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Created February 16, 2018 22:00
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/// <reference types="mocha"/>
/// <reference types="node" />
import xs from '../../src/index';
import * as assert from 'assert';
describe.only('xs.from', () => {
it('should have the correct order in an observable', (done: any) => {
const START_STATE = {
ver: 0, // counts up to see out of order
a: false, // we toggle this on a timer
b: false, // we toggle this on a different timer
c: false, // we derive this from a and b
function loop() {
// imitate cycle
const update$ = xs.create();
// the folded state, with ever increasing version number
const state$ = update$.
fold((p, c) => ({ ...p, ver: p.ver + 1, ...c }), START_STATE);
// the timer updates
const aUpdate$ = xs.periodic(10).map(n => ({ a: n % 2 === 0 })).take(20);
const bUpdate$ = xs.periodic(20).map(n => ({ b: n % 3 === 0 })).take(10);
// derived update from a/b
const derivedUpdate$ = state$
.filter(state => state.c !== state.a && state.b)
.map(state => ({ c: state.a && state.b }));
// the proxy that sees the error
const proxy$ = xs.from(state$).debug('proxy');
// merge the update streams
const realUpdate$ = xs.merge(
// and cycle back to top
return {
const { state$, proxy$ } = loop();
state$.addListener({ next: v => { }, complete: done });
.fold((p, c) => {
if (p !== c.ver) {
done(Error(`Out of order: ${p} ${c.ver}`));
return p + 1;
}, 0)
.addListener({ next: v => { } });
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