = value;
else {
if (item instanceof Pattern) {
this.position += 1;
returnValue =;
else {
returnValue = null;
return (returnValue);
* Reset the pattern
PChoose.prototype.reset = function() {
this.position = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
var item = this.list[i];
if (item instanceof Pattern) {
* Supercollider alias
var Prand = PChoose;
* @depends Pattern.js
* Geometric sequence. Multiplies a running total by a value on each next
* call.
* @constructor
* @extends Pattern
* @param {Number} start Starting value.
* @param {Pattern|Number} step Value to multiply by.
* @param {Number} repeats Number of values to generate.
var PGeometric = function(start, step, repeats) {;
this.start = start;
this.value = start;
this.step = step;
this.repeats = repeats;
this.position = 0;
extend(PGeometric, Pattern);
* Generate the next value in the pattern.
* @return {Number} The next value.
*/ = function() {
var returnValue;
if (this.position == 0) {
returnValue = this.value;
this.position += 1;
else if (this.position < this.repeats) {
var step = this.valueOf(this.step);
if (step != null) {
this.value *= step;
returnValue = this.value;
this.position += 1;
else {
returnValue = null;
else {
returnValue = null;
return (returnValue);
* Reset the pattern
PGeometric.prototype.reset = function() {
this.value = this.start;
this.position = 0;
if (this.step instanceof Pattern) {
* Supercollider alias
var Pgeom = PGeometric;
* @depends Pattern.js
* Proxy pattern. Holds a pattern which can safely be replaced by a different
* pattern while it is running.
* @constructor
* @extends Pattern
* @param {Pattern} pattern The initial pattern.
var PProxy = function(pattern) {;
if (pattern) {
this.pattern = pattern;
extend(PProxy, Pattern);
* Generate the next value in the pattern.
* @return {Number} The next value.
*/ = function() {
var returnValue;
if (this.pattern) {
var returnValue =;
else {
returnValue = null;
return returnValue;
* Alias
var Pp = PProxy;
* @depends Pattern.js
* Sequence of random numbers.
* @constructor
* @extends Pattern
* @param {Number|Pattern} low Lowest possible value.
* @param {Number|Pattern} high Highest possible value.
* @param {Number} repeats Number of values to generate.
var PRandom = function(low, high, repeats) {;
this.low = low;
this.high = high;
this.repeats = repeats;
this.position = 0;
extend(PRandom, Pattern);
* Generate the next value in the pattern.
* @return {Number} The next value.
*/ = function() {
var returnValue;
if (this.position < this.repeats) {
var low = this.valueOf(this.low);
var high = this.valueOf(this.high);
if (low != null && high != null) {
returnValue = low + Math.random() * (high - low);
this.position += 1;
else {
returnValue = null;
else {
returnValue = null;
return (returnValue);
* Reset the pattern
PRandom.prototype.reset = function() {
this.position = 0;
* Supercollider alias
var Pwhite = PRandom;
* @depends Pattern.js
* Iterate through a list of values.
* @constructor
* @extends Pattern
* @param {Object[]} list Array of values.
* @param {Number} [repeats=1] Number of times to loop through the array.
* @param {Number} [offset=0] Index to start from.
var PSequence = function(list, repeats, offset) {;
this.list = list;
this.repeats = repeats || 1;
this.position = 0;
this.offset = offset || 0;
extend(PSequence, Pattern);
* Generate the next value in the pattern.
* @return {Number} The next value.
*/ = function() {
var returnValue;
if (this.position < this.repeats * this.list.length) {
var index = (this.position + this.offset) % this.list.length;
var item = this.list[index];
var value = this.valueOf(item);
if (value != null) {
if (!(item instanceof Pattern)) {
this.position += 1;
returnValue = value;
else {
if (item instanceof Pattern) {
this.position += 1;
returnValue =;
else {
returnValue = null;
return (returnValue);
* Reset the pattern
PSequence.prototype.reset = function() {
this.position = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
var item = this.list[i];
if (item instanceof Pattern) {
* Supercollider alias
var Pseq = PSequence;
* @depends Pattern.js
* Iterate through a list of values.
* @constructor
* @extends Pattern
* @param {Object[]} list Array of values.
* @param {Number} [repeats=1] Number of values to generate.
* @param {Number} [offset=0] Index to start from.
var PSeries = function(list, repeats, offset) {;
this.list = list;
this.repeats = repeats || 1;
this.position = 0;
this.offset = offset || 0;
extend(PSeries, Pattern);
* Generate the next value in the pattern.
* @return {Number} The next value.
*/ = function() {
var returnValue;
if (this.position < this.repeats) {
var index = (this.position + this.offset) % this.list.length;
var item = this.list[index];
var value = this.valueOf(item);
if (value != null) {
if (!(item instanceof Pattern)) {
this.position += 1;
returnValue = value;
else {
if (item instanceof Pattern) {
this.position += 1;
returnValue =;
else {
returnValue = null;
return (returnValue);
* Reset the pattern
PSeries.prototype.reset = function() {
this.position = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
var item = this.list[i];
if (item instanceof Pattern) {
* Supercollider alias
var Pser = PSeries;
* @depends Pattern.js
* Reorder an array, then iterate through it's values.
* @constructor
* @extends Pattern
* @param {Object[]} list Array of values.
* @param {Number} repeats Number of times to loop through the array.
var PShuffle = function(list, repeats) {;
this.list = [];
// Shuffle values into new list
while (list.length) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length);
var value = list.splice(index, 1);
this.repeats = repeats;
this.position = 0;
extend(PShuffle, Pattern);
* Generate the next value in the pattern.
* @return {Number} The next value.
*/ = function() {
var returnValue;
if (this.position < this.repeats * this.list.length) {
var index = (this.position + this.offset) % this.list.length;
var item = this.list[index];
var value = this.valueOf(item);
if (value != null) {
if (!(item instanceof Pattern)) {
this.position += 1;
returnValue = value;
else {
if (item instanceof Pattern) {
this.position += 1;
returnValue =;
else {
returnValue = null;
return (returnValue);
* Supercollider alias
var Pshuffle = PShuffle;
* Representation of a generic musical scale. Can be subclassed to produce
* specific scales.
* @constructor
* @param {Number[]} degrees Array of integer degrees.
* @param {Tuning} [tuning] The scale's tuning. Defaults to 12-tone ET.
var Scale = function(degrees, tuning) {
this.degrees = degrees;
this.tuning = tuning || new EqualTemperamentTuning(12);
* Get the frequency of a note in the scale.
* @constructor
* @param {Number} degree The note's degree.
* @param {Number} rootFrequency The root frequency of the scale.
* @param {Number} octave The octave of the note.
* @return {Number} The frequency of the note in hz.
