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Created October 1, 2018 08:03
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Try to remove boilerplate code created by many similar case classes
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.time.Instant
import slick.basic.DatabaseConfig
import slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile
import slick.lifted.ProvenShape
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
- I define each state of my state diagram as a case class so they have a lot in common
- There is lot of boilerplate to do if I want to add a new field to the created case class for example :
- add this field to other case classes
- use it on state transitions
- add it to Row class
- change every from & to methods in Row to pass this new field
What I wish:
- create new case classes from other ones, for example: `extends(Created)(accepted: Instant, acceptedBy: String)`
- automate conversion with some subtilities:
- T can become Option[T]
- scalameta to generate case classes
- shapeless for conversions
sealed trait State {
val id: State.Id
object State {
case class Id(value: String) extends AnyVal
object Id {
def from(str: String): Try[Id] =
if (str.isEmpty) Failure(new Exception("Id can't be empty"))
else Success(Id(str))
case class Created(id: Id,
content: String,
created: Instant,
createdBy: String) extends State {
def accept(by: String, now: Instant): Accepted = Accepted(id, content, created, createdBy, now, by)
case class Accepted(id: Id,
content: String,
created: Instant,
createdBy: String,
accepted: Instant,
acceptedBy: String) extends State {
def succeed(now: Instant): Succeeded = Succeeded(id, content, created, createdBy, accepted, acceptedBy, now)
def fail(now: Instant): Failed = Failed(id, content, created, createdBy, accepted, acceptedBy, now)
case class Succeeded(id: Id,
content: String,
created: Instant,
createdBy: String,
accepted: Instant,
acceptedBy: String,
succeeded: Instant) extends State
case class Failed(id: Id,
content: String,
created: Instant,
createdBy: String,
accepted: Instant,
acceptedBy: String,
failed: Instant) extends State
trait StateTable {
protected val dbConfig: DatabaseConfig[JdbcProfile]
import State._
import StateTable._
import Utils._
import dbConfig.profile.api._
protected class Mapper(tag: Tag) extends Table[Row](tag, "state") {
def id: Rep[String] = column[String]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
def status: Rep[String] = column[String]("status")
def content: Rep[String] = column[String]("content")
def created: Rep[Timestamp] = column[Timestamp]("created")
def createdBy: Rep[String] = column[String]("created_by")
def accepted: Rep[Option[Timestamp]] = column[Option[Timestamp]]("accepted")
def acceptedBy: Rep[Option[String]] = column[Option[String]]("accepted_by")
def succeeded: Rep[Option[Timestamp]] = column[Option[Timestamp]]("succeeded")
def failed: Rep[Option[Timestamp]] = column[Option[Timestamp]]("failed")
def * : ProvenShape[Row] = (id, status, content, created, createdBy, accepted, acceptedBy, succeeded, failed) <> ((Row.apply _).tupled, Row.unapply)
private val table = slick.lifted.TableQuery[Mapper]
protected val stateTable = table // expose this to child classes
protected def insert(c: Created): DBIOAction[Created, NoStream, Effect.Write] =
(table += Row.from(c)).flatMap {
case 1 => DBIO.successful(c)
case r => DBIO.failed(new Exception(s"Insertion failed with code $r: enable to create a ${State.getClass.getSimpleName}"))
protected def update(c: State): DBIOAction[Id, NoStream, Effect.Write] =
table.filter( === {
case 1 => DBIO.successful(
case r => DBIO.failed(new Exception(s"Update failed with code $r: enable to update ${State.getClass.getSimpleName} ${}"))
protected def getById(id: Id): DBIOAction[Option[State], NoStream, Effect.All] =
