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Created January 11, 2022 13:50
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(defun rischexpvar (expexpflag flag l)
(prog (lcm y m p alphar beta gamma delta r s
tt denom k wl wv i ytemp ttemp yalpha f a expg n yn yd)
(desetq (f a expg n) l)
(cond ((or (pzerop a) (pzerop (car a)))
(return (cond ((null flag) (rzero))
(t (rischzero))))))
(setq denom (ratdenominator f))
(setq p (findpr (cdr (partfrac a mainvar))
(cdr (partfrac f mainvar))))
(setq lcm (plcm (ratdenominator a) p))
(setq y (ratpl (spderivative (cons 1 p) mainvar)
(ratqu f p)))
(setq lcm (plcm lcm (ratdenominator y)))
(setq r (car (ratqu lcm p)))
(setq s (car (r* lcm y)))
(setq tt (car (r* a lcm)))
(setq beta (pdegree r mainvar))
(setq gamma (pdegree s mainvar))
(setq delta (pdegree tt mainvar))
(setq alphar (max (- (1+ delta) beta)
(- delta gamma)))
(setq m 0)
(cond ((equal (1- beta) gamma)
(setq y (r* -1
(ratqu (polcoef s gamma)
(polcoef r beta))))
(and (equal (cdr y) 1)
(numberp (car y))
(setq m (car y)))))
(setq alphar (max alphar m))
(if (minusp alphar)
(return (if flag (cxerfarg (rzero) expg n a) nil)))
(cond ((not (and (equal alphar m) (not (zerop m))))
(go down2)))
(setq k (+ alphar beta -2))
(setq wl nil)
l2 (setq wv (list (cons (polcoef tt k) 1)))
(setq i alphar)
l1 (setq wv
(cons (r+ (r* (cons i 1)
(polcoef r (+ k 1 (- i))))
(cons (polcoef s (+ k (- i))) 1))
(decf i)
(cond ((> i -1) (go l1)))
(setq wl (cons wv wl))
(decf k)
(cond ((> k -1) (go l2)))
(setq y (lsa wl))
(if (or (eq y 'singular) (eq y 'inconsistent))
(cond ((null flag) (return nil))
(t (return (cxerfarg (rzero) expg n a)))))
(setq k 0)
(setq lcm 0)
(setq y (cdr y))
l3 (setq lcm
(r+ (r* (car y) (pexpt (list mainvar 1 1) k))
(incf k)
(setq y (cdr y))
(cond ((null y)
(return (cond ((null flag) (ratqu lcm p))
(t (list (r* (ratqu lcm p)
(cons (list expg n 1) 1))
(go l3)
down2 (cond ((> (1- beta) gamma)
(setq k (+ alphar (1- beta)))
(setq denom '(ratti alphar (polcoef r beta) t)))
((< (1- beta) gamma)
(setq k (+ alphar gamma))
(setq denom '(polcoef s gamma)))
(t (setq k (+ alphar gamma))
(setq denom
'(ratpl (ratti alphar (polcoef r beta) t)
(polcoef s gamma)))))
(setq y 0)
loop (setq yn (polcoef (ratnumerator tt) k)
yd (r* (ratdenominator tt) ;DENOM MAY BE 0
(cond ((zerop alphar) (polcoef s gamma))
(t (eval denom))) ))
(cond ((rzerop yd)
(cond ((pzerop yn) (setq k (1- k) alphar (1- alphar))
(go loop)) ;need more constraints?
(t (cond
((null flag) (return nil))
(t (return (cxerfarg (rzero) expg n a)))))))
(t (setq yalpha (ratqu yn yd))))
(setq ytemp (r+ y (r* yalpha
(cons (list mainvar alphar 1) 1) )))
(setq ttemp (r- tt (r* yalpha
(r+ (r* s (cons (list mainvar alphar 1) 1))
(r* r alphar
(list mainvar (1- alphar) 1))))))
(decf k)
(decf alphar)
(cond ((< alphar 0)
((rzerop ttemp)
((null flag) (return (ratqu ytemp p)))
(t (return (list (ratqu (r* ytemp (cons (list expg n 1) 1))
((null flag) (return nil))
((and (risch-constp (setq ttemp (ratqu ttemp lcm)))
(equal (pdegree (car (get expg 'rischarg)) mainvar) 2)
(equal (pdegree (cdr (get expg 'rischarg)) mainvar) 0))
(return (list (ratqu (r* ytemp (cons (list expg n 1) 1)) p)
(erfarg2 (r* n (get expg 'rischarg)) ttemp))))
(t (return
(ratqu (r* y (cons (list expg n 1) 1)) p)
(ratqu tt lcm)))))))
(setq y ytemp)
(setq tt ttemp)
(go loop)))
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