Scale.prototype.getFrequency = function(degree, rootFrequency, octave) {
var frequency = rootFrequency;
octave += Math.floor(degree / this.degrees.length);
degree %= this.degrees.length;
frequency *= Math.pow(this.tuning.octaveRatio, octave);
frequency *= this.tuning.ratios[this.degrees[degree]];
return frequency;
* @depends Scale.js
* Major scale.
* @constructor
* @extends Scale
var MajorScale = function() {, [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]);
extend(MajorScale, Scale);
* @depends Scale.js
* Minor scale.
* @constructor
* @extends Scale
var MinorScale = function() {, [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10]);
extend(MinorScale, Scale);
* Representation of a generic musical tuning. Can be subclassed to produce
* specific tunings.
* @constructor
* @param {Number[]} semitones Array of semitone values for the tuning.
* @param {Number} [octaveRatio=2] Frequency ratio for notes an octave apart.
var Tuning = function(semitones, octaveRatio) {
this.semitones = semitones;
this.octaveRatio = octaveRatio || 2;
this.ratios = [];
var tuningLength = this.semitones.length;
for (var i = 0; i < tuningLength; i++) {
this.ratios.push(Math.pow(2, this.semitones[i] / tuningLength));
* @depends Tuning.js
* Equal temperament tuning.
* @constructor
* @extends Tuning
* @param {Number} pitchesPerOctave The number of notes in each octave.
var EqualTemperamentTuning = function(pitchesPerOctave) {
var semitones = [];
for (var i = 0; i < pitchesPerOctave; i++) {
}, semitones, 2);
extend(EqualTemperamentTuning, Tuning);
var Sink = this.Sink = function (global) {
* Creates a Sink according to specified parameters, if possible.
* @class
* @arg =!readFn
* @arg =!channelCount
* @arg =!bufferSize
* @arg =!sampleRate
* @param {Function} readFn A callback to handle the buffer fills.
* @param {Number} channelCount Channel count.
* @param {Number} bufferSize (Optional) Specifies a pre-buffer size to control the amount of latency.
* @param {Number} sampleRate Sample rate (ms).
* @param {Number} default=0 writePosition Write position of the sink, as in how many samples have been written per channel.
* @param {String} default=async writeMode The default mode of writing to the sink.
* @param {String} default=interleaved channelMode The mode in which the sink asks the sample buffers to be channeled in.
* @param {Number} default=0 previousHit The previous time of a callback.
* @param {Buffer} default=null ringBuffer The ring buffer array of the sink. If null, ring buffering will not be applied.
* @param {Number} default=0 ringOffset The current position of the ring buffer.
function Sink (readFn, channelCount, bufferSize, sampleRate) {
var sinks = Sink.sinks.list,
for (i=0; i<sinks.length; i++) {
if (sinks[i].enabled) {
try {
return new sinks[i](readFn, channelCount, bufferSize, sampleRate);
} catch(e1){}
throw Sink.Error(0x02);
function SinkClass () {
Sink.SinkClass = SinkClass;
SinkClass.prototype = Sink.prototype = {
sampleRate: 44100,
channelCount: 2,
bufferSize: 4096,
writePosition: 0,
previousHit: 0,
ringOffset: 0,
channelMode: 'interleaved',
isReady: false,
* Does the initialization of the sink.
* @method Sink
start: function (readFn, channelCount, bufferSize, sampleRate) {
this.channelCount = isNaN(channelCount) || channelCount === null ? this.channelCount: channelCount;
this.bufferSize = isNaN(bufferSize) || bufferSize === null ? this.bufferSize : bufferSize;
this.sampleRate = isNaN(sampleRate) || sampleRate === null ? this.sampleRate : sampleRate;
this.readFn = readFn;
this.activeRecordings = [];
this.previousHit = +new Date();;
Sink.emit('init', [this].concat([];
* The method which will handle all the different types of processing applied on a callback.
* @method Sink
process: function (soundData, channelCount) {
this.emit('preprocess', arguments);
if (this.ringBuffer) {
(this.channelMode === 'interleaved' ? this.ringSpin : this.ringSpinInterleaved).apply(this, arguments);
if (this.channelMode === 'interleaved') {
this.emit('audioprocess', arguments);
if (this.readFn) {
this.readFn.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
var soundDataSplit = Sink.deinterleave(soundData, this.channelCount),
args = [soundDataSplit].concat([], 1));
this.emit('audioprocess', args);
if (this.readFn) {
this.readFn.apply(this, args);
Sink.interleave(soundDataSplit, this.channelCount, soundData);
this.emit('postprocess', arguments);
this.previousHit = +new Date();
this.writePosition += soundData.length / channelCount;
* Get the current output position, defaults to writePosition - bufferSize.
* @method Sink
* @return {Number} The position of the write head, in samples, per channel.
getPlaybackTime: function () {
return this.writePosition - this.bufferSize;
* Internal method to send the ready signal if not ready yet.
* @method Sink
ready: function () {
if (this.isReady) return;
this.isReady = true;
this.emit('ready', []);
* The container for all the available sinks. Also a decorator function for creating a new Sink class and binding it.
* @method Sink
* @static
* @arg {String} type The name / type of the Sink.
* @arg {Function} constructor The constructor function for the Sink.
* @arg {Object} prototype The prototype of the Sink. (optional)
* @arg {Boolean} disabled Whether the Sink should be disabled at first.
function sinks (type, constructor, prototype, disabled, priority) {
prototype = prototype || constructor.prototype;
constructor.prototype = new Sink.SinkClass();
constructor.prototype.type = type;
constructor.enabled = !disabled;
var k;
for (k in prototype) {
if (prototype.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
constructor.prototype[k] = prototype[k];
sinks[type] = constructor;
sinks.list[priority ? 'unshift' : 'push'](constructor);
Sink.sinks = Sink.devices = sinks;
Sink.sinks.list = [];
Sink.singleton = function () {
var sink = Sink.apply(null, arguments);
Sink.singleton = function () {
return sink;
return sink;
global.Sink = Sink;
return Sink;
}(function (){ return this; }());
void function (Sink) {
* A light event emitter.
* @class
* @static Sink
function EventEmitter () {
var k;
for (k in EventEmitter.prototype) {
if (EventEmitter.prototype.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
this[k] = EventEmitter.prototype[k];
this._listeners = {};
EventEmitter.prototype = {
_listeners: null,
* Emits an event.
* @method EventEmitter
* @arg {String} name The name of the event to emit.
* @arg {Array} args The arguments to pass to the event handlers.
emit: function (name, args) {
if (this._listeners[name]) {
for (var i=0; i<this._listeners[name].length; i++) {
this._listeners[name][i].apply(this, args);
return this;
* Adds an event listener to an event.
* @method EventEmitter
* @arg {String} name The name of the event.
