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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Cracker Barrel Pegboard puzzle Haskell -> Racket
-- Solve the Cracker Barrel Peg Board Puzzle
module Main where
type Pos = (Int, Int)
type Move = (Pos, Pos)
type Board = [ Pos ]
isOccupied b p = elem p b
isEmpty b p = not (isOccupied b p)
isPos (r,c) = elem r [0..4] && elem c [0..r]
-- Possible moves for one position
positionMoves b p = [ (p, dst) | (neighbor, dst) <- pairs,
isOccupied b neighbor &&
isEmpty b dst ]
where (r, c) = p
pairs = filter (\(p1,p2) -> isPos p1 && isPos p2)
[ ((r + or `div` 2, c + oc `div` 2),(r + or, c + oc)) |
(or, oc) <- [ (-2,0), (0,2), (2,2), (2,0), (0,-2), (-2,-2) ] ]
-- Possible moves for all positions on the board
possibleMoves b = concat [ positionMoves b pos | pos <- b ]
-- Make a move and return the new board
move b (src,dst) = dst:filter pred b
where ((sr,sc),(dr,dc)) = (src,dst)
neighbor = (div (sr+dr) 2, div (sc+dc) 2)
pred = \pos -> (pos /= src) && (pos /= neighbor)
-- Make moves until the goal position is met
play b p moves =
if null nextMoves then
if goal b p moves then reverse moves else []
tryMoves nextMoves
nextMoves = possibleMoves b
tryMoves [] = []
tryMoves (m:ms) =
let result = play (move b m) p (m:moves)
in if null result then tryMoves ms else result
-- Compute the initial empty position to know the goal, then solve the puzzle
solve b = let emptyPos = head [ (r,c) | r <- [0..4], c <- [0..r], isEmpty b (r,c) ]
in play b emptyPos []
-- Has the goal been met?
goal :: Board -> Pos -> [ Move ] -> Bool
goal b p m = length b == 1 && head b == p
board :: Board
board = [ (1,0), (1,1),
(2,0), (2,1), (2,2),
(3,0), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3),
(4,0), (4,1), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4) ]
main = print (solve board)
#lang racket
;; Solve the Cracker Barrel Peg Board Puzzle
(struct pos (r c) #:transparent)
(struct pos2 (p1 p2) #:transparent)
(struct move (src dst) #:transparent)
(define (is-occupied? b p) (elem? p b))
(define (is-empty? b p) (not (is-occupied? b p)))
(defpat (is-pos? (pos r c)) (&& (elem? r [.. 0 4]) (elem? c [.. 0 r])))
;; Possible moves for one position
(define (position-moves b p)
(match-define (pos r c) p)
; List of pos2 where p1 is a neighbor to jump, p2 is a destination
(define pairs (filter (λ (p2) (and (is-pos? (pos2-p1 p2))
(is-pos? (pos2-p2 p2))))
(lcomp (list or oc)
'((-2 0) (0 2) (2 2) (2 0) (0 -2) (-2 -2))
(pos2 (pos (+ r (/ or 2)) (+ c (/ oc 2)))
(pos (+ r or) (+ c oc))))))
(for/list ([pair pairs]
#:when (and (is-occupied? b (pos2-p1 pair))
(is-empty? b (pos2-p2 pair))))
(move p (pos2-p2 pair))))
;; Possible moves for all positions on the board
(define (possible-moves b)
(append-map (λ (p) (position-moves b p)) b))
;; Make a move and return the new board
(define (move-peg b m)
(match-define (move (pos sr sc) (pos dr dc)) m)
(define neighbor (pos (/ (+ sr dr) 2) (/ (+ sc dc) 2)))
(define pred (λ (p) (and (not (equal? p (move-src m)))
(not (equal? p neighbor)))))
(cons (move-dst m) (filter pred b)))
;; Has the goal been met?
(define (goal? b p m)
(and (equal? (length b) 1)
(equal? (car b) p)))
;; Make moves until the goal position is met
(define (play b p moves)
(define next-moves (possible-moves b))
(define (try-moves lst)
(cond [(null? lst) '()]
[else (let* ([m (car lst)]
[result (play (move-peg b m) p (cons m moves))])
(if (null? result)
(try-moves (cdr lst))
(if (null? next-moves)
(if (goal? b p moves)
(reverse moves)
(try-moves next-moves)))
;; Compute the initial empty position to know the goal, then solve the puzzle
(define (solve b)
(let ([empty-pos (car (for*/list ([r [.. 0 4]]
[c [.. 0 r]]
#:when (is-empty? b (pos r c)))
(pos r c)))])
(play b empty-pos '())))
(define board (lcomp (list a b)
'((1 0) (1 1)
(2 0) (2 1) (2 2)
(3 0) (3 1) (3 2) (3 3)
(4 0) (4 1) (4 2) (4 3) (4 4))
(pos a b)))
(module* main #f
(pretty-print (solve board)))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Support code
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-syntax defpat
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (fn pat) b1 b2 ...)
(define fn (match-lambda [pat b1 b2 ...]))]))
(define-syntax lcomp
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ pat lst b1 b2 ...)
(for/list ([elt lst])
(match elt [pat b1 b2 ...]))]))
(define (lgen m n) (range m (add1 n)))
(define (&& a b) (and a b))
; Thanks Matthias Felleisen for these:
(define (.. m n) (lgen m n))
(define (elem? m lst) (cons? (member m lst)))
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