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Last active December 3, 2023 22:38
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#ODAdvent #4

Swiss Toy Shops

A dataset of the locations of toy shops around Switzerland.

Last update: 3.12.2023

License: Open Database License (ODbL)


OpenStreetMap data was exported with a Nominatim query into QGIS, cropped with swiss-maps to country borders, visualized and exported to GeoJSON and CSV formats.


On the tradition of gift-giving, the search for toy data, and a map for finding your way to playful presents during the holiday season.

Winter festivities are associated in our culture with gift-giving and families, a long standing European tradition - at least 200 years old, according to historians (see Wachelder 2013). This winter, millions of children will hope to find shiny toys in a sock or underneath a tree. We may well ask, where do the toys come from? And as this is an Open Data Advent, we of course would like to ask the question with data.

In 2023, the main open data portals in Switzerland do not have many answers. The only dataset that is directly related to toys that we could find, the "Special Collections" of the Swiss National Museum (Repräsentative Auswahl aus der Sammlung „Spezialsammlungen“ des Schweizerischen Nationalmuseums"). This was among the collections presented at our 2018 Open Cultural Data Hackathon. It contains pictures and references to a museum collection of toys: not really the kind of thing we imagine kids getting excited about.

Points of interest

So, where could we find toys? Oh, sure .. toy shops. A quick query of the shop=toys tag on OpenStreetMap gave us the data for over 200 locations in Switzerland that, apparently, sell toys. We are not sure if they are fit for children or for work, but there you have it - a highly accessible bit of open data that might just help you find that last minute present for your loved one!

Screenshot of OpenStreetMap

Once we know the tag, we can export the data with a Nominatim query, that lets us download a GeoJSON file and open it in a program like QGIS. There were actually over 700 items, since the bounding box was larger than Switzerland. We an use the swiss-maps tool to download just the polygon of the country's borders, at which point the QGIS crop tool (Vector > Geoprocessing > Clip) to filter out just the locations we need for the map. The result:

Map of toy shops in Switzerland

If you would like to get a copy of just the dataset, you can get it from a GitHub Gist in GeoJSON or CSV format. Please note that it is under the Open Database License (ODbL).

Looking further

As a fun exercise, you could try to do the same thing with the shop=robot tag 🤖

Have we really answered the question, though? These are shops - not factories, not workshops. The closest tag we could think of was craft=toys, however there were no results at all in Switzerland.

The dataset 21st Century Swiss video games contains some potential stocking-stuffers, but is also not related to toys and their production.

Did you know?

By the way, it is a fun thing to note that the French term for dataset literally means a "play of data" - Jeu de données. So every time you do a search on Open Data in French, you are looking for games ;-)

Screenshot of

More data

With further searching of the 'net, we came across the Spielwarenverband, or Toy manufacturer's association of Switzerland. On their website, you can find a convenient download page with an exportable list of dozens of manufacturers from around the country. If you click around, you will even find a CSV format option. On their newsroom section you can also find lots of insightful statistics about the toy-making industry. However, as their Copyright notice asserts, the association expressly forbids making use of this data without their consent (auto-translation):

The copyright and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on this website belong exclusively to the legal entity Spielwaren Verband Schweiz or the specifically named rights holders. The written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of any elements.