* @arg {Function} listener The event listener to attach to the event.
on: function (name, listener) {
this._listeners[name] = this._listeners[name] || [];
return this;
* Adds an event listener to an event.
* @method EventEmitter
* @arg {String} name The name of the event.
* @arg {Function} !listener The event listener to remove from the event. If not specified, will delete all.
off: function (name, listener) {
if (this._listeners[name]) {
if (!listener) {
delete this._listeners[name];
return this;
for (var i=0; i<this._listeners[name].length; i++) {
if (this._listeners[name][i] === listener) {
this._listeners[name].splice(i--, 1);
if (!this._listeners[name].length) {
delete this._listeners[name];
return this;
Sink.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;;
void function (Sink) {
* Creates a timer with consistent (ie. not clamped) intervals even in background tabs.
* Uses inline workers to achieve this. If not available, will revert to regular timers.
* @static Sink
* @name doInterval
* @arg {Function} callback The callback to trigger on timer hit.
* @arg {Number} timeout The interval between timer hits.
* @return {Function} A function to cancel the timer.
Sink.doInterval = function (callback, timeout) {
var timer, kill;
function create (noWorker) {
if (Sink.inlineWorker.working && !noWorker) {
timer = Sink.inlineWorker('setInterval(function (){ postMessage("tic"); }, ' + timeout + ');');
timer.onmessage = function (){
kill = function () {
} else {
timer = setInterval(callback, timeout);
kill = function (){
if (Sink.inlineWorker.ready) {
} else {
Sink.inlineWorker.on('ready', function () {
return function () {
if (!kill) {
if (!Sink.inlineWorker.ready) {
Sink.inlineWorker.on('ready', function () {
if (kill) kill();
} else {
void function (Sink) {
var _Blob, _BlobBuilder, _URL, _btoa;
void function (prefixes, urlPrefixes) {
function find (name, prefixes) {
var b, a = prefixes.slice();
for (b=a.shift(); typeof b !== 'undefined'; b=a.shift()) {
b = Function('return typeof ' + b + name +
'=== "undefined" ? undefined : ' +
b + name)();
if (b) return b;
_Blob = find('Blob', prefixes);
_BlobBuilder = find('BlobBuilder', prefixes);
_URL = find('URL', urlPrefixes);
_btoa = find('btoa', ['']);
], [
var createBlob = _Blob && _URL && function (content, type) {
return _URL.createObjectURL(new _Blob([content], { type: type }));
var createBlobBuilder = _BlobBuilder && _URL && function (content, type) {
var bb = new _BlobBuilder();
return _URL.createObjectURL(bb.getBlob(type));
var createData = _btoa && function (content, type) {
return 'data:' + type + ';base64,' + _btoa(content);
var createDynURL =
createBlob ||
createBlobBuilder ||
if (!createDynURL) return;
if (createBlob) createDynURL.createBlob = createBlob;
if (createBlobBuilder) createDynURL.createBlobBuilder = createBlobBuilder;
if (createData) createDynURL.createData = createData;
if (_Blob) createDynURL.Blob = _Blob;
if (_BlobBuilder) createDynURL.BlobBuilder = _BlobBuilder;
if (_URL) createDynURL.URL = _URL;
Sink.createDynURL = createDynURL;
Sink.revokeDynURL = function (url) {
if (typeof url === 'string' && url.indexOf('data:') === 0) {
return false;
} else {
return _URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
void function (Sink) {
* A Sink-specific error class.
* @class
* @static Sink
* @name Error
* @arg =code
* @param {Number} code The error code.
* @param {String} message A brief description of the error.
* @param {String} explanation A more verbose explanation of why the error occured and how to fix.
function SinkError(code) {
if (!SinkError.hasOwnProperty(code)) throw SinkError(1);
if (!(this instanceof SinkError)) return new SinkError(code);
var k;
for (k in SinkError[code]) {
if (SinkError[code].hasOwnProperty(k)) {
this[k] = SinkError[code][k];
this.code = code;
SinkError.prototype = new Error();
SinkError.prototype.toString = function () {
return 'SinkError 0x' + this.code.toString(16) + ': ' + this.message;
SinkError[0x01] = {
message: 'No such error code.',
explanation: 'The error code does not exist.'
SinkError[0x02] = {
message: 'No audio sink available.',
explanation: 'The audio device may be busy, or no supported output API is available for this browser.'
SinkError[0x10] = {
message: 'Buffer underflow.',
explanation: 'Trying to recover...'
SinkError[0x11] = {
message: 'Critical recovery fail.',
explanation: 'The buffer underflow has reached a critical point, trying to recover, but will probably fail anyway.'
SinkError[0x12] = {
message: 'Buffer size too large.',
explanation: 'Unable to allocate the buffer due to excessive length, please try a smaller buffer. Buffer size should probably be smaller than the sample rate.'
Sink.Error = SinkError;
void function (Sink) {
* Creates an inline worker using a data/blob URL, if possible.
* @static Sink
* @arg {String} script
* @return {Worker} A web worker, or null if impossible to create.
var define = Object.defineProperty ? function (obj, name, value) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, name, {
value: value,
configurable: true,
writable: true
} : function (obj, name, value) {
obj[name] = value;
function terminate () {
define(this, 'terminate', this._terminate);
delete this._url;
delete this._terminate;
return this.terminate();
function inlineWorker (script) {
function wrap (type, content, typeName) {
try {
var url = type(content, 'text/javascript');
var worker = new Worker(url);
define(worker, '_url', url);
define(worker, '_terminate', worker.terminate);
define(worker, 'terminate', terminate);
if (inlineWorker.type) return worker;
inlineWorker.type = typeName;
inlineWorker.createURL = type;
return worker;
} catch (e) {
return null;
var createDynURL = Sink.createDynURL;
var worker;
if (inlineWorker.createURL) {
return wrap(inlineWorker.createURL, script, inlineWorker.type);
worker = wrap(createDynURL.createBlob, script, 'blob');
if (worker) return worker;
worker = wrap(createDynURL.createBlobBuilder, script, 'blobbuilder');
if (worker) return worker;
worker = wrap(createDynURL.createData, script, 'data');
return worker;
inlineWorker.test = function () {
inlineWorker.ready = inlineWorker.working = false;
inlineWorker.type = '';
inlineWorker.createURL = null;
var worker = inlineWorker('this.onmessage=function(e){postMessage(}');
var data = 'inlineWorker';
function ready (success) {
if (inlineWorker.ready) return;
inlineWorker.ready = true;
inlineWorker.working = success;
inlineWorker.emit('ready', [success]);'ready');
if (success && worker) {
worker = null;
if (!worker) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
} else {
worker.onmessage = function (e) {
ready( === data);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
Sink.inlineWorker = inlineWorker;
void function (Sink) {
* A Sink class for the Mozilla Audio Data API.
