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Created February 19, 2020 02:30
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Flutter firestore generic helper class
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
class DatabaseService<T> {
final String collection;
final Firestore _db = Firestore.instance;
final T Function(String, Map<String,dynamic>) fromDS;
final Map<String,dynamic> Function(T) toMap;
DatabaseService(this.collection, {this.fromDS,this.toMap});
Future<T> getSingle(String id) async {
var snap = await _db.collection(collection).document(id).get();
if(!snap.exists) return null;
return fromDS(snap.documentID,;
Stream<T> streamSingle(String id) {
return _db
.map((snap) => fromDS(snap.documentID,;
Stream<List<T>> streamList() {
var ref = _db.collection(collection);
return ref.snapshots().map((list) => => fromDS(doc.documentID,;
Future<List<T>> getQueryList({List<OrderBy> orderBy, List<QueryArgs> args, int limit, dynamic startAfter}) async {
CollectionReference collref = _db.collection(collection);
Query ref;
if(args != null ) {
for(QueryArgs arg in args) {
if(ref == null)
ref = collref.where(arg.key,isEqualTo: arg.value);
ref = ref.where(arg.key, isEqualTo: arg.value);
if(orderBy != null) {
orderBy.forEach((order) {
if(ref == null)
ref = collref.orderBy(order.field,descending: order.descending);
ref = ref.orderBy(order.field,descending: order.descending);
if(limit != null) {
ref = collref.limit(limit);
ref = ref.limit(limit);
if(startAfter != null && orderBy != null) {
ref = ref.startAfter([startAfter]);
QuerySnapshot query;
if(ref != null)
query = await ref.getDocuments();
query = await collref.getDocuments();
return => fromDS(doc.documentID,;
Stream<List<T>> streamQueryList({List<OrderBy> orderBy,List<QueryArgs> args}) {
CollectionReference collref = _db.collection(collection);
Query ref;
if(orderBy != null) {
orderBy.forEach((order) {
if(ref == null)
ref = collref.orderBy(order.field,descending: order.descending);
ref = ref.orderBy(order.field,descending: order.descending);
if(args != null) {
for(QueryArgs arg in args) {
if(ref == null)
ref = collref.where(arg.key,isEqualTo: arg.value);
ref = ref.where(arg.key, isEqualTo: arg.value);
if(ref != null )
return ref.snapshots().map((snap) => => fromDS(doc.documentID,;
return collref.snapshots().map((snap) => => fromDS(doc.documentID,;
Future<List<T>> getListFromTo(String field, DateTime from, DateTime to,{List<QueryArgs> args = const []}) async {
var ref = _db.collection(collection)
for(QueryArgs arg in args) {
ref = ref.where(arg.key, isEqualTo: arg.value);
QuerySnapshot query = await ref.startAt([from])
return => fromDS(doc.documentID,;
Stream<List<T>> streamListFromTo(String field, DateTime from, DateTime to,{List<QueryArgs> args = const[]}) {
var ref = _db.collection(collection)
.orderBy(field,descending: true);
for(QueryArgs arg in args) {
ref = ref.where(arg.key, isEqualTo: arg.value);
var query = ref.startAfter([to])
return => => fromDS(doc.documentID,;
Future<dynamic> createItem(T item, {String id}) {
if(id != null) {
return _db
return _db
Future<void> updateItem(T item) {
return _db
.setData(toMap(item),merge: true);
Future<void> removeItem(String id) {
return _db
class QueryArgs {
final String key;
final dynamic value;
QueryArgs(this.key, this.value);
class OrderBy {
final String field;
final bool descending;
OrderBy(this.field, {this.descending = false});
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