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Last active March 30, 2018 19:31
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Scala for-comprehension
object Sessions extends SilhouetteEnvironment {
def details(eventId: String, sessionId: String) = SecuredAction.async { implicit req =>
implicit val user = req.identity
val res: Future[Result] = for {
eventOpt: Option[Event] <- EventRepository.getByUuid(eventId)
sessionOpt: Option[Session] <- SessionRepository.getByUuid(sessionId)
} yield {
var res2: Option[Result] = for {
event: Event <- eventOpt
session: Session <- sessionOpt
} yield {
Ok(backend.views.html.Events.Sessions.details(session, List(), event))
res2.getOrElse { NotFound(views.html.error("404", "Event not found...")) }
def doUpdate(eventId: String, sessionId: String) = SecuredAction.async { implicit req =>
implicit val user = req.identity
val res: Future[Future[Result]] = for {
eventOpt: Option[Event] <- EventRepository.getByUuid(eventId)
sessionOpt: Option[Session] <- SessionRepository.getByUuid(sessionId)
} yield {
val res2: Option[Future[Result]] = for {
event: Event <- eventOpt
session: Session <- sessionOpt
} yield {
formWithErrors => Future(BadRequest(views.html.Sessions.update(formWithErrors, session, event))),
formData: Session => SessionRepository.update(sessionId, formData).map { err: LastError =>
Redirect(controllers.routes.Sessions.details(eventId, sessionId))
res2.getOrElse(Future(NotFound(views.html.error("404", "Event not found..."))))
object Sessions extends SilhouetteEnvironment {
def details(eventId: String, sessionId: String) = SecuredAction.async { implicit req =>
implicit val user = req.identity
val res: Future[Result] = for {
Some(event: Event) <- EventRepository.getByUuid(eventId)
Some(session: Session) <- SessionRepository.getByUuid(sessionId)
} yield {
Ok(backend.views.html.Events.Sessions.details(session, List(), event))
// throws 'NoSuchElementException: Future.filter predicate is not satisfied' on None :(
res.recover {
case NoSuchElementException => Future(NotFound("Not found"))
def doUpdate(eventId: String, sessionId: String) = SecuredAction.async { implicit req =>
implicit val user = req.identity
val res: Future[Future[Result]] = for {
Some(event: Event) <- EventRepository.getByUuid(eventId)
Some(session: Session) <- SessionRepository.getByUuid(sessionId)
} yield {
formWithErrors => Future(BadRequest(views.html.Sessions.update(formWithErrors, session, event))),
formData: Session => SessionRepository.update(sessionId, formData).map { err: LastError =>
Redirect(controllers.routes.Sessions.details(eventId, sessionId))
res.flatMap(identity).recover {
case NoSuchElementException => Future(NotFound("Not found"))
object Sessions extends SilhouetteEnvironment {
def details(eventId: String, sessionId: String) = SecuredAction.async { implicit req =>
implicit val user = req.identity
withEvent(eventId) { event =>
withSession(sessionId) { session =>
Ok(backend.views.html.Events.Sessions.details(session, List(), event))
def doUpdate(eventId: String, sessionId: String) = SecuredAction.async { implicit req =>
implicit val user = req.identity
withEvent(eventId) { event =>
withSession(sessionId) { session =>
formWithErrors => Future(BadRequest(views.html.Sessions.update(formWithErrors, session, event))),
formData: Session => SessionRepository.update(sessionId, formData).map { err: LastError =>
Redirect(controllers.routes.Sessions.details(eventId, sessionId))
def withEvent(eventId: String)(block: Event => Future[Result]): Future[Result] = {
EventRepository.getByUuid(eventId).flatMap {
case Some(event: Event) => block(event)
case None => Future(NotFound("Event not found"))
def withSession(sessionId: String)(block: Session => Future[Result]): Future[Result] = {
SessionRepository.getByUuid(sessionId).flatMap {
case Some(session: Session) => block(session)
case None => Future(NotFound("Session not found"))
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@vil1 no shame for promoting good libs :)

Your solution is really elegant and not that nerdy (as some scala code could be...).

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