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Created November 13, 2018 02:53
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(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(unless (find-package "EM-CUSTOM")
(defpackage :em-custom
(:use :cl :stumpwm))))
(in-package :em-custom)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defvar *client-location*
(let ((host (uiop:hostname)))
(cond ((equal host "em-desktop")
(when (eq *client-location* :em-desktop)
(unless (find-package "STUMPWM-DBUS")
(ql:quickload "log4cl")
(ql:quickload "stumpwm-dbus"))))
(defmacro select-group-or-create ((name &key (float nil)) &body body)
(let ((name-sym (gensym "NAME-"))
(group-sym (gensym "GROUP-")))
`(let* ((,name-sym ,name)
(,group-sym (find ,name-sym (screen-groups (current-screen)) :key #'group-name :test #'equal)))
(if ,group-sym
(gselect ,group-sym)
,(if float
`(gnew-float ,name-sym)
`(gnew ,name-sym))
;;; Volume control
(defun update-mixer (channel amount)
(message "~a ~a~% ~a"
channel (or amount "toggled")
(format nil "amixer sset ~a ~:[toggle~;~:*~a~] | grep '^[ ]*Mono'" channel amount) t)))
(defcommand update-volume (channel amount)
((:string channel)
(:number amount))
"Updates volume of channel CHANNEL by AMOUNT."
(unless (member channel '("PCM" "Master" "Headphone") :test #'equal)
(error "Illegal channel name: ~s" channel))
(update-mixer channel (if (minusp amount)
(format nil "~a-" (abs amount))
(format nil "~a+" amount))))
(defvar *audio-map* (let ((m (stumpwm::copy-kmap *input-map*)))
(define-key m (kbd "Up") (lambda (map key)
(declare (ignore map key))
(update-volume "Master" 2)))
(define-key m (kbd "Down") (lambda (map key)
(declare (ignore map key))
(update-volume "Master" -2)))
(defcommand dynamic-update-volume () ()
"Updates the volume interactively. Use the keys UP and DOWN do control volume, or type an absolute value."
(let ((*input-map* *audio-map*))
(message "Result: ~s" (read-one-line (current-screen) "Volume: "))))
;;; Mode line
(defun format-date ()
(multiple-value-bind (sec min hour date month year)
(decode-universal-time (get-universal-time))
(declare (ignore sec))
(format nil "~4,'0d-~2,'0d-~2,'0d ~2,'0d:~2,'0d" year month date hour min)))
(defun activate-mode-line ()
(setf *screen-mode-line-format* (append '("[^B%n^b] %W | " (:eval (format-date)))
(if (eq *client-location* :em-desktop)
'(" | "
(:eval (format nil "~a" (stumpwm-dbus:num-active-notifications))))
(setf *mode-line-position* :bottom)
(dolist (m (screen-heads (current-screen)))
(unless (stumpwm::head-mode-line m)
(toggle-mode-line (current-screen) m))))
;;; Maximise window
(defun update-max (win)
(let* ((head (window-head win))
(modeline (stumpwm::head-mode-line head))
(x (frame-x head))
(y (+ (frame-y head)
(if (and modeline
(eq (stumpwm::mode-line-position modeline) :top))
(stumpwm::mode-line-height modeline)
(width (- (frame-width head) (* stumpwm::*float-window-border* 2) 2))
(height (- (frame-height head)
(if modeline
(stumpwm::mode-line-height modeline)
(if (and (= (window-x win) x)
(= (window-y win) y)
(= (window-width win) width)
(= (window-height win) height))
;; The window is already maximised
(let ((last-x (stumpwm::float-window-last-x win))
(last-y (stumpwm::float-window-last-y win))
(last-width (stumpwm::float-window-last-width win))
(last-height (stumpwm::float-window-last-height win)))
(unless (and (= x last-x)
(= y last-y)
(= width last-width)
(= height last-height))
(stumpwm::float-window-move-resize win :x last-x :y last-y :width last-width :height last-height)))
;; ELSE: Set the new maximised dimensions
(stumpwm::float-window-move-resize win :x x :y y :width width :height height))))
(defcommand fullscreen-float () ()
"Sets the dimensions of the current window to fill the entire screen"
(when (typep (current-group) 'stumpwm::float-group)
(let ((win (current-window)))
(when win
(update-max win)))))
;;; Some windows should be floating
(defun push-event (fn)
(sb-thread:with-mutex ((stumpwm::request-channel-lock stumpwm::*request-channel*))
(push fn (stumpwm::request-channel-queue stumpwm::*request-channel*)))
(let ((out (stumpwm::request-channel-out stumpwm::*request-channel*)))
(write-byte 0 out)
(finish-output out)))
(defvar *out* (make-broadcast-stream))
(defun emulator-title-p (name)
(or (alexandria:starts-with-subseq "Android Emulator" name)
(equal name "Emulator")
(equal name "Extended controls")))
(defun emulator-p (win)
(and (equal (group-name (window-group win)) "Android")
(emulator-title-p (window-title win))))
(defun handle-new-window-created (win)
(format *out* "Window created: ~s~%" win)
(when (or (and (member (window-class win) '("jetbrains-idea" "jetbrains-studio") :test #'equal)
(eq (window-type win) :dialog))
(equal (window-class win) "XTerm")
(emulator-p win))
(push-event (lambda ()