How to contribute

  • Create an account at OpenStreetMap and follow the instructions to add more shops to the map and tag them appropriately. Then ping @loleg to update this dataset.
  • Look for more sources of toy shop data, such as the Phone book or a search engine.
  • Try to convince the Toy association to open things up a notch. You know, for kids!
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node/383895939 node/383895939 Stäfa 1 8712 Bergstrasse Prinzli Spielwaren Bébéhaus Weber Spielwaren Tu-Sa toys
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node/738947672 node/738947672 19 8400 Metzggasse 2023/05/26 0 Chinderlade Mo-Fr 09:00-18:30; Sa 09:00-17:00; PH closed +41 52 213 00 13 toys no
node/760433130 node/760433130 no yes yes Spielwaren, Spiele und Geschenke für jede Altersklasse 0 Wundernas Rollstuhlzugang und Kinderwagenzugang von der Rückseite (Neugass 11) Tu-Fr 09:00-18:00, Sa 09:00-16:00; Apr-Sep,Dec: Su,PH 11:00-16:00; Dec 24,31: 09:00-16:00; Dec 25,26,Jan 01: closed Andrea Kubli yes yes +41 52 558 3137 toys 2016-02 limited limited
node/800656669 node/800656669 Einsiedeln CH 43 8840 Hauptstrasse Spatz & Co Mo-Fr 09:00-11:30,13:30-18:00; Sa 09:00-16:00 +41 55 648 09 07 toys 09.03.2019
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node/893293337 node/893293337 2023/04/22 Bärenstark Mo,Su off; Tu-Fr 12:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-16:00 A. Wittek toys limited
node/895591868 node/895591868 Spielwaren & Bastelshop Pezzoni toys
node/916616153 node/916616153 Zürich 3 8001 Oberdorfstrasse 0 Mr. Pinocchio toys no
node/1027332024 node/1027332024 Brugg 2 5200 Neumarkt Brugg 1 Amsler Spielwaren Amsler Spielwaren toys
node/1030004198 node/1030004198 Neuchâtel 2 2000 Rue des Terreaux A Toi de Jouer Le magasin A Toi de Jouer à Neuchâtel, spécialisé dans la vente de jouets, vous propose des produis de qualité et un service irréprochable.La boutique A Toi de Jouer à Neuchâtel, spécialisé dans la vente de jouets, vous y propose des articles et produits +4132 710 12 22 toys
node/1057731904 node/1057731904 Spielkiste Chlätterbär Bern Chlätterbär Amthausgasse 3, 3011 Bern +41 31 3111186 +41 31 3111196 Chlätterbär Chlätterbär Mo-Fr 09:00-18:30; Th 09:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-17:00; PH off Spielkiste Schweiz toys website and survey
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node/1207861960 node/1207861960 Maxi Toys Q16663879 fr:Maxi Toys Maxi Toys toys
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node/1305642734 node/1305642734 Wettingen 61 5430 Staffelstrasse 0 Playland Mo 13:30-18:30; Tu-Fr 08:30-12:00,13:30-18:30; Sa 08:30-17:00 yes yes yes yes +41 56 426 49 29 toys yes
node/1342602151 node/1342602151 88 3123 Viehweidstrasse Baumann Helikopter Mo-Tu 13:30-18:30; We off; Th 13:30-18:30; Fr 13:30-20:00; Sa 09:00-13:00, Su off +41 31 812 42 42 toys limited
node/1370921218 node/1370921218 Dietlikon 29 8305 Industriestrasse Dietlikon Smyths Q7546779 Smyths Toys Mo-Fr 09:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-18:00 Smyths Toys yes yes yes +41 44 835 22 35 toys
node/1390104204 node/1390104204 toys
node/1461198556 node/1461198556 Baby 2000 toys
node/1483272279 node/1483272279 Zürich 3 8037 Trottenstrasse 2023/09/09 We-Fr 12:00-17:00; Sa 12:00-16:00 Crazy Owl SA yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes +41432430404 toys limited
node/1541544530 node/1541544530 Franz Karl Weber Mo-Fr 09:30-18:30, Sa 09:00-18:00 toys