Sink.sinks('audiodata', function () {
var self = this,
currentWritePosition = 0,
tail = null,
audioDevice = new Audio(),
written, currentPosition, available, soundData, prevPos,
timer; // Fix for
self.start.apply(self, arguments);
self.preBufferSize = isNaN(arguments[4]) || arguments[4] === null ? this.preBufferSize : arguments[4];
function bufferFill() {
if (tail) {
written = audioDevice.mozWriteAudio(tail);
currentWritePosition += written;
if (written < tail.length){
tail = tail.subarray(written);
return tail;
tail = null;
currentPosition = audioDevice.mozCurrentSampleOffset();
available = Number(currentPosition + (prevPos !== currentPosition ? self.bufferSize : self.preBufferSize) * self.channelCount - currentWritePosition);
if (currentPosition === prevPos) {
self.emit('error', [Sink.Error(0x10)]);
if (available > 0 || prevPos === currentPosition){
try {
soundData = new Float32Array(prevPos === currentPosition ? self.preBufferSize * self.channelCount :
self.forceBufferSize ? available < self.bufferSize * 2 ? self.bufferSize * 2 : available : available);
} catch(e) {
self.emit('error', [Sink.Error(0x12)]);
self.process(soundData, self.channelCount);
written = self._audio.mozWriteAudio(soundData);
if (written < soundData.length){
tail = soundData.subarray(written);
currentWritePosition += written;
prevPos = currentPosition;
audioDevice.mozSetup(self.channelCount, self.sampleRate);
this._timers = [];
this._timers.push(Sink.doInterval(function () {
// Check for complete death of the output
if (+new Date() - self.previousHit > 2000) {
self._audio = audioDevice = new Audio();
audioDevice.mozSetup(self.channelCount, self.sampleRate);
currentWritePosition = 0;
self.emit('error', [Sink.Error(0x11)]);
}, 1000));
this._timers.push(Sink.doInterval(bufferFill, self.interval));
self._bufferFill = bufferFill;
self._audio = audioDevice;
}, {
// These are somewhat safe values...
bufferSize: 24576,
preBufferSize: 24576,
forceBufferSize: false,
interval: 100,
kill: function () {
while (this._timers.length) {
getPlaybackTime: function () {
return this._audio.mozCurrentSampleOffset() / this.channelCount;
}, false, true);
Sink.sinks.moz = Sink.sinks.audiodata;
void function (Sink) {
* A dummy Sink. (No output)
Sink.sinks('dummy', function () {
var self = this;
self.start.apply(self, arguments);
function bufferFill () {
var soundData = new Float32Array(self.bufferSize * self.channelCount);
self.process(soundData, self.channelCount);
self._kill = Sink.doInterval(bufferFill, self.bufferSize / self.sampleRate * 1000);
self._callback = bufferFill;
}, {
kill: function () {
}, true);
(function (Sink, sinks) {
sinks = Sink.sinks;
function newAudio (src) {
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
if (src) {
audio.src = src;
return audio;
/* TODO: Implement a <BGSOUND> hack for IE8. */
* A sink class for WAV data URLs
* Relies on pcmdata.js and utils to be present.
* Thanks to grantgalitz and others for the idea.
sinks('wav', function () {
var self = this,
audio = new sinks.wav.wavAudio(),
PCMData = typeof PCMData === 'undefined' ? audioLib.PCMData : PCMData;
self.start.apply(self, arguments);
var soundData = new Float32Array(self.bufferSize * self.channelCount),
zeroData = new Float32Array(self.bufferSize * self.channelCount);
if (!newAudio().canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs=1') || !btoa) throw 0;
function bufferFill () {
if (self._audio.hasNextFrame) return;
Sink.memcpy(zeroData, 0, soundData, 0);
self.process(soundData, self.channelCount);
self._audio.setSource('data:audio/wav;base64,' + btoa(
data: soundData,
sampleRate: self.sampleRate,
channelCount: self.channelCount,
bytesPerSample: self.quality
if (!self._audio.currentFrame.src) self._audio.nextClip();
self.kill = Sink.doInterval(bufferFill, 40);
self._bufferFill = bufferFill;
self._audio = audio;
}, {
quality: 1,
bufferSize: 22050,
getPlaybackTime: function () {
var audio = this._audio;
return (audio.currentFrame ? audio.currentFrame.currentTime * this.sampleRate : 0) + audio.samples;
function wavAudio () {
var self = this;
self.currentFrame = newAudio();
self.nextFrame = newAudio();
self._onended = function () {
self.samples += self.bufferSize;
wavAudio.prototype = {
samples: 0,
nextFrame: null,
currentFrame: null,
_onended: null,
hasNextFrame: false,
nextClip: function () {
var curFrame = this.currentFrame;
this.currentFrame = this.nextFrame;
this.nextFrame = curFrame;
this.hasNextFrame = false;;
setSource: function (src) {
this.nextFrame.src = src;
this.nextFrame.addEventListener('ended', this._onended, true);
this.hasNextFrame = true;
sinks.wav.wavAudio = wavAudio;
(function (sinks, fixChrome82795) {
var AudioContext = typeof window === 'undefined' ? null : window.webkitAudioContext || window.AudioContext;
* A sink class for the Web Audio API
sinks('webaudio', function (readFn, channelCount, bufferSize, sampleRate) {
var self = this,
context = sinks.webaudio.getContext(),
node = null,
soundData = null,
zeroBuffer = null;
self.start.apply(self, arguments);
node = context.createScriptProcessor(self.bufferSize, self.channelCount, self.channelCount);
function bufferFill(e) {
var outputBuffer = e.outputBuffer,
channelCount = outputBuffer.numberOfChannels,
i, n, l = outputBuffer.length,
size = outputBuffer.size,
channels = new Array(channelCount),
soundData = soundData && soundData.length === l * channelCount ? soundData : new Float32Array(l * channelCount);
zeroBuffer = zeroBuffer && zeroBuffer.length === soundData.length ? zeroBuffer : new Float32Array(l * channelCount);
for (i=0; i<channelCount; i++) {
channels[i] = outputBuffer.getChannelData(i);
self.process(soundData, self.channelCount);
for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
for (n=0; n < channelCount; n++) {
channels[n][i] = soundData[i * self.channelCount + n];
self.sampleRate = context.sampleRate;
node.onaudioprocess = bufferFill;
self._context = context;
self._node = node;
self._callback = bufferFill;
/* Keep references in order to avoid garbage collection removing the listeners, working around */
// Thanks to @baffo32
}, {
kill: function () {
for (var i=0; i<fixChrome82795.length; i++) {
if (fixChrome82795[i] === this._node) {
fixChrome82795.splice(i--, 1);
this._node = this._context = null;
getPlaybackTime: function () {
return this._context.currentTime * this.sampleRate;
}, false, true);
sinks.webkit = sinks.webaudio;
sinks.webaudio.fix82795 = fixChrome82795;
sinks.webaudio.getContext = function () {
// For now, we have to accept that the AudioContext is at 48000Hz, or whatever it decides.
var context = new AudioContext(/*sampleRate*/);
sinks.webaudio.getContext = function () {
return context;
return context;
}(this.Sink.sinks, []));
(function (Sink) {
* A Sink class for the Media Streams Processing API and/or Web Audio API in a Web Worker.