(stumpwm::float-window win (window-group win))))))
(add-hook *new-window-hook* 'handle-new-window-created)
(defcommand android-float () ()
for win in (group-windows (current-group))
do (format *out* "Checking window: ~s, type: ~s~%" win (type-of win))
when (and (typep win 'stumpwm::tile-window)
(emulator-title-p (window-title win)))
do (progn
(format *out* " Floatifying window: ~s~%" win)
(stumpwm::float-window win (current-group)))))
(defmethod stumpwm:group-add-window :around ((group stumpwm::tile-group) win &key)
(when (and (not (typep win 'stumpwm::float-window))
(emulator-p win))
(change-class win 'stumpwm::float-window))
;;; Workaround for WM_TAKE_FOCUS issue in IDEA
(defun handle-focus-window-update (win cw)
(declare (ignore cw))
(when (and (member :WM_TAKE_FOCUS (xlib:wm-protocols (window-xwin win)) :test #'eq)
(equal (window-class win) "jetbrains-idea")
(eq (window-type win) :normal))
(stumpwm::send-client-message win :WM_PROTOCOLS
(xlib:intern-atom *display* :WM_TAKE_FOCUS)
;;(add-hook stumpwm:*focus-window-hook* 'handle-focus-window-update)
;;; Helper commands
;;; Browser
(defcommand chrome-unstable () ()
"Start Chrome unless it's already running"
(run-or-raise "google-chrome-unstable" '(:class "Google-chrome-unstable")))
(defcommand chrome-unstable-new () ()
"Open a new Chrome window, regardless whether a window exists or not."
(run-shell-command "google-chrome-unstable"))
;;; Screen lock
(defcommand lock-screen () ()
"Lock the screen"
(run-or-raise "xscreensaver-command -lock" '(:instance "xscreensaver")))
;;; Swank
(defcommand enable-swank () ()
"Temporarily enables the swank server."
(swank:create-server :port 9898))
;;; Android Studio
(defcommand android-studio () ()
"Start Android Studio in its own group"
(select-group-or-create ("Android Studio" :float t)
(run-shell-command "~/src/android-studio/bin/" nil)))
(defun find-idea-command ()
(let ((dirlist (directory #p"~/src/idea*/")))
(when (= (length dirlist) 1)
(namestring (merge-pathnames #p"bin/" (car dirlist))))))
(defcommand idea () ()
"Start IntelliJ IDEA"
(let ((group (find "IDEA" (screen-groups (current-screen)) :key #'group-name :test #'equal)))
(when group
(let ((idea-command (find-idea-command)))
(when idea-command
(gselect group)
(run-or-raise idea-command '(:class "jetbrains-idea")))))))
;;; Spotify
(defcommand music-player () ()
"Start the music player in its own group"
(select-group-or-create ("Spotify")
(run-shell-command "spotify" nil)))
;;; Media control
(defvar *media-map* (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "m") '*media-map*)
(define-key *media-map* (kbd "n") "media-player-next")
(define-key *media-map* (kbd "p") "media-player-previous")
(define-key *media-map* (kbd "m") "media-player-play-pause")
;;; Dbus notifications
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-j") "open-notifications")
;;; Window navigation
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "H-q") "move-focus left")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "H-w") "move-focus right")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "H-a") "move-focus up")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "H-z") "move-focus down")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "H-M-q") "move-window left")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "H-M-w") "move-window right")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "H-M-a") "move-window up")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "H-M-z") "move-window down")
;;; Initial screen layout
(defmacro define-frame-preferences (&body groups)
for (target-group . rules) in groups
collect `(define-frame-preference ,target-group
(3 t t :class "Emacs")
(1 t nil :class "Google-chrome-unstable"))
(0 nil t :class "Spotify"))
(0 nil t :class "Pidgin" :role "buddy_list")
(2 nil t :class "Pidgin" :role "conversation"))
(0 t t :instance "libreoffice" :create t)))
;;; General settings
(set-prefix-key (stumpwm:kbd "F12"))
(setf *mouse-focus-policy* :click)
;;; Keybinds
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "c") "exec gnome-terminal")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-c") "chrome-unstable")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "M-c") "chrome-unstable-new")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "C-l") "lock-screen")
(define-key *root-map* (kbd "v") "dynamic-update-volume")
(define-key *groups-map* (kbd "F") "gnew-float")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(when (eq *client-location* :em-desktop)
(defmethod stumpwm-dbus:record-notification ((msg stumpwm-dbus:notification))
(not (equal (stumpwm-dbus:notification/app-name msg) "Spotify")))))
(when (eq *client-location* :em-desktop)
(restore-from-file "~/.stumpwm.d/Desktop")
(sleep 2)
;;(run-shell-command "pidgin")
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