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Created March 29, 2022 10:05
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$ ./waf configure
reinitialized logger
subdirectories dir = ['wscript']
extensions subdirs = []
Running init() - this constructs the matrix of legal waf operation names
Setting top to : /home/elias/src/clasp
Setting out to : /home/elias/src/clasp/build
cfg.options.enable_mpi = None
cfg.env.ENABLE_MMTK = []
wscript.config option LLVM_CONFIG_BINARY = /usr/bin/llvm-config
wscript.config option PREFIX = /opt/clasp/
Checking for waf version in 1.7.5-2.1.0 : ok
DEST_OS = linux
cfg.env['CPPFLAGS'] = []
Using llvm-config binary: /usr/bin/llvm-config
PATH has been prefixed with '/usr/bin'
Checking for program 'git' : /usr/bin/git
default cfg.env.CLASP_BUILD_MODE = faso, final cfg.env.LTO_FLAG = '[]'
cur_clang_version = 13.0.0
Checking for program 'sbcl' : /usr/bin/sbcl
Checking for 'clang++' (C++ compiler) : /usr/bin/clang++
Checking for 'clang' (C compiler) : /usr/bin/clang
Checking for library ['gmpxx', 'gmp'] : yes
Checking for library ffi : yes
Checking for library gc : yes
Checking for library z : yes
Checking for library dl : yes
Checking for library elf : yes
Checking for library ncurses : yes
Checking for library m : yes
Checking for library bsd : yes
Checking for library gcc_s : yes
Checking for all boost libraries together to put them all in one uselib_store
Checking for library [] : yes
initialize_extensions_sif_nodes cfg.path: /home/elias/src/clasp
found nodes: [/home/elias/src/clasp/src/clasp_gc.sif]
before extensions_sif_nodes = [/home/elias/src/clasp/src/clasp_gc.sif]
subdirectories dir = ['wscript']
extensions subdirs = []
cfg.extensions_names = []
subdirectories dir = ['wscript']
extensions subdirs = []
After recurse cfg.extensions_names = []
Created CLASP_SIF_FILES = ['/home/elias/src/clasp/src/clasp_gc.sif']
Checking for library ['clangASTMatchers', 'clangDynamicASTMatchers', 'clangIndex', 'clangTooling', 'clangFormat', 'clangToolingInclusions', 'clangToolingCore', 'clangBasic', 'clangCodeGen', 'clangDriver', 'clangFrontend', 'clangFrontendTool', 'clangCodeGen', 'clangRewriteFrontend', 'clangARCMigrate', 'clangStaticAnalyzerFrontend', 'clangFrontend', 'clangDriver', 'clangParse', 'clangSerialization', 'clangSema', 'clangEdit', 'clangStaticAnalyzerCheckers', 'clangStaticAnalyzerCore', 'clangAnalysis', 'clangAST', 'clangRewrite', 'clangLex', 'clangBasic'] : no
The configuration failed
(complete log in /home/elias/src/clasp/build/config.log)
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