node/1650227373 node/1650227373 Toy's World toys
node/1711992365 node/1711992365 2023/07/06 Elf toys
node/1711992369 node/1711992369 2023/06/17 0 Spielhimmel Mo 13:30-18:30; Tu-We,Fr 09:00-12:00,13:30-18:30; Th 09:00-12:00,13:30-20:00; Sa 09:00-17:00; Su,PH off toys no
node/1734970680 node/1734970680 Wildegg 12 5103 Lenzburgerstrasse Pauli Papeteterie und Spielwaren Tu-Fr 08:00-12:00,13:30-18:30; Sa 08:00-16:00 +41 62 893 11 11 toys
node/1910209991 node/1910209991 Yvonne's Spielwarenbox toys
node/1925364989 node/1925364989 Spielwarengeschäft Spielwaren Beier toys
node/1936593386 node/1936593386 Genève L'Envie de Fraise toys
node/1937459093 node/1937459093 King Jouets toys yes
node/2035273582 node/2035273582 Papeterie Haldi toys
node/2074739220 node/2074739220 Basel 8 4051 Eisengasse Basel Franz Carl Weber Q1446446 Franz Carl Weber Mo-Fr 09:30-18:30; Sa 09:30-18:00 Franz Carl Weber toys limited
node/2074739254 node/2074739254 Spielbrett Mo 13:00-18:30; Tu-Fr 09:00-18:30; Sa 09:00-17:30 toys
node/2074739287 node/2074739287 Spiel GGE Tu,We,Fr 09:30-18:30; Mo 13:30-18:30; Th 09:30-19:00; Sa 09:00-17:00 toys limited
node/2087692008 node/2087692008 toys
node/2123933089 node/2123933089 Carouge CH 2 Place du Temple L'astuce surveyed by Alex-7 Mo 14:00-18:30; Tu-Fr 10:00-18:30; Sa 10:00-17:30 +41 22 342 50 50 toys survey 2013/01/22
node/2135333146 node/2135333146 +41 62 871 50 54 Binkert AG Mo-Fr 08:00-12:00, 13:30-18:30; Sa 08:00-16:00 +41 62 871 48 47 toys yes
node/2159692686 node/2159692686 Spielwaren Rickenbacher toys
node/2179905513 node/2179905513 King Jouet Mo-Fr 09:30-19:00; Sa 09:00-16:00 toys
node/2186095396 node/2186095396 Schäfer Spielwaren Tu-Fr 09:00-12:00, Mo-Fr 13:15-18:30, Sa 09:00-16:00 toys
node/2284149480 node/2284149480 Marktgasse 52, 3011 Bern +41 31 3125459 +41 31 3117871 1 Franz Carl Weber Mo-We 09:00-18:30; Th 09:00-21:00; Fr 09:00-18:30; Sa 09:00-17:00; Su off toys yes
node/2284616247 node/2284616247 Biel/Bienne 15 2502 Unionsgasse Delirium Ludens toys
node/2301841050 node/2301841050 Drachennest 2023/09/29 Rathausgasse 52, 3011 Bern +41 31 3112657 DracheNäscht Mo-Fr 09:30-18:30; Sa 09:00-17:00 toys survey and website
node/2325120540 node/2325120540 Lyssach 9 3421 Bernstrasse Lyssach Smyths Q7546779 Smyths Toys Smyths Toys toys
node/2389181724 node/2389181724 Modelpassion 1 1732 Chemin du Pra de Villars Modelpassion toys
node/2405540226 node/2405540226 Sion 48 1950 Place du Midi 2021/05/03 Hobby-Centre Mo 14:00-18:30; Tu-Th 09:15-12:00,14:00-18:30; Fr 09:15-12:00,14:00-19:30; Sa 09:15-12:00,14:00-17:00 toys
node/2571367033 node/2571367033 Colombier 2013 Rue du Château Au 2001 Jouets toys
node/2637443682 node/2637443682 Mère et Terre toys
node/2669864498 node/2669864498 Bern CH 101 3018 Bernstrasse Bahnorama Modelleisenbahnen +41 31 9928588 +41 31 9928588 Bahnorama Mo-Tu 14:00-18:30; We off; Th 14:00-18:30; Fr 14:00-21:00; Sa 10:00-16:00; Su off Bahnorama GmbH toys local knowledge and website
node/2669866841 node/2669866841 Ostermundigen 45a 3072 Mitteldorfstrasse Bruderer Bahnen toys local knowledge
node/2700345866 node/2700345866 18 Route Cantonale King Jouet Mo-Th 09:00-18:30; Fr 09:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-17:00 +41 27 346 02 50 toys yes
node/2714496413 node/2714496413 Zum Kinderland Mo 14:00-18:00; Tu-Fr 09:00-12:00; Tu-Fr 14:00-18:30; Sa 09:00-16:00 toys
node/2735807427 node/2735807427 Buch Air Center toys
