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Last active March 27, 2019 18:16
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Simple Haskell example to compute the "edit distance" between two strings. I also translated the Haskell program into Ruby as a comparison. The Ruby version is about 21x slower (when transforming "mountain lion" to "mavericks"). The algorithm is naive & inefficient, but it's the same algorithm in both languages.
-- From Simon Thompson's excellent "The Craft of Functional Programming"
-- Find the "edit distance" between two strings using five basic
-- editing operations:
-- 1) Change one character into another
-- 2) Copy a character
-- 3) Delete a character
-- 4) Insert a character
-- 5) Delete (kill) to the end of the string
data Edit = Change Char |
Copy |
Delete |
Insert Char |
deriving (Eq,Show)
transform :: String -> String -> [ Edit ]
transform [] [] = []
transform xs [] = [ Kill ]
transform [] ys = map Insert ys
transform (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x==y = Copy : transform xs ys
| otherwise = best [ Delete : transform xs (y:ys),
Insert y : transform (x:xs) ys,
Change y : transform xs ys ]
best :: [[Edit]] -> [Edit]
best [x] = x
best (x:xs)
| cost x <= cost b = x
| otherwise = b
where b = best xs
cost :: [Edit] -> Int
cost = length . filter (/=Copy)
-- Examples
-- transform "fish" "chips" => [Insert 'c',Change 'h',Copy,Insert 'p',Copy,Kill]
-- transform "mountain lion" "mavericks" =>
-- [Copy,Delete,Change 'a',Change 'v',Change 'e',Change 'r',Copy,Insert 'c',Insert 'k',Insert 's',Kill]
# A translation of the Haskell program into Ruby
require 'pp'
def transform s1, s2
return [] if s1.empty? && s2.empty?
return [ :kill ] if !s1.empty? && s2.empty?
return {|c| [ :insert, c ] } if s1.empty? && !s2.empty?
return [ :copy ] + transform(s1[1..-1],s2[1..-1]) if s1[0] == s2[0]
best [ [ :delete ] + transform(s1[1..-1], s2),
[[ :insert, s2[0]]] + transform(s1, s2[1..-1]),
[[ :change, s2[0]]] + transform(s1[1..-1], s2[1..-1])]
def best lst
x = lst.first
return x if lst.length == 1
b = best(lst[1..-1])
return x if cost(x) <= cost(b)
def cost edits {|e| e != :copy }.length
pp transform("mountain lion", "mavericks")
-- Without comments and type declarations
data Edit = Change Char | Copy | Delete | Insert Char | Kill deriving (Eq,Show)
transform [] [] = []
transform xs [] = [ Kill ]
transform [] ys = map Insert ys
transform (x:xs) (y:ys) | x==y = Copy : transform xs ys
| otherwise = best [ Delete : transform xs (y:ys),
Insert y : transform (x:xs) ys,
Change y : transform xs ys ]
best [x] = x
best (x:xs) | cost x <= cost b = x
| otherwise = b
where b = best xs
cost = length . filter (/=Copy)
main = do
putStr $ show $ transform "mountain lion" "mavericks"
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