table.filter(r => === id.value).result.headOption.flatMap(parseState)
protected def getStates(): DBIOAction[Seq[State], NoStream, Effect.All] =
protected def getStatesByStatus(status: String): DBIOAction[Seq[State], NoStream, Effect.All] =
table.filter(_.status === status).sortBy(_.created).result.flatMap(parseState)
protected def parseState(v: Option[Row]): DBIO[Option[State]] = toDBIO(sequence(
protected def parseState(v: Seq[Row]): DBIO[Seq[State]] = toDBIO(sequence(
object StateTable {
import State._
import Utils._
case class Row(id: String,
status: String,
content: String,
created: Timestamp,
createdBy: String,
accepted: Option[Timestamp],
acceptedBy: Option[String],
succeeded: Option[Timestamp],
failed: Option[Timestamp]) {
def toCreated: Try[Created] = for {
id <- Id.from(id)
} yield Created(id, content, created.toInstant, createdBy)
def toAccepted: Try[Accepted] = for {
id <- Id.from(id)
accepted <- toTry(accepted, new Exception("Missing accepted field"))
acceptedBy <- toTry(acceptedBy, new Exception("Missing acceptedBy field"))
} yield Accepted(id, content, created.toInstant, createdBy, accepted.toInstant, acceptedBy)
def toSucceeded: Try[Succeeded] = for {
id <- Id.from(id)
accepted <- toTry(accepted, new Exception("Missing accepted field"))
acceptedBy <- toTry(acceptedBy, new Exception("Missing acceptedBy field"))
succeeded <- toTry(succeeded, new Exception("Missing succeeded field"))
} yield Succeeded(id, content, created.toInstant, createdBy, accepted.toInstant, acceptedBy, succeeded.toInstant)
def toFailed: Try[Failed] = for {
id <- Id.from(id)
accepted <- toTry(accepted, new Exception("Missing accepted field"))
acceptedBy <- toTry(acceptedBy, new Exception("Missing acceptedBy field"))
failed <- toTry(failed, new Exception("Missing failed field"))
} yield Failed(id, content, created.toInstant, createdBy, accepted.toInstant, acceptedBy, failed.toInstant)
def format: Try[State] = status match {
case "Created" => toCreated
case "Accepted" => toAccepted
case "Succeeded" => toSucceeded
case "Failed" => toFailed
object Row {
def from(s: Created): Row = Row(
id =,
status = s.getClass.getSimpleName,
content = s.content,
created = Timestamp.from(s.created),
createdBy = s.createdBy,
accepted = None,
acceptedBy = None,
succeeded = None,
failed = None)
def from(s: Accepted): Row = Row(
id =,
status = s.getClass.getSimpleName,
content = s.content,
created = Timestamp.from(s.created),
createdBy = s.createdBy,
accepted = Some(Timestamp.from(s.accepted)),
acceptedBy = Some(s.acceptedBy),
succeeded = None,
failed = None)
def from(s: Succeeded): Row = Row(
id =,
status = s.getClass.getSimpleName,
content = s.content,
created = Timestamp.from(s.created),
createdBy = s.createdBy,
accepted = Some(Timestamp.from(s.accepted)),
acceptedBy = Some(s.acceptedBy),
succeeded = Some(Timestamp.from(s.succeeded)),
failed = None)
def from(s: Failed): Row = Row(
id =,
status = s.getClass.getSimpleName,
content = s.content,
created = Timestamp.from(s.created),
createdBy = s.createdBy,
accepted = Some(Timestamp.from(s.accepted)),
acceptedBy = Some(s.acceptedBy),
succeeded = None,
failed = Some(Timestamp.from(s.failed)))
def build(s: State): Row = s match {
case v: Created => from(v)
case v: Accepted => from(v)
case v: Succeeded => from(v)
case v: Failed => from(v)
object Utils {
import slick.dbio.DBIO
def sequence[A](seq: Seq[Try[A]]): Try[Seq[A]] =
def sequence[A](opt: Option[Try[A]]): Try[Option[A]] = opt match {
case Some(Success(v)) => Success(Some(v))
case Some(Failure(e)) => Failure(e)
case None => Success(None)
def toTry[A](opt: Option[A], e: => Throwable): Try[A] = opt match {
case Some(v) => Success(v)
case None => Failure(e)
def toDBIO[A](t: Try[A]): DBIO[A] = t match {
case Success(v) => DBIO.successful(v)
case Failure(e) => DBIO.failed(e)
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