node/2817899501 node/2817899501 Basel 36 4055 Habsburgerstrasse Kidsgoods AG toys
node/2901141006 node/2901141006 0 Spiel +Hobby Mo-Th 10:00-06:30, Fr 10:00-17:30; PH off toys limited
node/2916611822 node/2916611822 Spielwaren Buchmann Mo 13:30-18:30; Tu-Fr 08:30-12:00,13:30-18:30; Sa 08:30-16:00; PH off toys
node/3034316258 node/3034316258 Rathausgasse 62, 3011 Bern +41 31 3113666 LudOcca Mo-Tu off; We-Fr 14:00-18:30; Sa 11:00-16:00; Su off Karin Wymann & Dorothea Känzig toys survey and website
node/3153825681 node/3153825681 39 St. Leonhard-Strasse 1 Zolli Bolli Mo-Fr 09:00-18:30; Th 09:00-21:00; Sa 09:00-17:00 toys
node/3220516161 node/3220516161 Zürich CH 18 8001 Glockengasse Steiff Galerie Mo-Fr 10:00-19:00; Sa 10:00-17:00 toys
node/3236790863 node/3236790863 Locarno 1 6600 Via della Motta L'Angolino toys
node/3294199749 node/3294199749 Bim Müggli Tu-Fr 09:45-12:00,14:45-18:00; Sa 09:45-16:00 toys
node/3294289068 node/3294289068 CMS Sep-May Tu-Fr 09:00-12:15, Sep-May Tu,We,Fr 13:30-18:30, Sep-May Th 13:30-21:00, Sep-May Sa 09:00-17:00, Jun-Aug Sa 09:00-16:00, Jun-Aug Tu-Fr 09:00-12:15, Jun-Aug Tu,We,Fr 13:30-18:30, Jun-Aug Th 13:30-21:00 toys
node/3316140261 node/3316140261 5 Contrada di Sassello yes Zoeyland yes toys 2022/10/27
node/3347586852 node/3347586852 +4171 844 70 90 Zubi Spielwaren AG toys yes
node/3400417392 node/3400417392 Allschwil 184 4123 Steinbühlallee Modellbau Keller toys
node/3404064482 node/3404064482 Zürich 101 8005 Josefstrasse 2022/09/11 Piri's Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00; Sa 09:00-17:00 +41 44 550 60 65 toys
node/3483516599 node/3483516599 Münstergasse 37, 3011 Bern +41 31 3111752 +41 31 3113671 Bilboquet Mo 12:00-18:30; Th-Fr 9:30-18:30; Sa 9:00-16:00; Su off; PH off Bilboquet-Der Spielzeugladen GmbH toys survey and website no
node/3586052101 node/3586052101 Zürich CH 26 8037 Landenbergstrasse 2023/05/04 KiWi Kinderartikel Wipkingen Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00; Sa 10:00-15:00 yes toys no
node/3656801837 node/3656801837 Locarno CH 54 6600 Via Vallemaggia Nautilus Elettronica F. Nessi radio-TV modellismo ricetrasmittenti toys
node/3678006825 node/3678006825 Pajalunga toys no
node/3700184642 node/3700184642 Jouets au petit bois toys limited
node/3702588035 node/3702588035 Aarau Rohr 14 5032 Hauptstrasse Eurobahn Modellbahn-Center +41 62 822 10 20 toys
node/3727149725 node/3727149725 King Jouets toys
node/3729062827 node/3729062827 0 Spielzeugbörse Tu-Fr 08:30-11:30,13:30-18:30; Apr-Sep Sa 08:30-12:30; Oct-Mar Sa 08:30-16:00; PH closed yes toys yes
node/3810523823 node/3810523823 Chline Muk toys
node/3914588142 node/3914588142 Aarau 41 5001 Bahnhofstrasse Aarau Franz Carl Weber Q1446446 Franz Carl Weber Franz Carl Weber yes yes yes yes toys yes
node/3955720787 node/3955720787 Heiz+co toys no no
node/3990994635 node/3990994635 Chur CH 1 7000 Kornplatz Schläpfer Spiel + Hobby +41 81 252 34 88 toys
node/4002168006 node/4002168006 ToyZone Luzern ToyZone Andreas Kümin AG toys
node/4034167974 node/4034167974 Pastorini Spielzeug toys
node/4046723947 node/4046723947 Sursee 10b 6210 Haselwartmatte Toni-Spiel toys
node/4246962491 node/4246962491 Franz Carl Weber toys
node/4252976073 node/4252976073 Mendrisio CH 8 6850 Via Industria TocatiKids toys
node/4254690817 node/4254690817 Spielwaren Marlies toys
node/4344263389 node/4344263389 Amriswil CH 10 8580 Romanshornerstrasse Hollenstein Spielwaren toys
node/4352553398 node/4352553398 0 Konfetti Kinderland Mo-Fr 09:00-16:00 toys
