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Last active July 1, 2020 09:54
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ocean color binning with numpy
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
from pyproj import Proj
from affine import Affine
import rasterio
from import CRS
from glob import glob
from math import floor
def bin_map_numpy(file_list, variable, south, north, west, east, resolution, proj4string, filename):
"""Performs binning and mapping of a list of level 2 Ocean color files
Attempt to reproduce the behaviour of seadas l2bin + l3mapgen
file_list (list): List of input (level 2) file names
variable (str): Geophysical variable to process (Must be contained in the files under the 'geophysical_data' group)
south (float): Southern border of output extent (in DD)
north (float): Northern border of output extent (in DD)
west (float): Western border of output extent (in DD)
east (float): Eastern border of output extent (in DD)
resolution (float): Output resolution (in the unit of the output coordinate reference system)
proj4string (str): Coordinate reference system of the output in proj4 format
filename (str): Output filename (only tif is supported at the moment)
np.array: The array with binned values
lon_dd = np.array([])
lat_dd = np.array([])
var = np.array([])
# Ingest all the L2 data their coordinates in a flattened form
for file in file_list:
with nc.Dataset(file) as src:
lon_dd = np.append(lon_dd, src.groups['navigation_data'].variables['longitude'][:].flatten())
lat_dd = np.append(lat_dd, src.groups['navigation_data'].variables['latitude'][:].flatten())
var = np.append(var, src.groups['geophysical_data'].variables[variable][:].flatten())
# TODO: Include the flags as well and perform cleaning
# Instantiate proj object
p = Proj(proj4string)
# Find output corners coordinates in output CRS
# TODO: This does not account for the extent deformation induced by the projection
top_left = p(west, north)
bottom_right = p(east, south)
# Define output array shape (nrow, ncol)
destination_shape = ( int( abs(top_left[1] - bottom_right[1]) / float(resolution)), int( abs(top_left[0] - bottom_right[0]) / float(resolution)) )
# Define affine transform and the inverse transform
aff = Affine(resolution, 0.0, top_left[0], 0.0, -resolution, top_left[1])
ffa = ~aff
# Convert the lat and lon arrays to projected coordinates
lon_proj, lat_proj = p(lon_dd, lat_dd)
# Convert projected coordinates to destination array indices
destination_ids = ffa * (lon_proj, lat_proj)
# Perform 2d data binning (to average all input coordinates falling withing the same outut pixel)
# 1 Sum up within each bin
dst_array, _, _ = np.histogram2d(destination_ids[1], destination_ids[0], bins=(range(0, destination_shape[0] + 1, 1), range(0, destination_shape[1] + 1, 1)), weights=var, normed=False)
# Retrieve count per bin
counts, _, _ = np.histogram2d(destination_ids[1], destination_ids[0], bins=(range(0, destination_shape[0] + 1, 1), range(0, destination_shape[1] + 1, 1)))
# Compute average value per bin
dst_array = dst_array / counts
dst_array =
# Prepare output file metadata
geo_dict = {'crs': CRS.from_string(proj4string),
'affine': aff,
'height': destination_shape[0],
'width': destination_shape[1],
'driver': u'GTiff',
'dtype': rasterio.float32, # TODO: Better control datatype
'count': 1,
'nodata': 0}
# write array to file
with, 'w', **geo_dict) as dst:
dst.write_band(1, dst_array.astype(rasterio.float32))
return dst_array
# Function to pass to argparse
def main(file_list, variable, south, north, west, east, resolution, proj4string, filename, plot = False, vmax = 10):
array = bin_map_numpy(file_list, variable, south, north, west, east, resolution, proj4string, filename)
if plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
plt.imshow(array, interpolation = "none", norm=LogNorm(vmax = vmax), cmap = 'jet')
if __name__ == '__main__':
epilog = ('Experimental CLI to bin L2 ocean data using numpy\n\n'
'Example usage:\n'
'# Download some test data (around Mexico)\n'
'# Generate binned file in Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area at 2 km resolution\n'
'./ -infiles A2016007* -var chlor_a -north 33 -south 3 -west -122 -east -72 '
'-res 2000 -proj "+proj=laea +lat_0=18 +lon_0=-100" -filename A2016007.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_2km.tif\n\n'
'# If you have matplotlib installed, you can visualized the file created\n'
'./ -infiles A2016007* -var chlor_a -north 33 -south 3 -west -122 -east -72 '
'-res 2000 -proj "+proj=laea +lat_0=18 +lon_0=-100" -filename A2016007.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_2km.tif --plot\n\n'
'\n ')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-infiles', '--file_list', nargs='+',
help = 'Input L2 files')
parser.add_argument('-var', '--variable',
required = True,
help = 'L3m variable')
parser.add_argument('-north', '--north',
type = float,
required = True,
help = 'Northern boundary in DD')
parser.add_argument('-south', '--south',
type = float,
required = True,
help = 'Southern boundary in DD')
parser.add_argument('-east', '--east',
type = float,
required = True,
help = 'Eastern most boundary in DD')
parser.add_argument('-west', '--west',
type = float,
required = True,
help = 'Western most boundary in DD')
parser.add_argument('-res', '--resolution',
type = float,
required = True,
help = 'Output resolution in CRS unit')
parser.add_argument('-proj', '--proj4string',
required = True,
help = 'Output CRS in proj4 format (Quotted)')
parser.add_argument('-filename', '--filename',
required = True,
help = 'Output (tif) filename')
parser.add_argument('--plot', action='store_true',
help = 'plot the output with matplotlib')
parser.add_argument('-vmax', '--vmax',
help = 'if --plot, maximum value used for color scaling')
parsed_args = parser.parse_args()
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Hi Loïc,

First of all, impressive work! And thanks for sharing this code.

You flattened the geophysical data read from netcdf4 files.
var = np.append(var, src.groups['geophysical_data'].variables[variable][:].flatten())

Do you have any concern that this may slow down the process? I saw on stackoverflow people complaining about reduced speed due to flattening. See link below.


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gcaria commented Jun 28, 2020

Hi @loicdtx,

thanks for sharing your excellent work !
I'm interested in a python version of l2bin + l3mapgen, so I'm studying your code.

I see that you have another version of the same code, somehow more complex, here

Is the linked version upgraded with respect to the one in this page ?

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loicdtx commented Jul 1, 2020

Hi @gcaria,

Sorry I won't be able to help much with your request; I no longer work on this project, nor I am involved in this field of research. From what I remember, the version in the gist is pure python/numpy implementation; it is much faster than seadas l2bin but also less meticulous (e.g. in how values are averaged, etc). Differences are probably small but if you care for precision; want to do quantitative analysis, you're better off using the seadas command line directly, or a python wrapper that calls the command line. I had written such wrappers here.

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gcaria commented Jul 1, 2020

Thanks for taking your time to answer even though you don't work on this code anymore, really appreciated !
It's great that your code is public so people can use it and/or get inspiration from it.

I keep writing mostly for people who are interested in this binning topic and might come across this web page.
About the difference between your implementation and the "fancier" ones, I have quickly checked out this document that was referenced in this post of yours, and although it is mentioned that

Binning algorithms employed by the various ocean-colour missions differ in several ways. For instance, they use different spatial and temporal bin sizes, calculate statistics of binned data in different ways, and use different schemes for
weighting the data in each bin. In addition, the criteria used to screen data of lower quality, and even the definition of a “data day", may be different.

it seems that MODIS itself uses a simple arithmetic average (or linear average), however different average methods (listed in the document) show a relative difference of up to 20%.

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