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Last active March 14, 2022 10:28
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import TronWeb from 'tronweb'
interface JustSwap {
tokenToTrxSwapInput(tokens_sold: number, min_trx: number, deadline: number): { send(any) }
getTokenToTrxInputPrice(tokens_sold: number): {call()}
tokenToTrxTransferInput(min_liquidity: number, max_tokens: number, deadline: number, recipient: string): { send(any) }
tokenToTokenSwapInput(tokens_sold: number, min_tokens_bought: number, min_trx_bought: number, deadline: number, token_addr: string): { send(any) }
interface TRC20Token {
name(): {call()},
symbol(): {call()},
decimals(): {call()},
totalSupply(): {call()},
balanceOf(address: string): {call()}
transfer(toAddress: string, amount: number): {send(any)}
export default class SwapTokenClient {
mainNetProvider = '';
netProvider = this.mainNetProvider;
HttpProvider = TronWeb.providers.HttpProvider; // Optional provider, can just use a url for the nodes instead
fullNode = new this.HttpProvider(`${this.netProvider}`); // Full node http endpoint
solidityNode = new this.HttpProvider(`${this.netProvider}`); // Solidity node http endpoint
eventServer = `${this.netProvider}`; // Contract events http endpoint
privateKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
tronWeb = new TronWeb(
ownerAddress = this.tronWeb.address.fromPrivateKey(this.privateKey);
swappExchangeAddressHex = this.tronWeb.address.toHex("TQn9Y2khEsLJW1ChVWFMSMeRDow5KcbLSE");
tokenAddressHex = this.tronWeb.address.toHex("tokenaddress");
* Sell Token to get Trx
* @param tokenAmount
* @param min_trx số trx tối thiểu để bán
async tokenToTrx(tokenAmount: number = 1, min_trx: number = 1): Promise<any | null> {
try {
const args = {
callValue: 0,
shouldPollResponse: true
const swapContractInstance: JustSwap = await this.tronWeb.contract().at(this.swappExchangeAddressHex);
const tokenContractInstance: TRC20Token = await this.tronWeb.contract().at(this.tokenAddressHex);
const decimals = await tokenContractInstance.decimals().call();
const tokens_sold = tokenAmount * Math.pow(10, decimals);
min_trx = min_trx * Math.pow(10, 5);
const date = new Date();
const swapTokenToTrx = await swapContractInstance.tokenToTrxSwapInput(tokens_sold, min_trx, new Date(date.getMinutes() + 30).getTime()).send(args);
console.log({ swapTokenToTrx });
return swapTokenToTrx.success;
} catch (e) {
return null;
* Sell Token to get Trx then transfer to recipient address.
* @param tokenAmount
* @param min_trx so trx tối thiểu
* @param recipient địa chỉ nguoi nhận
async tokenToTrxTransfer(tokenAmount: number = 1, recipient: string, min_trx: number): Promise<any | null> {
try {
const args = {
callValue: 0,
shouldPollResponse: true
const swapContractInstance: JustSwap = await this.tronWeb.contract().at(this.swappExchangeAddressHex);
const tokenContractInstance: TRC20Token = await this.tronWeb.contract().at(this.tokenAddressHex);
const decimals = await tokenContractInstance.decimals().call();
const tokens_sold = tokenAmount * Math.pow(10, decimals);
min_trx = min_trx * Math.pow(10, 5);
const date = new Date();
const swapTokenToTrx = await swapContractInstance.tokenToTrxTransferInput(tokens_sold, min_trx, new Date(date.getMinutes() + 30).getTime(), recipient).send(args);
console.log({ swapTokenToTrx });
return swapTokenToTrx.success;
} catch (e) {
return null;
* Sell Token 1 to get Token 2
* @param tokenAmount
* @param min_trx_bought số trx convert trong thời gian tạm thời, suggest 1 trx
* @param min_tokens_bought số token mua tối thiểu
* @param token_addr địa chỉ token thứ 2
async tokenToTokenSwapInput(tokenAmount: number, min_tokens_bought: number, min_trx_bought: number = 1, token_addr: string): Promise<any | null> {
try {
const args = {
callValue: 0,
shouldPollResponse: true
const swapContractInstance: JustSwap = await this.tronWeb.contract().at(this.swappExchangeAddressHex);
const tokenContractInstance: TRC20Token = await this.tronWeb.contract().at(this.tokenAddressHex);
const decimals = await tokenContractInstance.decimals().call();
const tokens_sold = tokenAmount * Math.pow(10, decimals);
min_trx_bought = min_trx_bought * Math.pow(10, 5);
const date = new Date();
const swapTokenToTrx = await swapContractInstance.tokenToTokenSwapInput(
new Date(date.getMinutes() + 30).getTime(),
console.log({ swapTokenToTrx });
return swapTokenToTrx.success;
} catch (e) {
return null;
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