Sink.sinks('worker', function () {
var self = this,
global = (function(){ return this; }()),
soundData = null,
outBuffer = null,
zeroBuffer = null;
self.start.apply(self, arguments);
// Let's see if we're in a worker.
function mspBufferFill (e) {
if (!self.isReady) {
var channelCount = self.channelCount,
l = e.audioLength,
n, i;
soundData = soundData && soundData.length === l * channelCount ? soundData : new Float32Array(l * channelCount);
outBuffer = outBuffer && outBuffer.length === soundData.length ? outBuffer : new Float32Array(l * channelCount);
zeroBuffer = zeroBuffer && zeroBuffer.length === soundData.length ? zeroBuffer : new Float32Array(l * channelCount);
self.process(soundData, self.channelCount);
for (n=0; n<channelCount; n++) {
for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
outBuffer[n * e.audioLength + i] = soundData[n + i * channelCount];
function waBufferFill(e) {
if (!self.isReady) {
var outputBuffer = e.outputBuffer,
channelCount = outputBuffer.numberOfChannels,
i, n, l = outputBuffer.length,
size = outputBuffer.size,
channels = new Array(channelCount),
soundData = soundData && soundData.length === l * channelCount ? soundData : new Float32Array(l * channelCount);
zeroBuffer = zeroBuffer && zeroBuffer.length === soundData.length ? zeroBuffer : new Float32Array(l * channelCount);
for (i=0; i<channelCount; i++) {
channels[i] = outputBuffer.getChannelData(i);
self.process(soundData, self.channelCount);
for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
for (n=0; n < channelCount; n++) {
channels[n][i] = soundData[i * self.channelCount + n];
global.onprocessmedia = mspBufferFill;
global.onaudioprocess = waBufferFill;
self._mspBufferFill = mspBufferFill;
self._waBufferFill = waBufferFill;
}, {
ready: false,
initMSP: function (e) {
this.channelCount = e.audioChannels;
this.sampleRate = e.audioSampleRate;
this.bufferSize = e.audioLength * this.channelCount;
this.ready = true;
this.emit('ready', []);
initWA: function (e) {
var b = e.outputBuffer;
this.channelCount = b.numberOfChannels;
this.sampleRate = b.sampleRate;
this.bufferSize = b.length * this.channelCount;
this.ready = true;
this.emit('ready', []);
(function (Sink) {
* Splits a sample buffer into those of different channels.
* @static Sink
* @name deinterleave
* @arg {Buffer} buffer The sample buffer to split.
* @arg {Number} channelCount The number of channels to split to.
* @return {Array} An array containing the resulting sample buffers.
Sink.deinterleave = function (buffer, channelCount) {
var l = buffer.length,
size = l / channelCount,
ret = [],
i, n;
for (i=0; i<channelCount; i++){
ret[i] = new Float32Array(size);
for (n=0; n<size; n++){
ret[i][n] = buffer[n * channelCount + i];
return ret;
* Joins an array of sample buffers into a single buffer.
* @static Sink
* @name resample
* @arg {Array} buffers The buffers to join.
* @arg {Number} !channelCount The number of channels. Defaults to buffers.length
* @arg {Buffer} !buffer The output buffer.
* @return {Buffer} The interleaved buffer created.
Sink.interleave = function (buffers, channelCount, buffer) {
channelCount = channelCount || buffers.length;
var l = buffers[0].length,
bufferCount = buffers.length,
i, n;
buffer = buffer || new Float32Array(l * channelCount);
for (i=0; i<bufferCount; i++) {
for (n=0; n<l; n++) {
buffer[i + n * channelCount] = buffers[i][n];
return buffer;
* Mixes two or more buffers down to one.
* @static Sink
* @name mix
* @arg {Buffer} buffer The buffer to append the others to.
* @arg {Buffer} bufferX The buffers to append from.
* @return {Buffer} The mixed buffer.
Sink.mix = function (buffer) {
var buffers = [], 1),
l, i, c;
for (c=0; c<buffers.length; c++){
l = Math.max(buffer.length, buffers[c].length);
for (i=0; i<l; i++){
buffer[i] += buffers[c][i];
return buffer;
* Resets a buffer to all zeroes.
* @static Sink
* @name resetBuffer
* @arg {Buffer} buffer The buffer to reset.
* @return {Buffer} The 0-reset buffer.
Sink.resetBuffer = function (buffer) {
var l = buffer.length,
for (i=0; i<l; i++){
buffer[i] = 0;
return buffer;
* Copies the content of a buffer to another buffer.
* @static Sink
* @name clone
* @arg {Buffer} buffer The buffer to copy from.
* @arg {Buffer} !result The buffer to copy to.
* @return {Buffer} A clone of the buffer.
Sink.clone = function (buffer, result) {
var l = buffer.length,
result = result || new Float32Array(l);
for (i=0; i<l; i++){
result[i] = buffer[i];
return result;
* Creates an array of buffers of the specified length and the specified count.
* @static Sink
* @name createDeinterleaved
* @arg {Number} length The length of a single channel.
* @arg {Number} channelCount The number of channels.
* @return {Array} The array of buffers.
Sink.createDeinterleaved = function (length, channelCount) {
var result = new Array(channelCount),
for (i=0; i<channelCount; i++){
result[i] = new Float32Array(length);
return result;
Sink.memcpy = function (src, srcOffset, dst, dstOffset, length) {
src = src.subarray || src.slice ? src : src.buffer;
dst = dst.subarray || dst.slice ? dst : dst.buffer;
src = srcOffset ? src.subarray ?
