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Forked from benley/
Last active January 29, 2020 20:18
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#!/bin/bash -i
# Draws a mandelbrot set.
# Author: Benjamin Staffin
# Modifications by Elias Mårtenson to remove dependency on the terminal type
# Simulates floating point by using big integers. Flagrantly uses two integers
# instead of complex numbers. I couldn't be arsed to calculate infinity limits
# of logarithmic functions in bash, so this just uses escape time values for
# colors.
# Algorithm reference:
# Colors:
# Prepare the colours
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ; do
cols[$i]="`tput setaf $i`"
L=99 # Iteration limit. Even on a 238x61 terminal, 99 is plenty.
Q=$(( P/100 ))
X=$(( Q*320 / (`tput cols` - 1) ))
Y=$(( Q*210 / `tput lines` ))
y=$(( Q*-105 ))
v=$(( Q*-220 ))
# "pixel" 0,0 is the top-left corner of our character grid.
# Outer loop: lines (y values)
while (( y<105*Q )); do
# Inner loop: columns (x values)
while (( x<P )); do
(( a=b=i=c=0 ))
while (( a*a + b*b < 4*P**2 && i++ < L )); do
(( c=a,
a=(a**2 - b**2)/P + x,
b=2*b*c/P + y ))
# Color selection via escape values.
# We stop at $L iterations, so this sets the color of the "lake":
if (( i >= L )); then j=0; else (( j=i%16 )); fi
# k controls regular vs bright colors.
if (( j>7 )); then (( k=1, j-= 8 )); else k=0; fi
printf "${cols[$j]}#"
(( x+=X )) # okay, next...
tput sgr0
(( x=v, y+=Y )) # On to the next line!
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