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Created June 19, 2016 18:55
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_class = "CParticleSystemDefinition"
m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToRenderBounds = false
m_nMaxParticles = 16
m_flConstantRadius = 3.000000
m_bShouldSort = false
m_flMaxRecreationTime = -1.000000
m_Renderers =
_class = "C_OP_RenderModels"
m_ModelList =
m_model = resource:"models/heroes/wraith_king/wraith_king_weapon.vmdl"
m_bAnimated = true
m_Operators =
_class = "C_OP_BasicMovement"
_class = "C_OP_Decay"
m_nOpEndCapState = 1
_class = "C_OP_SetControlPointsToParticle"
m_bSetOrientation = true
m_nFirstControlPoint = 3
_class = "C_OP_FadeInSimple"
m_flFadeInTime = 1.000000
_class = "C_OP_MovementPlaceOnGround"
m_nRefCP1 = 3
m_CollisionGroupName = "DEBRIS"
m_flTraceOffset = 256.000000
m_flMaxTraceLength = 1024.000000
m_bIncludeWater = true
m_flOffset = 70.000000
m_flTolerance = 96.000000
m_nLerpCP = 3
_class = "C_OP_RemapVelocityToVector"
m_nFieldOutput = 21
m_bNormalize = true
_class = "C_OP_RampScalarLinear"
m_RateMin = 2.000000
m_RateMax = 2.000000
m_nField = 4
m_Initializers =
_class = "C_INIT_CreateWithinSphere"
_class = "C_INIT_RandomLifeTime"
m_fLifetimeMin = 0.200000
m_fLifetimeMax = 0.200000
_class = "C_INIT_VelocityFromCP"
m_nControlPoint = 1
_class = "C_INIT_NormalAlignToCP"
m_Emitters =
_class = "C_OP_InstantaneousEmitter"
m_nParticlesToEmit = 1
m_Children =
m_ChildRef = resource:"particles/abilities/wraith_king_sword_throw_glow.vpcf"
m_ConstantColor =
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