src.subarray(srcOffset, length && srcOffset + length) :
src.slice(srcOffset, length && srcOffset + length) : src;
if (dst.set) {
dst.set(src, dstOffset);
} else {
for (var i=0; i<src.length; i++) {
dst[i + dstOffset] = src[i];
return dst;
Sink.memslice = function (buffer, offset, length) {
return buffer.subarray ? buffer.subarray(offset, length) : buffer.slice(offset, length);
Sink.mempad = function (buffer, out, offset) {
out = out.length ? out : new (buffer.constructor)(out);
Sink.memcpy(buffer, 0, out, offset);
return out;
Sink.linspace = function (start, end, out) {
var l, i, n, step;
out = out.length ? (l=out.length) && out : Array(l=out);
step = (end - start) / --l;
for (n=start+step, i=1; i<l; i++, n+=step) {
out[i] = n;
out[0] = start;
out[l] = end;
return out;
Sink.ftoi = function (input, bitCount, output) {
var i, mask = Math.pow(2, bitCount - 1);
output = output || new (input.constructor)(input.length);
for (i=0; i<input.length; i++) {
output[i] = ~~(mask * input[i]);
return output;
(function (Sink) {
function Proxy (bufferSize, channelCount) {;
this.bufferSize = isNaN(bufferSize) || bufferSize === null ? this.bufferSize : bufferSize;
this.channelCount = isNaN(channelCount) || channelCount === null ? this.channelCount : channelCount;
var self = this;
this.callback = function () {
return self.process.apply(self, arguments);
Proxy.prototype = {
buffer: null,
zeroBuffer: null,
parentSink: null,
bufferSize: 4096,
channelCount: 2,
offset: null,
resetBuffer: function () {
this.buffer = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize);
this.zeroBuffer = new Float32Array(this.bufferSize);
process: function (buffer, channelCount) {
if (this.offset === null) {
for (var i=0; i<buffer.length; i++) {
if (this.offset >= this.buffer.length) {
buffer[i] = this.buffer[this.offset++];
loadBuffer: function () {
this.offset = 0;
Sink.memcpy(this.zeroBuffer, 0, this.buffer, 0);
this.emit('audioprocess', [this.buffer, this.channelCount]);
Sink.Proxy = Proxy;
* Creates a proxy callback system for the sink instance.
* Requires Sink utils.
* @method Sink
* @method createProxy
* @arg {Number} !bufferSize The buffer size for the proxy.
Sink.prototype.createProxy = function (bufferSize) {
var proxy = new Sink.Proxy(bufferSize, this.channelCount);
proxy.parentSink = this;
this.on('audioprocess', proxy.callback);
return proxy;
(function (Sink) {
* If method is supplied, adds a new interpolation method to Sink.interpolation, otherwise sets the default interpolation method (Sink.interpolate) to the specified property of Sink.interpolate.
* @arg {String} name The name of the interpolation method to get / set.
* @arg {Function} !method The interpolation method.
function interpolation(name, method) {
if (name && method) {
interpolation[name] = method;
} else if (name && interpolation[name] instanceof Function) {
Sink.interpolate = interpolation[name];
return interpolation[name];
Sink.interpolation = interpolation;
* Interpolates a fractal part position in an array to a sample. (Linear interpolation)
* @param {Array} arr The sample buffer.
* @param {number} pos The position to interpolate from.
* @return {Float32} The interpolated sample.
interpolation('linear', function (arr, pos) {
var first = Math.floor(pos),
second = first + 1,
frac = pos - first;
second = second < arr.length ? second : 0;
return arr[first] * (1 - frac) + arr[second] * frac;
* Interpolates a fractal part position in an array to a sample. (Nearest neighbour interpolation)
* @param {Array} arr The sample buffer.
* @param {number} pos The position to interpolate from.
* @return {Float32} The interpolated sample.
interpolation('nearest', function (arr, pos) {
return pos >= arr.length - 0.5 ? arr[0] : arr[Math.round(pos)];
* Resamples a sample buffer from a frequency to a frequency and / or from a sample rate to a sample rate.
* @static Sink
* @name resample
* @arg {Buffer} buffer The sample buffer to resample.
* @arg {Number} fromRate The original sample rate of the buffer, or if the last argument, the speed ratio to convert with.
* @arg {Number} fromFrequency The original frequency of the buffer, or if the last argument, used as toRate and the secondary comparison will not be made.
* @arg {Number} toRate The sample rate of the created buffer.
* @arg {Number} toFrequency The frequency of the created buffer.
* @return The new resampled buffer.
Sink.resample = function (buffer, fromRate /* or speed */, fromFrequency /* or toRate */, toRate, toFrequency) {
argc = arguments.length,
speed = argc === 2 ? fromRate : argc === 3 ? fromRate / fromFrequency : toRate / fromRate * toFrequency / fromFrequency,
l = buffer.length,
length = Math.ceil(l / speed),
newBuffer = new Float32Array(length),
i, n;
for (i=0, n=0; i<l; i += speed) {
newBuffer[n++] = Sink.interpolate(buffer, i);
return newBuffer;
void function (Sink) {
Sink.on('init', function (sink) {
sink.activeRecordings = [];
sink.on('postprocess', sink.recordData);
Sink.prototype.activeRecordings = null;
* Starts recording the sink output.
* @method Sink
* @name record
* @return {Recording} The recording object for the recording started.
Sink.prototype.record = function () {
var recording = new Sink.Recording(this);
this.emit('record', [recording]);
return recording;
* Private method that handles the adding the buffers to all the current recordings.
* @method Sink
* @method recordData
* @arg {Array} buffer The buffer to record.
Sink.prototype.recordData = function (buffer) {
var activeRecs = this.activeRecordings,
i, l = activeRecs.length;
for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
* A Recording class for recording sink output.
* @class
* @static Sink
* @arg {Object} bindTo The sink to bind the recording to.
function Recording (bindTo) {
this.boundTo = bindTo;
this.buffers = [];
Recording.prototype = {
* Adds a new buffer to the recording.
* @arg {Array} buffer The buffer to add.
* @method Recording
add: function (buffer) {
* Empties the recording.
* @method Recording
clear: function () {
this.buffers = [];
* Stops the recording and unbinds it from it's host sink.
* @method Recording
stop: function () {
var recordings = this.boundTo.activeRecordings,
for (i=0; i<recordings.length; i++) {
if (recordings[i] === this) {
recordings.splice(i--, 1);
* Joins the recorded buffers into a single buffer.
* @method Recording
join: function () {
var bufferLength = 0,
bufPos = 0,
buffers = this.buffers,
n, i, l = buffers.length;
for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
bufferLength += buffers[i].length;
newArray = new Float32Array(bufferLength);
for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
for (n=0; n<buffers[i].length; n++) {
newArray[bufPos + n] = buffers[i][n];
bufPos += buffers[i].length;
return newArray;
Sink.Recording = Recording;
void function (Sink) {
function processRingBuffer () {
if (this.ringBuffer) {
(this.channelMode === 'interleaved' ? this.ringSpin : this.ringSpinInterleaved).apply(this, arguments);
Sink.on('init', function (sink) {
sink.on('preprocess', processRingBuffer);
Sink.prototype.ringBuffer = null;
* A private method that applies the ring buffer contents to the specified buffer, while in interleaved mode.
* @method Sink
* @name ringSpin
* @arg {Array} buffer The buffer to write to.
