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Last active August 20, 2019 00:05
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#lang racket
(provide user-handler
(define (user-handler attrs)
(printf "user-handler: id is ~a\n" (hash-ref attrs "id")))
(define (bar-handler attrs)
(printf "bar-handler:\n"))
(define (baz-handler attrs)
(printf "baz-handler:\n"))
(define (use-bar-handler? args)
#lang racket
(require syntax/parse/define
(for-syntax syntax/parse
(provide routes
(struct-out route-struct))
(struct route-struct (path
(define-splicing-syntax-class methods-cls
#:attributes (methods)
(pattern (~seq #:methods (method:expr ...))
#:with methods #'(list 'method ...))
(pattern (~seq #:method method:expr)
#:with methods #'(list 'method)))
(define-syntax-class route-cls
(pattern (route:string
(~alt (~optional ms:methods-cls
#:name "#:method, or #:methods option")
(~optional (~seq #:when guard-e:expr)
#:name "#:when option")) ...)
#:with methods #`#,(or (attribute ms.methods) #'(list))
#:with guard #`#,(attribute guard-e))))
(define-simple-macro (routes :route-cls ...)
#:with name (format-id this-syntax "axio-routes")
(define name (list (route-struct route handler methods guard) ...))
(provide name)))
#lang racket
(require "./router-stx.rkt")
(require "./routes.rkt")
(define (find-route path)
(let loop ([lst axio-routes])
(if (null? lst)
(values #f #f)
(let* ([ route-obj (car lst) ]
[ url-pat (route-struct-path route-obj) ]
[ url-nodes (string-split url-pat "/") ]
[ path-nodes (string-split path "/") ])
(let inner-loop ([ url-nodes url-nodes ]
[ path-nodes path-nodes ]
[ hsh (hash) ])
(cond [ (and (null? url-nodes) (null? path-nodes))
;; Both lists empty, return route struct and attributes hash
(values route-obj hsh) ]
[ (or (null? url-nodes)
(null? path-nodes))
;; One list, but not both, are empty - no match, try next route
(loop (cdr lst)) ]
[ else
(let ([ url-node (car url-nodes) ]
[ path-node (car path-nodes) ])
(cond [ (string-prefix? url-node "~")
;; The route nodes is a placeholder, update the hash and recur
(inner-loop (cdr url-nodes)
(cdr path-nodes)
(hash-set hsh (substring url-node 1) path-node)) ]
[ (string=? url-node path-node)
;; Literal nodes are equal, recur
(inner-loop (cdr url-nodes)
(cdr path-nodes)
hsh) ]
[ else
;; Literal nodes are different, no match, try next route
(loop (cdr lst)) ])) ]))))))
(define (route path)
(let-values ([ (result hsh) (find-route path) ])
(if result
((route-struct-handler result) hsh)
(displayln "No route found"))))
(route "/user/badkins")
(route "/bar")
(route "/baz"))
#lang racket
(require "./router-stx.rkt")
(require "./handlers.rkt")
("/user/~id" user-handler
#:methods (get post))
("/bar" bar-handler
#:methods (put update)
#:when use-bar-handler?)
("/baz" baz-handler))
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