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Created July 23, 2019 06:59
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(defpackage :polygon-triangles
(:use :cl)
(:export #:open-foo-frame))
(in-package :polygon-triangles)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(unless (find-package "CLIM")
(sb-ext:restrict-compiler-policy 'safety 3)
(sb-ext:restrict-compiler-policy 'debug 3)
(unless (find-package "LOG4CL")
(ql:quickload "log4cl"))
(ql:quickload "mcclim")))
(declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
(defun and-there-it-is--my-polygon ()
(let ((path (paths:stroke-path (let ((p (paths:create-path :open-polyline)))
(paths:path-reset p (paths:make-point 10 20))
(paths:path-extend p (paths:make-straight-line)
(paths:make-point 50 20))
(paths:path-extend p (paths:make-straight-line)
(paths:make-point 40 60))
(paths:path-extend p (paths:make-straight-line)
(paths:make-point 50 50))
10 :caps :round :joint :miter)))
;; which will return a series of line segments instead of arcs
(loop with iterator = (paths:path-iterator-segmented (car path))
for e = (multiple-value-list (paths:path-iterator-next iterator))
collect (subseq e 0 2)
until (third e))))
(defun lexicographically-< (a b)
"Predicate for sorting in lexicographic order."
(or (< (car a) (car b))
(and (= (car a) (car b))
(< (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
(defun min-point (a b &optional (order-fn #'lexicographically-<))
(if (funcall order-fn a b) a b))
(defun point-norm (p)
(sqrt (+ (expt (car p) 2)
(expt (cdr p) 2))))
(defun normalized (p)
(let ((inv-norm (/ 1.0 (point-norm p))))
(cons (* inv-norm (car p))
(* inv-norm (cdr p)))))
(defun point-arithmetic (fn a b)
(cons (funcall fn (car a) (car b))
(funcall fn (cdr a) (cdr b))))
(defun point-+ (a b) (point-arithmetic #'+ a b))
(defun point-- (a b) (point-arithmetic #'- a b))
(defun points-+ (&rest points) (reduce #'point-+ points))
(defun point-scale (p s)
(cons (* (car p) s) (* (cdr p) s)))
(defun cross-product-2d (a b)
(let ((x1 (car a)) (y1 (cdr a))
(x2 (car b)) (y2 (cdr b)))
(- (* x1 y2) (* x2 y1))))
(defun point-perp (p)
(cons (- (cdr p)) (car p)))
(defun left-of-line-p (point line-start line-end)
"Is POINT left of the line from LINE-START through LINE-END?"
(plusp (cross-product-2d (point-- line-start point)
(point-- line-end point))))
;;; jd's code
(defun region-contains-position-p (polygon x y)
(flet ((is-left (x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2)
(- (* (- x1 x0) (- y2 y0))
(* (- x2 x0) (- y1 y0)))))
(let ((wn 0))
(loop for points on (cons (car (last polygon)) polygon)
for p1 = (car points)
for p2 = (cadr points)
for x1 = (car p1) for y1 = (cdr p1)
for x2 = (car p2) for y2 = (cdr p2)
while (cdr points)
(if (<= y1 y)
(when (and (> y2 y)
(> (is-left x1 y1 x2 y2 x y) 0))
(incf wn))
(when (and (<= y2 y)
(< (is-left x1 y1 x2 y2 x y) 0))
(decf wn))))
(values (= wn 0) wn))))
(defun find-non-simple-segments (polygon)
(flet ((checkpoint (pt-a pt-b)
(let* ((v-delta (point-- pt-b pt-a))
(midpoint (point-+
(point-scale v-delta 1/2)
(v-perp-normalized (normalized (point-perp v-delta))))
(point-+ midpoint (point-scale v-perp-normalized 0.1)))))
for pts on polygon
for pt-a = (car pts)
for pt-b = (cadr pts)
while pt-b
for checkpoint = (checkpoint pt-a pt-b)
when (not (region-contains-position-p polygon (car checkpoint) (cdr checkpoint)))
collect (subseq pts 0 2))))
(defun triangulate-polygon (outline-path)
"Naive implementation for triangulating a path, that is, a polygonal outline
of a pen-stroked polyline, as cl-vectors generates it:
:STRAIGHT-LINE (5.002131984792475d0 . 20.145997611506445d0)
:STRAIGHT-LINE (5.0727513500576995d0 . 19.150164285498796d0)
:STRAIGHT-LINE (5.130761845609023d0 . 21.136010473465433d0)
:STRAIGHT-LINE (5.339804570163868d0 . 18.188211227616634d0)
(let* ((polygon (if outline-path
(loop with iterator = (paths:path-iterator-segmented outline-path)
for e = (multiple-value-list (paths:path-iterator-next iterator))
collect (subseq e 0 2)
until (third e))
(p (mapcar #'second polygon))
(p (cons (car (last p)) p))
(minelt (reduce #'min-point p))
(minpos (position minelt p))
(p (append (subseq p minpos) (subseq p 0 minpos)))
(q (reverse p)))
;; throughout this, we extend the triangle mesh by connecting a point of the
;; polygon to an advancing line. P and Q are the 'upper'- and 'lower'-first
;; parts of the boundary, as seen from the lexicographic minimum.
with triangles = (list)
with lower = (rest p)
with upper = (butlast q)
with hp = (car upper)
with lp = (pop lower)
with prefer-lower = T
while (and lower upper
(not (eq (car upper) (car lower))))
if (and (or prefer-lower
(left-of-line-p (first upper) hp lp))
(left-of-line-p (first lower) lp hp))
(push (list lp (first lower) hp) triangles)
(setf lp (pop lower)
prefer-lower nil)
else do
(push (list hp lp (first upper)) triangles)
(setf hp (pop upper)
prefer-lower T)
finally (return triangles))))
(defun dump-triangles-to-file (triangles &optional (pathname "/tmp/tris.dat"))
(with-open-file (s pathname :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(loop for triangle in triangles do
(loop for point in triangle do
(format s "~f ~f~%" (car point) (cdr point)))
(format s "~f ~f~%" (caar triangle) (cdar triangle)))))
(defclass text-content-view (clim:view)
(clim:define-application-frame foo-frame ()
(:panes (text-content :application
:default-view 'text-content-view
:display-function 'display-text-content))
(:layouts (default (clim:vertically ()
(defun open-foo-frame ()
(let ((frame (clim:make-application-frame 'foo-frame :width 700 :height 800)))
(clim:run-frame-top-level frame)))
(defun display-text-content (frame stream)
(declare (ignore frame))
(let ((path (paths:stroke-path (let ((p (paths:create-path :open-polyline)))
(paths:path-reset p (paths:make-point 10 20))
(paths:path-extend p (paths:make-straight-line) (paths:make-point 200 20))
(paths:path-extend p (paths:make-straight-line) (paths:make-point 180 50))
15 :caps :round :joint :miter)))
(let ((result (triangulate-polygon (car path))))
with colours = (coerce (list clim:+red+ clim:+green+ clim:+blue+ clim:+orange+ clim:+black+) 'simple-vector)
for colour-index = 0 then (mod (1+ colour-index) (length colours))
for ((x1 . y1) (x2 . y2) (x3 . y3)) in result
do (clim:draw-polygon* stream (list x1 y2 x2 y2 x3 y3) :ink (aref colours colour-index))))))
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