node/4362043175 node/4362043175 Nassenwil 1 8155 Wehntalerstrasse eflight Mo-Fr 15:00-18:30; Sa 09:00-13:00 +41 44 850 50 55 toys
node/4371185691 node/4371185691 Seon 9 5703 Seetalstrasse Walti Spielwaren Spielwaren toys
node/4452908391 node/4452908391 Scuol CH 324 7550 Stöckenius Mo-Fr 08:30-12:00,14:00-18:30; Sa 08:30-12:00,14:00-17:00 +41 81 864 13 16 toys limited
node/4472361574 node/4472361574 Basel 16 4001 Münzgasse Spielkiste Basel Basel Spielkiste Mo-We,Fr 09:00-18:30; Sa 09:00-17:00; Th 09:00-20:00 Spielkiste Schweiz toys
node/4491248090 node/4491248090 Hurat Modellbau toys
node/4514099295 node/4514099295 Modellbau Modellbau toys
node/4526883700 node/4526883700 Luzern 10 6003 Seidenhofstrasse Spielkiste Luzern Luzern Spielkiste Mo-Fr 09:00-18:30; Sa 09:00-17:00 Spielkiste Schweiz toys
node/4652455384 node/4652455384 Joutec Tu-Su 14:00-18:00 toys
node/4668479323 node/4668479323 Franz Carl Weber toys
node/4691124367 node/4691124367 Zürich 17 8001 Löwenstrasse Spielkiste Zürich Zürich Spielkiste Mo-Fr 09:00-18:30; Th 09:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-17:00 Spielkiste Schweiz toys yes
node/4741599646 node/4741599646 Luzern CH 6 6004 St. Karlistrasse Lok-Gallery Tu-Fr 14:00-18:00;Sa 10:00-16:00;PH off H.P. Walser +41 41 2401116 toys
node/4783041436 node/4783041436 Franzy's Paradise;Franzy's Paradis 0 Franzy's Paradies toys
node/4810423339 node/4810423339 King Jouet toys
node/4837036431 node/4837036431 2023/09/18 Kinderkleiderbörse Mo-Fr 09:00-11:30,14:00-17:00; Sa 10:00-15:00 toys no
node/4841546252 node/4841546252 Lego Q1063455 1 Lego Mo-Sa 09:00-20:00 toys yes
node/4841546253 node/4841546253 Wallisellen 99 8304 Neue Winterthurerstrasse Wallisellen Glattzentrum Franz Carl Weber Q1446446 2 Franz Carl Weber Franz Carl Weber toys yes
node/4860115704 node/4860115704 Zürich CH 127 8048 Altstetterstrasse Zürich Altstetten 0 Franz Carl Weber Verwaltungssitz, daher auch als office=company getaggt company Navyboot Outlet Altstetten Mo-Fr 10:00-12:30,13:00-18:30, Sa 09:00-12:30,13:00-16:30; PH off toys 2021-12-06 no
node/4880906376 node/4880906376 Trottinette Toys toys no
node/4915582616 node/4915582616 1 Kalanderplatz Zürich Sihlcity 1 Amsler Spielwaren Amsler Spielwaren toys
node/4973579223 node/4973579223 bar Bébé doux Bébé doux toys
node/4975261921 node/4975261921 Langenthal 4900 Ledermann Mo-Su off toys no yes Lift an Rückseite des Hauses von Marktgasse betrachtet (der Wiesenstrasse folgen bis an die Ecke des Gebäudes, dann links, Wegweiser Intersport)
node/5008490200 node/5008490200 Türmli toys
node/5056425298 node/5056425298 Le Paradis des Jouets toys
node/5072176771 node/5072176771 Bülach 1 8180 Kasernenstrasse Labyrinth Spiel & Freizeit +41 44 862 19 66 toys
node/5073880165 node/5073880165 Biel/Bienne Biel Bienne CH 37 2502 Rue du Canal / Kanalgasse Kanalgasse Rue du Canal 435 Schoeni Tu-Fr 09:00-12:00,13:30-18:00,08:30-12:00,13:15-16:00; Mo,Su off +41 32 322 46 35 toys
node/5098474623 node/5098474623 Mobil Box Mobil Box Mobil Box Mobil Box toys
node/5264953827 node/5264953827 Zürich 9 8001 Bahnhofplatz Zürich Franz Carl Weber Q1446446 -1 Franz Carl Weber Mo-Fr 09:30-19:00; Sa 09:00-19:00 Franz Carl Weber toys yes
node/5310226871 node/5310226871 Spiel Gut Uster Mo-Fr 09:00-12:00,13:30-18:30; Sa 09:00-16:00 toys
node/5315332630 node/5315332630 toys
node/5360433262 node/5360433262 0 Franz Carl Weber toys
node/5392974899 node/5392974899 Cartooon toys