Sink.prototype.ringSpin = function (buffer) {
var ring = this.ringBuffer,
l = buffer.length,
m = ring.length,
off = this.ringOffset,
for (i=0; i<l; i++){
buffer[i] += ring[off];
off = (off + 1) % m;
this.ringOffset = off;
* A private method that applies the ring buffer contents to the specified buffer, while in deinterleaved mode.
* @method Sink
* @name ringSpinDeinterleaved
* @param {Array} buffer The buffers to write to.
Sink.prototype.ringSpinDeinterleaved = function (buffer) {
var ring = this.ringBuffer,
l = buffer.length,
ch = ring.length,
m = ring[0].length,
len = ch * m,
off = this.ringOffset,
i, n;
for (i=0; i<l; i+=ch){
for (n=0; n<ch; n++){
buffer[i + n] += ring[n][off];
off = (off + 1) % m;
this.ringOffset = n;
void function (Sink, proto) {
proto = Sink.prototype;
Sink.on('init', function (sink) {
sink.asyncBuffers = [];
sink.syncBuffers = [];
sink.on('preprocess', sink.writeBuffersSync);
sink.on('postprocess', sink.writeBuffersAsync);
proto.writeMode = 'async';
proto.asyncBuffers = proto.syncBuffers = null;
* Private method that handles the mixing of asynchronously written buffers.
* @method Sink
* @name writeBuffersAsync
* @arg {Array} buffer The buffer to write to.
proto.writeBuffersAsync = function (buffer) {
var buffers = this.asyncBuffers,
l = buffer.length,
i, n, offset;
if (buffers) {
for (i=0; i<buffers.length; i++) {
buf = buffers[i];
bufLength = buf.b.length;
offset = buf.d;
buf.d -= Math.min(offset, l);
for (n=0; n + offset < l && n < bufLength; n++) {
buffer[n + offset] += buf.b[n];
buf.b = buf.b.subarray(n + offset);
if (i >= bufLength) {
buffers.splice(i--, 1);
* A private method that handles mixing synchronously written buffers.
* @method Sink
* @name writeBuffersSync
* @arg {Array} buffer The buffer to write to.
proto.writeBuffersSync = function (buffer) {
var buffers = this.syncBuffers,
l = buffer.length,
i = 0,
soff = 0;
for (;i<l && buffers.length; i++) {
buffer[i] += buffers[0][soff];
if (buffers[0].length <= soff){
buffers.splice(0, 1);
soff = 0;
if (buffers.length) {
buffers[0] = buffers[0].subarray(soff);
* Writes a buffer asynchronously on top of the existing signal, after a specified delay.
* @method Sink
* @name writeBufferAsync
* @arg {Array} buffer The buffer to write.
* @arg {Number} delay The delay to write after. If not specified, the Sink will calculate a delay to compensate the latency.
* @return {Number} The number of currently stored asynchronous buffers.
proto.writeBufferAsync = function (buffer, delay) {
buffer = this.mode === 'deinterleaved' ? Sink.interleave(buffer, this.channelCount) : buffer;
var buffers = this.asyncBuffers;
b: buffer,
d: isNaN(delay) ? ~~((+new Date() - this.previousHit) / 1000 * this.sampleRate) : delay
return buffers.length;
* Writes a buffer synchronously to the output.
* @method Sink
* @name writeBufferSync
* @param {Array} buffer The buffer to write.
* @return {Number} The number of currently stored synchronous buffers.
proto.writeBufferSync = function (buffer) {
buffer = this.mode === 'deinterleaved' ? Sink.interleave(buffer, this.channelCount) : buffer;
var buffers = this.syncBuffers;
return buffers.length;
* Writes a buffer, according to the write mode specified.
* @method Sink
* @name writeBuffer
* @arg {Array} buffer The buffer to write.
* @arg {Number} delay The delay to write after. If not specified, the Sink will calculate a delay to compensate the latency. (only applicable in asynchronous write mode)
* @return {Number} The number of currently stored (a)synchronous buffers.
proto.writeBuffer = function () {
return this[this.writeMode === 'async' ? 'writeBufferAsync' : 'writeBufferSync'].apply(this, arguments);
* Gets the total amount of yet unwritten samples in the synchronous buffers.
* @method Sink
* @name getSyncWriteOffset
* @return {Number} The total amount of yet unwritten samples in the synchronous buffers.
proto.getSyncWriteOffset = function () {
var buffers = this.syncBuffers,
offset = 0,
for (i=0; i<buffers.length; i++) {
offset += buffers[i].length;
return offset;
} (this.Sink);
function playExample() {
var AudioletApp = function() {
this.audiolet = new Audiolet();
this.audioletApp = new AudioletApp();
'use strict';
var socket;
var connected;
var myClientId;
var myAudioletApp;
var gain = {
current: 0.000001,
target: 0.00000
// prevent double tap zoom
(function($) {
$.fn.nodoubletapzoom = function() {
$(this).bind('touchstart', function preventZoom(e) {
var t2 = e.timeStamp
, t1 = $(this).data('lastTouch') || t2
, dt = t2 - t1
, fingers = e.originalEvent.touches.length;
$(this).data('lastTouch', t2);
if (!dt || dt > 500 || fingers > 1) return; // not double-tap
e.preventDefault(); // double tap - prevent the zoom
// also synthesize click events we just swallowed up
function update(x, y) {
if(!connected) return;
var marker = document.getElementById('marker'); = x + 'px'; = y + 'px';
x = x / window.innerWidth;
y = y / window.innerHeight;
socket.send( '{"x":' + x + ', "y":' + y + '}');
function initClient () {
window.addEventListener('touchstart', function(ev){
update(ev.touches[0].clientX, ev.touches[0].clientY);
window.addEventListener('touchmove', function(ev){
update(ev.touches[0].clientX, ev.touches[0].clientY);
window.addEventListener('click', function(ev){
update(ev.pageX, ev.pageY);
$(document).on('touchmove', function(event){
function initSocket () {
var options = {
'reconnect': true,
'reconnection delay': 500,
'max reconnection attempts': 100000,
'transports': [
socket = io.connect('/', options);
socket.on('connect', onConnect);
socket.on('disconnect', onDisconnect);
socket.on('message', onMessage);
function onConnect() {
connected = true;
update(window.innerWidth / 2, window.innerHeight / 2);
function onDisconnect() {
connected = false; = '#eee';
$("body").css("background-color", "#eee");
$(".other").css("background-color", "#eee");
function onMessage(message) {
var pack = message.split('|');
var command = pack[0];
var payload = pack[1];
switch (command) {
case 'welcome':
myClientId = payload;
case 'positions':
function setColor(clientId) { = '#' + clientId.substr(0,6);
$("body").css("background-color", "#" + clientId.substr(0,6));
function updatePositions(payload) {
var others = JSON.parse(payload);
for (var id in others) {
if (others.hasOwnProperty(id) && id != myClientId && id != 'leap') {
var otherDiv = $("<div class='other' id='" + id + "'></div>");
$(otherDiv).css("left", others[id].x * window.innerWidth);
$(otherDiv).css("top", others[id].y * window.innerHeight);
$(otherDiv).css("background-color", "#" + id.substr(0,6));
