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Forked from opengeek/modcrowduser.class.php
Created December 29, 2015 15:47
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* An extension to modUser that allows Atlassian Crowd integration via SOAP.
* @todo Complete this class to handle all external user management tasks
* allowed with Crowd.
* @package modx
* @subpackage user.crowd
class modCrowdUser extends modUser {
function __construct(xPDO & $xpdo) {
parent :: __construct($xpdo);
public function changePassword($newPassword) {
$changed= false;
if (!empty($newPassword) && $this->isAuthenticated()) {
$crowdAttributes = array (
'url' => $this->xpdo->getOption('user.crowd.url'),
'application' => $this->xpdo->getOption('user.crowd.application'),
'credential' => $this->xpdo->getOption('user.crowd.credential'),
if ($crowd = $this->xpdo->getService('crowd', 'user.crowd.modCrowdClient', '', $crowdAttributes)) {
$changed = $crowd->setPassword($this->get('username'), $newPassword);
$contextKey= $this->xpdo->context->get('key');
switch ($contextKey) {
case 'web':
$this->xpdo->invokeEvent("OnWebChangePassword", array (
"userid" => $this->get('id'),
"username" => $this->get('username'),
"userpassword" => $newPassword)
case 'mgr':
$this->xpdo->invokeEvent("OnManagerChangePassword", array (
"userid" => $this->get('id'),
"username" => $this->get('username'),
"userpassword" => $newPassword)
return $changed;
public function updateCrowdPrincipal() {
//TODO: implement me
$this->xpdo->_log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "updateCrowdPrincipal has not yet been implemented.");
return false;
public function save($cacheFlag = false) {
$saved = false;
if (!$this->isNew() && !empty($this->_dirty)) {
if (isset($this->_dirty['username'])) {
if (!$saved = $this->updateCrowdPrincipal()) {
$this->xpdo->_log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Crowd update for user with id {$this->get('id')} was unsuccessful.");
return $saved;
//$this->set('cachepwd', '');
elseif (isset($this->_dirty['password'])) {
return false;
if ($crowd = $this->xpdo->getService('crowd', 'user.crowd.modCrowdClient', '', $crowdAttributes)) {
$saved = $crowd->setPassword($this->get('username'), $this->get('cachepwd'));
if (!$saved = $this->set('password',$this->get('cachepwd'))) {
$this->xpdo->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Crowd password change for {$this->get('username')} was unsuccessful.");
return $saved;
$this->set('password', '');
$this->_fields['password'] = '';
$saved = parent :: save();
return $saved;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<model package="modx.user.crowd" baseClass="xPDOObject" platform="mysql" defaultEngine="MyISAM" phpdoc-package="modx" phpdoc-subpackage="user-crowd">
<object class="modCrowdUser" table="users" extends="modUser" />
* @package crowd
switch ($modx->event->name) {
case "OnUserNotFound":
$modx->event->_output= false;
if (isset($username) && !empty($username)) {
$crowdAttributes = array (
'url' => $modx->getOption('user.crowd.url'),
'application' => $modx->getOption('user.crowd.application'),
'credential' => $modx->getOption('user.crowd.credential'),
$modx->addPackage('modx.user.crowd', MODX_CORE_PATH . 'model/');
if ($crowd = $modx->getService('crowd', 'modCrowdClient', '', $crowdAttributes)) {
$userexists = $crowd->findUsername($username);
if ($userexists) {
$user = & $scriptProperties['user'];
$user = $modx->newObject('modCrowdUser');
$user->set('username', $username);
$up = $modx->newObject('modUserProfile');
$modx->event->_output= $user;
//Register this event for authentication in all other contexts
case "OnWebAuthentication":
//Register this event for manager authentication only
case "OnManagerAuthentication":
$authenticated = false;
if (isset($user) && !empty($user) && isset($password) && !empty($password)) {
$crowdAttributes = array (
'url' => isset($crowdUrl) ? $crowdUrl : $modx->config['user.crowd.url'],
'application' => isset($crowdApp) ? $crowdApp : $modx->config['user.crowd.application'],
'credential' => isset($crowdPwd) ? $crowdPwd : $modx->config['user.crowd.credential']
$modx->addPackage('modx.user.crowd', MODX_CORE_PATH . 'model/');
if ($crowd = $modx->getService('crowd', 'modCrowdClient', '', $crowdAttributes)) {
if ($authenticated = $crowd->authenticate($user->get('username'), $password)) {
if ($user instanceof modCrowdUser && $modx->getOption('user.crowd.autoadd')) {
if ($user->isNew() && $userDetails = $crowd->getUser($user->get('username'))) {
$user->Profile->set('fullname', implode(" ", array($userDetails['givenName'], $userDetails['sn'])));
$user->Profile->set('email', $userDetails['mail']);
$user->Profile->set('failed_logins', $userDetails['invalidPasswordAttempts']);
$user->Profile->set('last_login', $userDetails['lastAuthenticated']);
$authenticated = $user->save();
if (!$authenticated) {
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Could not save modCrowdUser: ' . print_r($user->toArray, 1));
if ($authenticated && ($crowdGroups = $crowd->findGroupMemberships($user->get('username')))) {
foreach ($crowdGroups as $group) {
$modxGroup = $modx->getObject('modUserGroup', array('name' => $group));
if ($modxGroup) {
if (!$modx->getObject('modUserGroupMember', array('user_group' => $modxGroup->get('id'), 'member' => $user->get('id')))) {
$membership = $modx->newObject('modUserGroupMember', array('user_group' => $modxGroup->get('id'), 'member' => $user->get('id'), 'role' => 1));
} else {
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Crowd authenticated user {$user->get('username')} but the user object was not a modCrowdUser instance: {$user->_class} " . print_r($modx->getAncestry('modCrowdUser', true), 1));
$modx->event->_output = $authenticated;
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