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Created February 4, 2022 23:39
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Check if tailwind classes are correctly generated
Using tailwind 3 CLI when generating dynamic classes can sometimes be quite painful as you never know which classes may be missing.
Not anymore with this script!
It gets your stylesheets, then all your classes in HTML and print classes that are present in HTML but not in stylesheets.
function identifyMissingClasses() {
getStyles().then(styles => {
const classes = getClassCounts(document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0])
const matches = matchClassesInStyles(styles, classes)
const misses = filterMissingClasses(matches)
console.log(`${Object.keys(misses).length} missing classes in styles`, misses)
function getStyles() {
const urls = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('link[rel=stylesheet]')).map(l => l.href)
return Promise.all( => fetch(url).then(r => r.text()))).then(styles => styles.join('\n'))
function getClassCounts(node, classCounts = {}) {
node.classList.forEach(clazz => classCounts[clazz] ? classCounts[clazz]++ : classCounts[clazz] = 1)
Array.from(node.children).forEach(child => getClassCounts(child, classCounts))
return classCounts
function matchClassesInStyles(styles, classCounts) {
const res = {}
Object.keys(classCounts).forEach(clazz => {
const selector = classToCssSelector(clazz)
const matches = [...(styles.matchAll(new RegExp(`${escapeRegex(selector)} \{[^}]+}`, 'g')))].map(r => r[0])
res[clazz] = { count: classCounts[clazz], matches }
return res
function classToCssSelector(clazz) {
const [value, state] = clazz.split(':').reverse()
let className = value
.replaceAll('.', '\\.') // px-2.5 => .px-2\.5
.replaceAll('/', '\\/') // h-1/2 => .h-1\/2
let extension = className.startsWith('placeholder-') ? '::placeholder' : '' // placeholder-gray-500 => .placeholder-gray-500::placeholder
className = className.startsWith('space-') ? className + ' > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])' : className // space-x-3 => .space-x-3 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])
className = className.startsWith('divide-') ? className + ' > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])' : className // divide-gray-200 => .divide-gray-200 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])
switch (state) {
case 'hover': return `.hover\\:${className}:hover${extension}` // hover:to-indigo-700 => .hover\:to-indigo-700:hover
case 'focus': return `.focus\\:${className}:focus${extension}` // focus:ring-1 => .focus\:ring-1:focus
case 'focus-within': return `.focus-within\\:${className}:focus-within${extension}` // focus-within:outline-none => .focus-within\:outline-none:focus-within
case 'disabled': return `.disabled\\:${className}:disabled${extension}` // disabled:border-gray-200 => .disabled\:border-gray-200:disabled
case undefined: return `.${className}${extension}` // mt-6 => .mt-6
default: return `.${state}\\:${className}${extension}` // md:absolute => .md\:absolute
function escapeRegex(source) {
return source.replace(/[-[/\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&')
function filterMissingClasses(matches) {
const res = {}
Object.keys(matches).forEach(key => {
if (matches[key].matches.length === 0) {
res[key] = matches[key]
return res
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