$("#leap").css("left", others['leap'].x * window.innerWidth);
$("#leap").css("top", others['leap'].y * window.innerHeight);
applyDistance(others['leap'], others[myClientId]);
function applyDistance(leap, me) {
var xs = 0;
var ys = 0;
xs = me.x - leap.x;
xs = xs * xs;
ys = me.y - leap.y;
ys = ys * ys;
var distance = Math.sqrt(xs + ys);
if (distance < 0.2) { = Math.pow(1 - distance * 5, 2);
} else { = 0.0000001;
function initSound() {
var AudioletApp = function() {
this.audiolet = new Audiolet();
this.sine = new WhiteNoise(this.audiolet, 440);
//this.modulator = new Saw(this.audiolet, 980);
//this.modulatorMulAdd = new MulAdd(this.audiolet, 200, 40);
this.filter = new LowPassFilter(this.audiolet, 300);
this.gain = new Gain(this.audiolet, 0.000001);
this.delay = new Delay(this.audiolet, 0.2, 0.2);
this.feedbackScaler = new Gain(this.audiolet, 0.5);
myAudioletApp = new AudioletApp();
var step = ( - gain.current) * 2 / 100; // 6%
gain.current += step;
myAudioletApp.gain.gain.value = gain.current;
}, 1);
window.onload = function () {
<!DOCTYPE html>
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#room {
position: absolute;
top: 5%;
left: 5%;
width: 90%;
height: 90%;
border: 1px dotted black;
background: white;
#marker {
width: 5%;
height: 5%;
background: #eee;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -2.5%;
margin-top: -2.5%;
.other {
width: 5%;
height: 5%;
background: #eee;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -2.5%;
margin-top: -2.5%;
#leap {
width: 2%;
height: 2%;
background: #ff0000;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -1%;
margin-top: -1%;
border-radius: 3px;
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/"></script>
<script src="Audiolet.js"></script>
<script src="client.js"></script>
<div id="room"></div>
<div id="marker"></div>
<div id="leap"></div>
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0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'node', '/usr/local/bin/npm', 'start' ]
2 info using npm@2.5.1
3 info using node@v0.12.0
4 verbose run-script [ 'prestart', 'start', 'poststart' ]
5 info prestart midihack@0.1.0
6 info start midihack@0.1.0
7 verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
8 info midihack@0.1.0 Failed to exec start script
9 verbose stack Error: midihack@0.1.0 start: `node server.js`
9 verbose stack Exit status 1
9 verbose stack at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/lifecycle.js:213:16)
9 verbose stack at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:110:17)
9 verbose stack at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/spawn.js:14:12)
9 verbose stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:110:17)
9 verbose stack at maybeClose (child_process.js:1008:16)
9 verbose stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:1080:5)
10 verbose pkgid midihack@0.1.0
11 verbose cwd /Users/logsol/Work/projects/js/midihack
12 error Darwin 13.4.0
13 error argv "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "start"
14 error node v0.12.0
15 error npm v2.5.1
16 error code ELIFECYCLE
17 error midihack@0.1.0 start: `node server.js`
17 error Exit status 1
18 error Failed at the midihack@0.1.0 start script 'node server.js'.
18 error This is most likely a problem with the midihack package,
18 error not with npm itself.
18 error Tell the author that this fails on your system:
18 error node server.js
18 error You can get their info via:
18 error npm owner ls midihack
18 error There is likely additional logging output above.
19 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
"name": "midihack",
"author": "logsol <>",
"description": "leap motion room sound",
"version": "0.1.0",
"repository": {
"type": "git"
"bugs": {
"email": ""
"main": "",
"dependencies": {
"": "= 0.9.6",
"node-static": ">= 0.6.0",
"requirejs": "= 2.0.4",
"leapjs": "= 0.6.2"
"devDependencies": {},
"optionalDependencies": {},
"engine": "node >= 0.8.4",
"config": { "port": "1234" },
"private": true
var nodeStatic = require('node-static'),
http = require('http'),
fs = require('fs'),
io = require(''),
Leap = require('leapjs');
var clients = {};
var clientId = null;
var leapPosition = {};
var fileServer = new nodeStatic.Server("./", { cache: 0, gzip: false });
var server = http.createServer(
function (req, res) {
var fullBody = '';
req.addListener('data', function(chunk) {
fullBody += chunk.toString();
req.addListener('error', function(err) {
req.addListener('end', function () {
switch(true) {
case req.url == '/client.js':
fileServer.serveFile('./client.js', 200, {}, req, res);
case req.url == '/jquery.js':
fileServer.serveFile('./jquery.js', 200, {}, req, res);
case req.url == '/Audiolet.js':
fileServer.serveFile('./Audiolet.js', 200, {}, req, res);
case req.url == '/sw.mp3':
fileServer.serveFile('./sw.mp3', 200, {}, req, res);
fileServer.serveFile('./index.html', 200, {}, req, res);
server.once('error', function(err) {
if(err.code == 'EADDRINUSE') {
console.error('port already in use. Closing.');
} else {
throw new Error(err);
var socket = io.listen(server);
socket.configure('development', function () {
this.set('log level', 3);
socket.on('connection', function (link) {
clients[] = new Client(link);
link.send("welcome|" +;
link.on('message', function (message) {
var position = JSON.parse(message);
link.on('disconnect', function () {
delete clients[];
function broadcastPositions () {
var positions = {};
for (var id in clients) {
if (clients.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
positions[id] = {
x: clients[id].x,
y: clients[id].y,
positions['leap'] = leapPosition;
for (var id in clients) {
if (clients.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
link = clients[id].link;
link.send("positions|" + JSON.stringify(positions));
function Client (link) { = link; =;
this.x = null;
this.y = null;
Client.prototype.setPosition = function(position) {
this.x = position.x;
this.y = position.y;
function clip(x){
return x<0 ? 0 : x>1 ? 1 : x;
var controllerOptions = {enableGestures: true};
Leap.loop(controllerOptions, function(frame) {
if (frame.hands.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < frame.hands.length; i++) {
var hand = frame.hands[i];
if (hand.type != 'right') continue;
var x = clip((hand.palmPosition[0] + 300) / 600);
var y = clip((hand.palmPosition[2] - 300) / 600 * -1);
//var height = clip(hand.palmPosition[1] / 500);
//var grab = clip(hand.grabStrength);
//var pinch = clip(hand.pinchStrength);
leapPosition.x = x;
leapPosition.y = 1-y;
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