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Last active May 10, 2020 15:11
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Notion extension script - enhance notion
// ==UserScript==
// @name New Userscript
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match*
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
(function(e,f){var b={},g=function(a){b[a]&&(f.clearInterval(b[a]),b[a]=null)};e.fn.waitUntilExists=function(a,h,j){var c=this.selector,d=e(c),k=d.not(function(){return e(this).data("waitUntilExists.found")});"remove"===a?g(c):(k.each(a).data("waitUntilExists.found",!0),h&&d.length?g(c):j||(b[c]=f.setInterval(function(){d.waitUntilExists(a,h,!0)},500)));return d}})(jQuery,window);
$(function () {
let scroller = $('.notion-frame .notion-scroller')
let sidebarContainer = $('.notion-sidebar-container')
let onContentAvailableListeners = []
let sidebarListeners = []
var sidebarIsOpen = null
var content = $('.notion-page-content')
content.waitUntilExists(function() {
onContentAvailableListeners.forEach(function (listener) { listener() })
// center document on screen
function modifyScroller(isOpen) {
var sidebarContainer = $('.notion-sidebar-container')
var sidebarContainerWidth = sidebarContainer.css('width')
sidebarIsOpen = isOpen === undefined ? sidebarContainerWidth !== "0px" : isOpen
// if sidebar is opend, center the content
if (!sidebarIsOpen) {
} else {
var scroller = $('.notion-frame .notion-scroller')
// TODO: better transition
scroller.css('transition', 'margin 300ms ease-in 0s')
scroller.css('margin-left', sidebarIsOpen ? 'calc(-323px / 2)' : 'calc(323px / 2)')
//console.log({ sidebarIsOpen, sidebarContainerWidth, isOpen, scroller })
sidebarListeners.forEach(function (sidebarListener) { sidebarListener(sidebarIsOpen) })
sidebarContainer.waitUntilExists(function() {
$(document).on('click', '.notion-fadein', function () {
$(document).on('click', '.notion-open-sidebar', function () {
// toggle properties
function renderProperties() {
var isInit = false
var isOpen = !sidebarIsOpen
let propertiesToggleId = 'properties-toggle'
let propertiesContainerId = 'properties-container'
let toggleButtonAdded = $('#' + propertiesToggleId).size() != 0
if (!toggleButtonAdded) {
scroller.children().eq(1).find('div[role=button]').waitUntilExists(function() {
if (!isInit) {
let hasProperties = $('.notion-page-view-discussion').index() == 2
if (!hasProperties) {
let propertiesContainer = $('.notion-frame .notion-scroller').children().eq(1)
propertiesContainer.attr('id', propertiesContainerId)
if ($('#' + propertiesToggleId).size() == 0) {
propertiesContainer.prepend('<div id="' + propertiesToggleId + '" role="button"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" class="hamburgerMenu" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; display: block; fill: rgba(55, 53, 47, 0.8); flex-shrink: 0; backface-visibility: hidden;"><path d="M0,1.25 L14,1.25 L14,2.75 L0,2.75 L0,1.25 Z M0,6.25 L14,6.25 L14,7.75 L0,7.75 L0,6.25 Z M0,11.25 L14,11.25 L14,12.75 L0,12.75 L0,11.25 Z"></path></svg></div>')
var buttonStyle = {
margin: '0px auto',
background: 'white',
padding: '8px',
border: '1px solid rgba(55, 53, 47, 0.09)',
padding: '12px 4px 16px',
cursor: 'pointer',
paddingLeft: '16px',
var button = $('#' + propertiesToggleId)
function style() {
var propertiesBlock = $('.properties-block')
var propertiesStyle = {
padding: '12px 4px 16px',
border: '1px solid rgba(55, 53, 47, 0.09)',
var propertiesOpenStyle = { display: 'block' }
var propertiesCloseStyle = { display: 'none' }
var containerStyle = {
position: 'fixed',
right: 0,
top: '160px',
background: 'white',
zIndex: 999,
'box-shadow': '-10px -10px 30px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1),10px 10px 30px 4px rgba(45,78,255,0.15);',
transition: 'width 160ms ease-in 0s'
var containerOpenStyle = { width: sidebarIsOpen ? '500px' : '500px' } // TODO: big mode 860px
var containerCloseStyle = { width: '100px' }
var propertiesFinalStyle = {}
Object.assign(propertiesFinalStyle, propertiesStyle, isOpen ? propertiesOpenStyle : propertiesCloseStyle)
var containerFinalStyle = {}
Object.assign(containerFinalStyle, containerStyle, isOpen ? containerOpenStyle : containerCloseStyle)
isInit = false
//sidebarListeners.push(style) {
isOpen = !isOpen
// reading mode
var readingMode = false;
var readingModeBtnId = 'reading-mode-btn'
function toggleReadingMode() {
readingMode = !readingMode
if (!readingMode) {
// disable edit to allow use vim keys
$('[contenteditable=true]').attr('contenteditable', true)
} else {
// disable edit to allow use vim keys
$('[contenteditable=true]').attr('contenteditable', false)
function renderReadingModeButton() {
let style = {
position: 'fixed',
top: 100,
right: '32px',
zIndex: 999,
width: '48px',
cursor: 'pointer',
fill: 'black'
let readingStyle = { fill: 'red' }
let readingModeBtn = $('#' + readingModeBtnId)
let finalStyle = {}
Object.assign(finalStyle, style, readingMode ? readingStyle : {})
function initReadingModeButton() {
// from
let svgIcon = '<svg version="1.0" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 250.000000 250.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><g transform="translate(0.000000,250.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" stroke="none"><path d="M503 2381 c-100 -34 -171 -114 -193 -215 -8 -36 -10 -315 -8 -931 l3 -880 22 -40 c45 -83 134 -145 231 -161 l42 -7 0 52 c0 46 -2 51 -22 51 -38 1 -101 35 -135 73 -59 67 -56 154 5 215 21 21 56 43 78 50 31 9 242 12 858 12 l816 0 0 900 0 900 -822 0 c-764 -1 -827 -2 -875 -19z m1197 -881 l0 -799 -592 -3 -593 -3 -57 -32 -58 -31 0 746 c0 495 4 760 11 785 13 47 77 113 121 126 19 5 276 10 601 10 l567 1 0 -800z m400 0 l0 -800 -150 0 -150 0 0 800 0 800 150 0 150 0 0 -800z"/><path d="M700 266 c0 -307 4 -313 153 -201 48 36 91 65 97 65 6 0 49 -29 97 -65 47 -36 94 -65 103 -65 9 0 24 8 33 18 15 16 17 49 17 250 l0 232 -50 0 -50 0 0 -175 0 -176 -66 51 c-37 27 -75 50 -84 50 -9 0 -47 -23 -84 -50 l-66 -51 0 176 0 175 -50 0 -50 0 0 -234z"/><path d="M1300 200 l0 -50 450 0 450 0 0 50 0 50 -450 0 -450 0 0 -50z"/></g></svg>'
$('body').prepend('<a href="#" role="button" id="' + readingModeBtnId + '">' + svgIcon + '</a>')
let readingModeBtn = $('#' + readingModeBtnId)
readingMode = true
toggleReadingMode() () {
.sidebarIsOpen .notion-table_of_contents-block {
.sidebarIsClose .notion-table_of_contents-block {
position: fixed!important;
max-width: 360px!important;
left: 16px;
top: 120px;
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