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Created March 13, 2014 07:03
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Save logue/9523138 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bad Behavior Sqlite port.
Bad Behavior - detects and blocks unwanted Web accesses
Copyright (C) 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012 Michael Hampton
Bad Behavior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with this program. If not, see <>.
Please report any problems to bad . bots AT ioerror DOT us
Bad Behavior Sqlite port by Logue <>
define('BB2_CWD', dirname(__FILE__));
define('BB2_SETTING_INI_FILE', dirname(__FILE__) . "/settings.ini");
define('BB2_WHITELIST_INI_FILE', dirname(__FILE__) . "/whitelist.ini");
define('BB2_DB_FILE', dirname(__FILE__) . "/bad-behavior.sqlite3");
define('BB2_MAIL_ADDRESSS', ""); // You need to change this.
// Settings you can adjust for Bad Behavior.
// Most of these are unused in non-database mode.
// DO NOT EDIT HERE; instead make changes in settings.ini.
// These settings are used when settings.ini is not present.
$bb2_settings_defaults = array(
'log_table' => 'bad_behavior',
'display_stats' => true,
'strict' => false,
'verbose' => false,
'logging' => true,
'httpbl_key' => '',
'httpbl_threat' => '25',
'httpbl_maxage' => '30',
'offsite_forms' => false,
'eu_cookie' => false,
'reverse_proxy' => false,
'reverse_proxy_header' => 'X-Forwarded-For',
'reverse_proxy_addresses' => array(),
// Bad Behavior callback functions.
// Return current time in the format preferred by your database.
function bb2_db_date() {
return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Example is MySQL format
// Return affected rows from most recent query.
function bb2_db_affected_rows() {
global $bb2_db;
return $bb2_db->rowCount();
// Escape a string for database usage
function bb2_db_escape($string) {
global $bb2_db;
return $bb2_db->quote(trim($string));
// Return the number of rows in a particular query.
function bb2_db_num_rows($result) {
if ($result !== FALSE)
return count($result);
return 0;
// Run a query and return the results, if any.
// Should return FALSE if an error occurred.
// Bad Behavior will use the return value here in other callbacks.
function bb2_db_query($query) {
global $bb2_db;
$matches = array();
if ($query == 'SET @@session.wait_timeout = 90') return;
if (preg_match('/OPTIMIZE/', $query)) $query = 'VACUUM';
if (preg_match('/DELETE FROM `(.+?)` WHERE `(.+?)` < DATE_SUB\(\'(.+?)\', INTERVAL (\d+?) DAY\)/', $query, $matches)){
$query = 'DELETE FROM `' . $matches[1] . '` WHERE date(`' . $matches[2] . '`) < date(\''. $matches[3] .'\', \'-'.$matches[4].' days\')';
try {
return $bb2_db->query($query);
} catch( PDOException $ex ) {
// DBアクセス時にエラーとなった時
throw new Exception('Bad-behavior :' . $query. '<br />' .$ex->getMessage());
// Return all rows in a particular query.
// Should contain an array of all rows generated by calling mysql_fetch_assoc()
// or equivalent and appending the result of each call to an array.
function bb2_db_rows($result) {
if ($result !== FALSE)
return count($result);
return 0;
// Insert a new record
function bb2_insert($settings, $package, $key)
if (!$settings['logging']) return "";
$ip = bb2_db_escape($package['ip']);
$date = bb2_db_escape(bb2_db_date());
$request_method = bb2_db_escape($package['request_method']);
$request_uri = bb2_db_escape($package['request_uri']);
$server_protocol = bb2_db_escape($package['server_protocol']);
$user_agent = bb2_db_escape($package['user_agent']);
$headers = "$request_method $request_uri $server_protocol\n";
foreach ($package['headers'] as $h => $v) {
$headers .= "$h: $v\n";
$headers = bb2_db_escape($headers);
$request_entity = "";
if (!strcasecmp($request_method, "POST")) {
foreach ($package['request_entity'] as $h => $v) {
$request_entity .= "$h: $v\n";
$request_entity = bb2_db_escape($request_entity);
return 'INSERT INTO `' . $settings['log_table']. '`' .
'(`ip`, `date`, `request_method`, `request_uri`, `server_protocol`, `http_headers`, `user_agent`, `request_entity`, `key`) VALUES' .
'(' . $ip . ', ' . $date . ', ' . $request_method . ', ' . $request_uri . ', ' . $server_protocol . ', ' . $headers . ', ' . $user_agent . ', ' . $request_entity . ', ' . bb2_db_escape($key) .')';
// Return emergency contact email address.
function bb2_email() {
// retrieve whitelist
function bb2_read_whitelist() {
static $bb2_whitelist;
if (empty($bb2_whitelist) && file_exists(BB2_WHITELIST_INI_FILE)){
$bb2_whitelist = parse_ini_file(BB2_WHITELIST_INI_FILE);
$bb2_whitelist = '';
return $bb2_whitelist;
// retrieve settings from database
// Settings are hard-coded for non-database use
function bb2_read_settings() {
global $bb2_settings_defaults;
static $bb2_settings;
if (empty($bb2_settings)){
$bb2_settings = (file_exists(BB2_SETTING_INI_FILE)) ?
array_merge($bb2_settings_defaults, parse_ini_file(BB2_SETTING_INI_FILE)) :
return $bb2_settings;
// write settings to database
function bb2_write_settings($settings) {
return false;
// installation
function bb2_install() {
global $bb2_db;
$settings = bb2_read_settings();
if (! $bb2_db = new \PDO('sqlite:'.BB2_DB_FILE)) {
die("DB Connection Failed.");
$sql = join("\n", array(
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . $settings['log_table'] . '` (',
'`ip` TEXT(15) NOT NULL,',
'`date` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "0000-00-00 00:00:00",',
'`request_method` TEXT NOT NULL,',
'`request_uri` TEXT NOT NULL,',
'`server_protocol` TEXT NOT NULL,',
'`http_headers` TEXT NOT NULL,',
'`user_agent` TEXT(10) NOT NULL,',
'`request_entity` TEXT NOT NULL,',
'`key` TEXT NOT NULL',
return bb2_db_query($sql);
// Screener
// Insert this into the <head> section of your HTML through a template call
// or whatever is appropriate. This is optional we'll fall back to cookies
// if you don't use it.
function bb2_insert_head() {
global $bb2_javascript;
echo $bb2_javascript;
// Display stats? This is optional.
function bb2_insert_stats($force = false) {
$settings = bb2_read_settings();
if ($force || $settings['display_stats']) {
$blocked = bb2_db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $settings['log_table'] . " WHERE `key` NOT LIKE '00000000'");
if ($blocked !== FALSE) {
echo sprintf('<p><a href="">%1$s</a> %2$s <strong>%3$s</strong> %4$s</p>', __('Bad Behavior'), __('has blocked'), $blocked[0]["COUNT(*)"], __('access attempts in the last 7 days.'));
// Return the top-level relative path of wherever we are (for cookies)
// You should provide in $url the top-level URL for your site.
function bb2_relative_path() {
//$url = parse_url(get_bloginfo('url'));
//return $url['path'] . '/';
return '/';
// Calls inward to Bad Behavor itself.
require_once(BB2_CWD . "/bad-behavior/");
bb2_install(); // FIXME: see above
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