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Last active August 20, 2024 22:01
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Dota 2 Panorama Events


AddStyle(string class)

PanelEvent: Yes

Add a CSS class to a panel.

AddStyleToEachChild(string class)

PanelEvent: Yes

Add a CSS class to all children of this panel.

AsyncEvent(float delay, event eventToFire)

PanelEvent: No

Fire another event after a delay (in seconds).


PanelEvent: Yes

Hide the ability tooltip


PanelEvent: Yes

Hide the buff tooltip


PanelEvent: Yes

Hide the econ item tooltip.


PanelEvent: Yes

Hide the profile card tooltip.


PanelEvent: Yes

Hide the text tooltip


PanelEvent: Yes

Hide the title image text tooltip.


PanelEvent: Yes

Hide the title text tooltip.

DOTAShowAbilityTooltip(string abilityName)

PanelEvent: Yes

Show an ability tooltip.

DOTAShowAbilityTooltipForEntityIndex(string abilityName, int32 entityIndex)

PanelEvent: Yes

Show an ability tooltip. Level information comes from the entity specified by the entityIndex.

DOTAShowBuffTooltip(int32 entityIndex, int32 buffSerial, bool bOnEnemy)

PanelEvent: Yes

Show a buff tooltip for the specified entityIndex + buff serial.

DOTAShowEconItemTooltip(uint16 itemDef, uint8 styleIndex, int32 heroID)

PanelEvent: Yes

Show the econ item tooltip for a given item, style, and hero. Use 0 for the default style, and -1 for the default hero.

DOTAShowProfileCardTooltip(uint64 steamID, bool useProName)

PanelEvent: Yes

Show a user's profile card. Use pro name determines whether to use their professional team name if applicable.

DOTAShowTextTooltip(string text)

PanelEvent: Yes

Show a tooltip with the given text.

DOTAShowTextTooltipStyled(string text, string style)

PanelEvent: Yes

Show a tooltip with the given text. Also apply a CSS class named "style" to allow custom styling.

DOTAShowTitleImageTextTooltip(string title, string imagePath, string text)

PanelEvent: Yes

Show a tooltip with the given title, image, and text.

DOTAShowTitleImageTextTooltipStyled(string title, string imagePath, string text, string style)

PanelEvent: Yes

Show a tooltip with the given title, image, and text. Also apply a CSS class named "style" to allow custom styling.

DOTAShowTitleTextTooltip(string title, string text)

PanelEvent: Yes

Show a tooltip with the given title and text.

DOTAShowTitleTextTooltipStyled(string title, string text, string style)

PanelEvent: Yes

Show a tooltip with the given title and text. Also apply a CSS class named "style" to allow custom styling.

IfHasClassEvent(string class, event eventToFire)

PanelEvent: Yes

Fire another event if this panel has a given class.

IfHoverOtherEvent(string otherPanelID, event eventToFire)

PanelEvent: Yes

Fire another event if currently hovering over a panel with the given ID.

IfNotHasClassEvent(string class, event eventToFire)

PanelEvent: Yes

Fire another event if this panel does not have a given class.

IfNotHoverOtherEvent(string otherPanelID, event eventToFire)

PanelEvent: Yes

Fire another event if not currently hovering over a panel with the given ID.

MovePanelDown(int32 repeatCount)

PanelEvent: Yes

Move down from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently.

MovePanelLeft(int32 repeatCount)

PanelEvent: Yes

Move left from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently.

MovePanelRight(int32 repeatCount)

PanelEvent: Yes

Move right from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently.

MovePanelUp(int32 repeatCount)

PanelEvent: Yes

Move up from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently.


PanelEvent: No

Scroll the panel down by one page.


PanelEvent: No

Scroll the panel left by one page.


PanelEvent: Yes

Scroll the panel down by one page.


PanelEvent: Yes

Scroll the panel left by one page.


PanelEvent: Yes

Scroll the panel left by one page.


PanelEvent: Yes

Scroll the panel up by one page.


PanelEvent: No

Scroll the panel right by one page.


PanelEvent: No

Scroll the panel up by one page.

RemoveStyle(string class)

PanelEvent: Yes

Remove a CSS class from a panel.

RemoveStyleFromEachChild(string class)

PanelEvent: Yes

Remove a CSS class from all children of this panel.


PanelEvent: No

Scroll the panel down by one line.


PanelEvent: No

Scroll the panel left by one line.


PanelEvent: Yes

Scroll the panel down by one line.


PanelEvent: Yes

Scroll the panel left by one line.


PanelEvent: Yes

Scroll the panel right by one line.


PanelEvent: Yes

Scroll the panel up by one line.


PanelEvent: No

Scroll the panel right by one line.


PanelEvent: Yes

Scroll this panel to the bottom.


PanelEvent: Yes

Scroll this panel to the top.


PanelEvent: No

Scroll the panel up by one line.

SetChildPanelsSelected(bool selected)

PanelEvent: Yes

Set whether any child panels are :selected.


PanelEvent: Yes

Set focus to this panel.

SetPanelSelected(bool selected)

PanelEvent: Yes

Set whether this panel is :selected.


PanelEvent: Yes

Toggle whether this panel is :selected.

ToggleStyle(string class)

PanelEvent: Yes

Toggle whether a panel has the given CSS class.



PanelEvent: No


PanelEvent: No


PanelEvent: Maybe?

DOTAShowAbilityTooltipForLevel(string ability_name, int ability_level)

PanelEvent: Yes

DOTAShowAbilityInventoryItemTooltip(string item_name)

PanelEvent: Yes

DOTAShowAbilityShopItemTooltip(string item_name)

PanelEvent: Yes


PanelEvent: Yes

UIShowCustomLayoutParametersTooltip(string id, string pathToLayout, string paramString)

PanelEvent: Yes

LayoutPath: 'file://{resources}/layout/custom_game/building_tooltip.xml' Params: 'buildingName=npc_tower&goldCost=100'

UIHideCustomLayoutTooltip(string id)

PanelEvent: Yes

UIPopupButtonClicked(string ???)

PanelEvent: No

DOTAShowStoreBrowseCategoryPage(string category)

PanelEvent: NO

DOTASetSpectatorChatEnabled(boolean state)

PanelEvent: NO

PlaySoundEffect(string soundEvent)

PanelEvent: NO

DOTAWeekendTourneyMatchOutcomeSequenceStateNotify(int ???)

PanelEvent: NO


PanelEvent: NO


PanelEvent: NO


PanelEvent: NO


PanelEvent: NO


PanelEvent: NO


PanelEvent: NO


PanelEvent: NO


PanelEvent: NO


PanelEvent: NO

DOTASetActiveTab(int tabNumber)

PanelEvent: NO

DOTAPlayerCardDustedCarousel() ???

DOTAPlayerCardDusted() ???

DOTAPurchaseEventLevelsTableQuantityChanged() ???

$.RegisterEventHandler( 'DOTAScenePanelSceneLoaded', $( '#Model' ), function() { $.DispatchEvent( 'PlaySoundEffect', 'monkeyking_debut_takeover_stinger' ); } );

$.DispatchEvent( 'DOTAEconSetPreviewSetItemDef', $( '#SetPreview' ), nItemDef, strHero, strSlotType, nItemStyle, true, false );

$.DispatchEvent( 'DOTAEconSetPreviewSetRotationSpeed', $( '#SetPreview' ), 0 );

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