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Created March 3, 2023 12:38
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function Get-ApiErrors() {
Get-WinEvent –LogName dbank -MaxEvents 500 `
| Where-Object { $_.LevelDisplayName -eq "Error" } `
| Where-Object { $_.Message -notlike "*LogController*" }
| Format-List -Property TimeCreated,LevelDisplayName,Message
| more
function Get-ApiEventTail($ShowExisting=10) {
$LogName = "dbank"
if ($ShowExisting -gt 0) {
$data = Get-WinEvent –LogName $LogName -max $ShowExisting
$data | Format-List -Property TimeCreated,LevelDisplayName,Message
$idx = $data[0].RecordId
else {
$idx = (Get-WinEvent –LogName $LogName -max 1).RecordId
while ($true)
start-sleep -Seconds 1
$idx2 = (Get-WinEvent –LogName $LogName -max 1).RecordId
if ($idx2 -gt $idx) {
Get-WinEvent –LogName $LogName -max ($idx2 - $idx) | Format-List -Property TimeCreated,LevelDisplayName,Message
$idx = $idx2
# Any key to terminate; does NOT work in PowerShell ISE!
# if ($Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) { return; }
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