node/5499419498 node/5499419498 2023/08/03 Franz Carl Weber Mo-We,Fr 09:00-18:30; Th 09:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-17:00 yes yes yes yes toys
node/5501747717 node/5501747717 0 LübEGO Sa 10:00-16:00;2022 Nov 23-2023 Apr 30 We 14:15-18:30 toys limited
node/5729998623 node/5729998623 2502 Gado Sa 09:00-16:00; We-Fr 09:30-12:00,14:00-18:30 toys no
node/5745705562 node/5745705562 Breitenrainplatz 30, 3014 Bern +41 31 3330867 Le Carrousel Tu-Fr 09:00-12:00, 13:30-18:30; Sa 09:00-17:00 Le Carrousel Jouets SA toys
node/5773426742 node/5773426742 Zürich CH 123 8003 Zweierstrasse 2023/06/10 Amazing Toys, Comics & More Mo-Fr 14:00-19:00; Sa 12:00-19:00 +41 43 333 22 02 toys no
node/5806005754 node/5806005754 yes Türmli Tu-Fr 08:00-12:00, Mo-Fr 13:30-18:30, Sa 08:30-16:00; PH off Türmli Handels AG +41 41 870 10 31 toys yes
node/5878255304 node/5878255304 Konstanz DE 1 78462 Bodanstraße -1 Vedes Mo-Sa 09:30-20:00; Th 09:30-22:00 +49 7531 23094 toys yes
node/5920240985 node/5920240985 Kolibri toys
node/6019723509 node/6019723509 Rapperswil 31 8640 Kniestrasse Spiel + Läselade +41 55 211 05 91 toys
node/6051232861 node/6051232861 Aigle 2 1860 Chemin Sous le Grand-Pré King Jouets Mo-Th 09:00-18:30; Fr 09:00-21:00; Sa 08:00-17:00 +41 24 466 74 65 toys
node/6063274101 node/6063274101 Winterthur 35 8404 Scheideggstrasse Winterthur Smyths Q7546779 Smyths Toys Mo-Fr 09:00-19:00; Sa 09:00-18:00 Smyths Toys toys
node/6065804508 node/6065804508 1 King Jouet Mo-Fr 09:30-19:00; Sa 09:00-18:00 toys yes
node/6068889656 node/6068889656 Basel 70 4057 Hochbergerstrasse Basel Stücki Smyths Q7546779 en:Smyths Smyths Smyths Toys toys
node/6088736305 node/6088736305 Spielegge Mo 13:30-18:30;Tu,We,Fr 09:30-18:30;Th 09:30-19:00;Sa 09:30-18:00 +41 61 261 44 88 toys
node/6095418692 node/6095418692 Spreitenbach Shoppi 0 Amsler Spielwaren off Amsler Spielwaren toys
node/6113089155 node/6113089155 Spreitenbach 6 8957 Pfadackerstrasse Spreitenbach Limmatpark Smyths Q7546779 1 Smyths Smyths Toys toys limited
node/6142104706 node/6142104706 Marelle toys
node/6149877496 node/6149877496 Wädenswil 1 8820 Rosenbergstrasse 2020/01/30 yes 0 Pinocchio Tu-Fr 09:00-12:00,14:00-18:30; Sa 09:00-16:00; PH closed toys limited
node/6266311843 node/6266311843 Paulis Toystore toys
node/6304062851 node/6304062851 Neisser Modelleisenbahnen toys no
node/6338163667 node/6338163667 Spielzeugstuebli toys
node/6405842086 node/6405842086 Franz Carl Weber toys
node/6533506983 node/6533506983 2023/05/11 yes Fantasy store yes +41919213343 toys
node/6549131081 node/6549131081 Maxi Toys Q16663879 Maxi Toys toys
node/6681351885 node/6681351885 wlan Freakatorium toys
node/6847762931 node/6847762931 Strengelbach 24 4802 Areal Bleiche 2 24/7 Dominik Nebel yes yes yes yes yes yes +41 76 274 75 76 toys
node/6860724393 node/6860724393 1 Büchi-Brechbühl toys
node/6866592897 node/6866592897 Le Carrousel Mo 13:00-18:30; Tu-Fr 09:30-18:30; Sa 10:00-17:30 toys
node/6867354514 node/6867354514 Laufen 7 4242 Hauptstrasse Laufen BL Amsler Spielwaren Amsler Spielwaren toys
node/6927604742 node/6927604742 Biel/Bienne Biel Bienne 41 2502 Rue Centrale / Zentralstrasse Zentralstrasse Rue Centrale Wotyoo Cavocado Mo-We 09:30-18:30; Th 09:30-20:00; Fr 09:30-18:30; Sa 09:30-17:00 toys yes
node/6952034360 node/6952034360 Marktkauf toys
node/6993967011 node/6993967011 Perbi Schaumstoffe toys
node/7015469450 node/7015469450 Lego Shop toys
node/7056769209 node/7056769209 Schinznach Dorf 20 5107 Feldstrasse ProSpiel Mo,Tu,Th 13:30-18:00; We,Fr 09:00-12:00,13:30-18:00 +41 56 463 60 97 toys
node/7070435520 node/7070435520 Zürich 2023/06/21 Antik-Spielzeug We-Fr 11:00-17:30; Sa 10:00-16:00; Su-Tu off toys limited
node/7147183828 node/7147183828 Specialgame +41 799543523 toys
node/7242634128 node/7242634128 Colombier 8 2013 Rue Haute Chez Kohler, jouets bonbons toys
node/7414364208 node/7414364208 Thalwil 4 8800 Bönirainstrasse Thalwil Smyths Q7546779 en:Smyths 2023/10/11 Smyths Mo-Fr 09:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-18:00 Smyths Toys toys
node/7433088480 node/7433088480 6 Spitalweidstrasse Oftringen Smyths Q7546779 Smyths Toys Smyths Toys toys
node/7459193931 node/7459193931 Zug 28 6301 Bahnhofstrasse Zug Franz Carl Weber Q1446446 Franz Carl Weber Franz Carl Weber toys
node/7459249113 node/7459249113 Sursee 30 6210 Bahnhofstrasse Sursee Surseepark Amsler Spielwaren Amsler Spielwaren toys
node/7459258963 node/7459258963 Möhlin 49 4313 Hauptstrasse Möhlin Amsler Spielwaren Amsler Spielwaren toys
node/7459267324 node/7459267324 Eiken 10 5074 Gehrenstrasse Eiken Amsler Spielwaren Amsler Spielwaren toys
node/7483327214 node/7483327214 Egerkingen 14 4622 Hausimollstrasse Spielkiste Gäupark Egerkingen Gäupark 0 Spielkiste Spielkiste Schweiz toys
node/7578497037 node/7578497037 Digit-Easy toys yes
node/7640099179 node/7640099179 Spielkiste Westside Bern Westside 0 -1 Spielkiste Mo-Th 09:00-20:00; Fr 09:00-21:00; Sa 08:00-17:00 Spielkiste Schweiz AG +41 31 991 90 41 toys
node/7640116787 node/7640116787 Liestal 24 4410 Kasernenstrasse Spielkiste Liestal Liestal Spielkiste Spielkiste Schweiz toys
node/7640135343 node/7640135343 Ebikon 1 6030 Ebisquare-Strasse Spielkiste Ebikon Ebikon Mall Spielkiste Spielkiste Schweiz toys
node/7738082236 node/7738082236 Boutique Arlequin toys
node/8176417800 node/8176417800 Biel/Bienne 20 2502 Rue Basse Rue Basse +41 78 867 78 37 wood PY8 Th-Fr 17:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-14:00 toys no
node/8195377717 node/8195377717 64 1202 Rue du Grand-Pré EPSETERA Mo-Fr 08:30-18:00 +41 22 949 02 99 toys
node/8243704719 node/8243704719 Maxi Toys Q16663879 fr:Maxi Toys Maxi Toys Mo-We,Fr 09:00-18:30; Th 09:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-17:00; PH,Su off toys
node/8396690517 node/8396690517 Avenue de la Gare Sostrene Green toys
node/8463666952 node/8463666952 Spielkiste toys
node/8592142970 node/8592142970 Just Look In toys
node/8628342834 node/8628342834 1 Toys Toys & Games Mo-Su 06:00-22:00 +41 79 690 80 59 toys yes
node/8674299795 node/8674299795 Keller Spiele Mo 14:00-18:00; We,Fr 10:00-12:00,14:00-18:00 +41 71 351 43 63 toys
node/8731590746 node/8731590746 Züger Modellbau Daniel Bär toys
node/8747340388 node/8747340388 +41 774156867 Trouvaille kids Tu-We 09:30-12:30,14:30-18:00; Th 09:30-12:00,14:30-18:00; Fr 09:30-13:00,14:30-18:00; Sa 10:30-14:00; Su-Mo,PH closed toys
node/8951532794 node/8951532794 Haus der Geschenke Mo-Fr 08:30-12:00,14:00-18:00; Sa 08:30-12:00,14:00-18:00; Su 13:30-18:00 toys
node/9029014236 node/9029014236 Petite Année toys
node/9032657917 node/9032657917 14 1018 Route des Plaines-du-Loup GeekPlace Mo-Fr 09:00-12:00, 14:00-19:00; Sa 10:00-14:00 toys
node/9037951215 node/9037951215 Conthey 15 1964 Route des Rottes Franz Karl Weber Mo-Th 09:00-18:30; Fr 09:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-17:00 +41 27 346 42 20 toys
node/9040816647 node/9040816647 +41 31 812 07 03 yes yes yes yes yes Hess Modellbahnen Tu-Fr 13:30-18:30; Sa 09:00-16:00; Mo off Hess Modellbahnen GmbH yes toys yes
node/9053026736 node/9053026736 Spielladen Detterbeck toys
node/9060619894 node/9060619894 Boutique Baboutz toys
node/9207933118 node/9207933118 1 King Jouet Mo-Fr 09:30-19:00; Sa 09:00-18:00 toys
node/9251027156 node/9251027156 Beetoys Jouet LEGO ® +41 79 789 64 91 toys
node/9381922011 node/9381922011 Basel 4 4051 Elisabethenstrasse Fantastic Empire toys
node/9451082225 node/9451082225 Lausanne 1b 1006 Rue du Simplon toys
node/9500905153 node/9500905153 Fribourg 3 1700 Esplanade de l'Ancienne-Gare L'île aux trésors We 11:00-18:00; Th 14:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-18:00 only toys
node/9535605617 node/9535605617 33 1920 Rue du Simplon Minotaure Jeux Mo 13:30-18:30; Tu, Th 09:00-17:30; We 09:00-18:30; Fr 09:00-19:30; Sa 09:00-17:00 +41 27 565 04 57 toys
node/9689331190 node/9689331190 Sion 60 1950 Rue Oscar-Bider ojouet Mo-Fr 08:30-11:30,13:15-16:30 OSEO Valais +41 27 324 80 61 only toys
node/9695067159 node/9695067159 Piccolino Kinderladen Tu-Th 09:00-12:00,13:30-18:00; Fr,Sa 09:00-12:00 +41 71 923 53 72 yes toys
node/9807491958 node/9807491958 Brügger Spielwaren toys
node/9952489418 node/9952489418 Bory Jouets toys
node/9986163026 node/9986163026 La cabane du hibou toys
node/10011071436 node/10011071436 18 Boulevard des Sports +41 32 343 34 10 King Jouet Mo-We 09:00-19:00, Th-Fr 09:00-20:00, Sa 09:00-17:00; PH off toys
node/10056981169 node/10056981169 Widnau 6 9443 Bahnhofstrasse 2023/11/14 0;-1 Spielwaren- u. Bastelshop Pezzoni AG Mo-Fr 08:30-18:30; Sa 08:30-17:00 yes yes yes yes yes +41 71 777 23 52 toys 2021-09-03 yes
node/10100612539 node/10100612539 Spiel Gut Tu-Fr 09:00-12:00,14:00-18:30; Sa 09:00-16:00 toys
node/10171914175 node/10171914175 Cadempino 6814 Via Ronchetto yes Bolle Di Sapone yes no no +41 797792955 toys 2022/11/09
node/10313724037 node/10313724037 Rêve d'enfant Tu-Fr 08:30-12:00,13:30-18:30; Sa 09:30-16:00 yes yes toys
node/10676239632 node/10676239632 Lego Store fab'brique toys
node/10742364559 node/10742364559 Matran 1753 Franz Carl Weber Mo-Fr 09:00-18:30; Sa 09:00-16:00 toys
node/10751059667 node/10751059667 Spatz&Co. Kinder-Welt toys
node/10761965865 node/10761965865 1 Franz Carl Weber Mo-Fr 09:00-20:00 toys
node/10771897948 node/10771897948 +41765094628 Fliptronic toys pinball machines;jukebox;baby;football;pool;arcade;darts;video games
node/10811596828 node/10811596828 8 Schaffhauserstrasse 2023/04/14 Car 43 Mo,Su off; Tu-Fr 14:00-18:30; Sa 11:00-16:30 +41 44 255 06 68 toys no
node/10814276439 node/10814276439 Eifach Arlette toys
node/10911607762 node/10911607762 Franz Carl Weber toys
node/10967807767 node/10967807767 0 Vier Linden Boutique Mo-Fr 10:30-18:30; Sa 10:30-17:00; PH closed toys no
node/11003521344 node/11003521344 50 Via dal Bagn 2023/06/24 yes LEGO® toys and clothes Bricks Toys yes yes +41 766024706 toys
node/11072542363 node/11072542363 Kindler Tu-Th 10:00-12:00,13:30-18:30; Fr 13:30-18:30; Sa 09:00-13:00 Kindler Modellbbau AG +41 32 633 10 11 toys
node/11076583802 node/11076583802 BRIFS.CH toys
node/11214219962 node/11214219962 Büchler's Spiel-Egge Tu,Fr 09:00-12:00,14:00-18:30; We 09:00-12:00; Sa 09:00-15:00; PH off +41 41 980 12 50 toys
node/11365173145 node/11365173145 Sierre 13 3960 Av. Max Huber L'Univers du Puzzle Th 17:30-19:00; Sa 10:00-12:00,13:30-15:00 +41 78 886 94 67 toys no
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